Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 471: Metal arrow

After figuring out the bone structure of the cannibal barbarian, it is not very difficult to disassemble it.

It didn't take long, and Fengyun dismantled it several large pieces.

Feng Yun didn't completely dismantle it, but roughly divided it into a few large pieces, including the head, limbs, and backbone, a total of six parts.

He would do this because of two considerations. It was too troublesome to disassemble, and it was inconvenient to transport. Besides, he planned to show it to Fengmu Qiuxia and others. Time-consuming.


Feng Yun threw the disassembled part of the bones outside the big pit. Because they were too heavy, they couldn't help making a loud noise after colliding with the ground, leaving a deep pit on the ground.

At this time, Mulanzhi's emotions became calm, and he approached the cannibal barbarian bones that Fengyun had thrown out of the pit, and looked carefully.

"Huh? It's so different from human bones?"

After seeing its structure, especially the connection between the bones, Magnolia, who is familiar with human bone structure, couldn't help but scream.

Although the unique structure of the bones of the cannibal barbarians aroused great interest in Mulanzhi, she did not let herself indulge in it. Instead, she got them with orbs and wanted to drag them outside the cave.

The bones are cleared out of the cave, and Fengyun can fill in the big hole. Once the big hole is filled, hot air balloons can be made inside.

I don't know why, as time went by, a trace of anxiety appeared in her heart. She had a faint feeling that she must board the Raven Island as soon as possible and solve the crow tyrant, otherwise it is very likely that there will be a big trouble.

She was not sure where this feeling came from, but her instinct told her that this feeling should not be wrong, which made her uneasy.

However, when she really started to move the bones out of the cave, she seemed very strenuous, her breath became thicker, her face turned red, and sweat broke out on her forehead.

Although the people of the Baicao tribe are not good at fighting, Magnolia is a real totem warrior after all, and the physical fitness of becoming a totem warrior has been greatly improved, but it will not change.

But now she has become so strenuous just to carry part of the bones of the cannibal barbarian, it is not difficult to imagine how heavy it is.

When Mulanzhi struggled to drag an arm bone of the cannibal barbarian out of the cave, Fengyun had already threw the last part of the cannibal barbarian bone, that is, its left leg outside the pit.

He patted the dirt on his hands and was about to jump out of the big pit, but he didn't do so. More precisely, he stopped at the moment he jumped up.

He took two steps forward, squatted down, and started a new round of digging.

His gaze swept across the bottom of the pit inadvertently, and beside the dent left after the cannibal barbarian bones were picked up, he saw a touch of color different from the dirt.

"Is it the weapon to kill this cannibal barbarian?"

Feng Yun's eyes couldn't help but brighten.

In the process of digging out the bones of the cannibal barbarian, he observed it and found that its color was very correct and there was nothing suspicious. It should not have died of poisoning.

In addition, he did not find any damage on the bones, which made him wonder how this cannibal barbarian died.

Now that he found a clue, he was naturally unwilling to give up.

Soon, one thing was dug out by him.

After he saw it clearly, Feng Yun's eyes suddenly widened, and his eyes were full of surprise.

What he dug out was an arrow, and only a gray-black trace remained on the shaft, which was completely decayed.

This arrow is much larger than the arrow you see in Fengyun's usual days, and is about half longer than a middle finger. The arrow has two wings, narrow and long, and full of penetration.

But if it was just that, Feng Yun would not be too surprised.

There is nothing fuss about killing big guys like cannibals and making the arrow bigger, but the problem is that the material of the arrow is too special.

It turned out to be metal.

Although Feng Yun still couldn't tell which metal it was made of, he would never mistake it for the special luster of metal.

I don’t know how long this metal arrow has been buried in the ground, but it should have been a long time from the complete decay of the arrow shaft, but there is no rust on the arrow. The soil covering it has just been removed. It shone with cold light.

After several years of honing in primitive social life, Fengyun's psychological quality has long been different from what it used to be, and it has become much better.

After the initial surprise, he quickly recovered his calm.

Continue to clean the metal arrow. After removing all the dirt around it, the probe picked it up.

The hand feels a little heavy, and the weight of this metal arrow far exceeds his estimate, even more than ten catties.

Although it was a lot bigger than a normal arrow, it was so heavy that he never expected it.

Its proportion has already surpassed gold, and the surpass is not even a star or a half, which makes him pay more attention to it.

Although he is not an expert in metals and does not know much about metals, but even so, he also knows that there are not many metals with greater proportions than gold. Even if their proportion exceeds that of gold, the difference will not be too great, at least far. Far less than the weight of the arrow he dug out.

"Is this a heavy metal that I don't know, or is it a craft problem?"

Feng Yun looked at the arrow pinched between his fingers, and there was a look of doubt in his eyes.

No matter which one of these two possibilities is, they completely subverted some of his perceptions of the world he lives in.

He originally thought that the tools used by people in the world he was in after crossing were either stones or bones. He never thought that some people would use metal, and some people used metal arrows many years ago.

Feng Yun's eyes stared at the metal arrow in his hand and couldn't help being stunned. It wasn't until Mulanzhi yelled that he recovered: "Yun, why haven't you come out?"

"I'm here, I'm here."

Feng Yun moved his gaze away from the metal arrow, bent his legs slightly, and jumped out of the big hole.

He scanned his eyes and found that half of the bones of the cannibal barbarian who had been thrown out of the pit had been moved out of the cave by Mulanzhi, but she also looked a little tired, breathing quickly, and sweat on her forehead and neck.

He immediately joined and stepped forward to help.

Although the bones are heavy, there is still no problem in moving them with the power of the wind and cloud.

After completing the transportation of the bones, Fengyun filled the big hole deep in the cave again, and then he couldn't restrain his curiosity again, and took out the metal arrow again.

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