Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 382: Counterattack

"Damn it!"

After seeing the ship's movement clearly, the joy in Feng Yun's heart disappeared immediately.

He will attack the monster, the ultimate goal is not to defeat it or kill it, but to prevent it from continuing to destroy the wooden ship left by the Black Raven tribe warriors.

Although he has a slight upper hand in the confrontation with the monster now, if the last ship is out of his control, it is definitely not worth the loss for him.

Feng Yun's attention was attracted by the wooden boat sliding into the lake, and there was a slight lag in the shot, but this allowed the monster to see the opportunity.

The brightness of the protrusions behind the eyes increased sharply, and then white light was emitted. When they were aggregated, both the thickness and brightness reached unprecedented levels.

Its speed also seemed to have increased, and it appeared in front of Fengyun in a flash, as if the distance between them had suddenly disappeared.

When Feng Yun found out that something was wrong, Bai Guang was less than one foot away from him. At its speed, Feng Yun wanted to inject the power of totem into the sword, shoot the blade light, and attack it directly, and it was already a bit of a direct defeat. That's too late.

Feng Yun didn't panic, and sent his arm forward with a blindfold. The treasure knife that had been pointed forward stabbed in the past, and the tip of the knife was facing the white light that the monster shot at him.

The speed of the two sides is very fast, and the distance between the two sides is already very close. Before Feng Yun's arm straightened, the tip of the knife had already collided with Bai Guang.

Feng Yun's arm reclaimed slightly, it seems that the white light shot by the monster had a big impact on him, but his attack also achieved quite good results this time.

Bai Guang seemed to be unable to withstand the sharp edge of the treasured sword. It was pierced by the tip of the sword and turned into several waves. However, Fengyun did not make persistent efforts and completely destroyed it, but took it as soon as he saw it.

As soon as he pierced the white light, Fengyun retreated at a very fast speed.

The white light dissipated, but it did not disappear. On the contrary, it still had a very powerful attack. After being pierced by the tip of the sword, it immediately rushed towards Fengyun, like a poisonous snake launched a sneak attack.

However, they have an attack range. After Feng Yun stepped back, they were just outside its attack range, and they could not hurt him at all.

The attack failed. The broken white light seemed to be alive, and it kept shaking, looking very disappointed, but it had been shot out by the monster, completely separated from it, and became a tree without roots. The sourceless water quickly dissipated, and could no longer pose any threat to Fengyun.

Fengyun defeated the monster's attack and immediately cast his gaze on the last wooden boat on the shore of the lake. He wanted to see how it was going.

"court death!"

When he saw the situation of the wooden boat clearly, a strong murderous intent appeared in Feng Yun's eyes.

The monster that had been hiding at the bottom of the water unexpectedly escaped the surface and came to the last wooden boat.

It stands upright, using only the tip of its tail to support its body, like a smooth wooden stick.

When Feng Yun looked over, it was also looking at Feng Yun, and the two eyes directly collided.

Feng Yun immediately became angry.

He actually saw contempt in its eyes, this is the real reason for his anger.

In any case, he is also an experienced senior totem warrior, but in the end he was laughed at by a monster, so how could he swallow this bad breath.

With a wave of the treasured sword, the red light shot out and took the monster's neck straight. If it really hits, it is likely to make it a strange place.

This time the monster did not start a one-on-one confrontation with Feng Yun. Faced with Feng Yun's attack with a treasured sword, its body pressed downward, and its height dropped more than half.

Feng Yun's attack failed and flew over the monster without causing any damage to it.

Feng Yun was unwilling to give up, and the treasure sword swung continuously, and the two red lights flew towards the monster at almost the same speed.

During the flight, the situation of the two red lights was fine-tuned, and the distance between them was reduced to avoid gaps.

After adjustments, the flight trajectories of the two red lights have also changed significantly. Some parts are almost leaning together. The overall look is more interesting, exactly like a pair of scissors.

At this time, the monster's eyes also showed a cautious color, and the protrusions behind the eyes glowed brightly, obviously preparing.

The red light arrived in front of the monster in an instant, but it still didn't adopt a counter-attack method to resolve the crisis, but moved its body again, trying to dodge it safely.

It did it, gathering the body together, greatly reducing the attack that it occupied, and the red light shot out by Fengyun couldn't even hurt a piece of its scales.

Just when its eyes were pointed at Fengyun again and wanted to see what he would do next, it was in danger without warning.

The two red lights that Feng Yun shot out seemed to still be under Feng Yun's control. They missed a hit, continued to approach each other, and did it in a very short time.

After touching each other, their trajectories immediately changed dramatically, but their goals were the same, and they attacked the monsters.

The monster immediately began to dodge, and the speed was extremely fast, but the subsequent changes in the red light emitted by Fengyun obviously exceeded its expectations, making it a little unprepared.

In terms of results, it barely dodges one of the two red lights that Fengyun shot at him, and the other one is really impossible to dodge.

The red light slashed in the back half of the monster, near the tail, the scales shattered, fragments and blood splashed, leaving a deep scar.

Although it still maintains a standing posture, if you look closely, you will find that its body is trembling slightly. Obviously Fengyun's attack has caused considerable damage to it.

"Get down."

Feng Yun yelled at the monster, hoping that it could be separated from the wooden boat, and to get it back to the lake shore as soon as possible.

Along with the scolding, there was also a new round of attacks issued by Feng Yun, relying on his powerful control power, allowing his sword to be swung out three times in a very short time.

A red light came out from each one, because Fengyun swung the knife so fast that it seemed that three red lights were emitted almost at the same time.

They came to the monster in a very short period of time, and cooperated with each other, united to attack it, and their cooperation was very tight. For a while, it seemed to have nowhere to go. If you want to avoid damage, or jump It is very difficult to get out of their encirclement.

It did not evade. When the three red lights launched a combined attack on her, the white light shot out from the protrusion behind its eyes again, but unlike before, they were not merging together.

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