Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 681: Marvel





After the Shangzhi tribe placed the items they carried, especially those brought from the Huojiao tribe, and informed the people of Yingfeng to lead the tribe from the Yinfeng Plain to come, people seemed to lose the ability to speak for a while. Can only pronounce the same syllable one by one.

"Shang Wu, Shang Chuan Chief, Feng Shi, where did you trade these items? Why are they so special? I don't even know many of them."

Eagle Wind was also stunned by the various novel items from the Huojiao tribe, and it took a long time to recover his calm, but unlike the others, he did not pounce on those items, but turned and looked at him. Feng Yun and the other three were not far away.

"Their origins, well, I'm keeping it a secret for now, but what do you think of them?"

Shang Chuan didn't tell Yingfeng the truth directly, not because he didn't want to tell him, but because he understood that it was of great importance and told him that it was likely to bring serious consequences.

Of course, this does not mean that he must not tell him the truth, but before telling him, he needs to ask the other party to make some safeguards, such as swearing to heaven, absolutely snatching, and not leaking it out.

"Chief Shangchuan, I'm sorry, I'm just too curious."

However, Shangchuan's performance made Yingfeng misunderstood. He mistakenly believed that he did not want him to know the source of these goods so that he could have exclusive control, so that he could exchange for more valuable items when trading with other tribes.

"Leader Eagle Wind, I hope you can understand."

After discovering this, Shang Chuan didn't mean to explain. Instead, he pushed the boat along and settled his misunderstanding.

"Okay, I won't ask. Well, Chief Shangchuan, can you tell me what these items are used for? Many of them are the first time I have seen them."

"Of course there is no problem. Please."

Shangchuan made a request, and walked over to the shelves where the items were placed.

"Winner, please wait a moment."

Just when Fengyun was about to follow, a voice suddenly rang in his ears, very close to him.

He followed the sound and looked over, and when he saw the owner of the sound, his brows could not help but frowned.

Feng Yun was very familiar with the person who called him, she was Ying Feng's daughter Ying Gu.

To be honest, Fengyun hated her, even though he understood that people with similar backgrounds would indeed form a proud and arrogant character more easily than ordinary people. He could also understand it better, because of circumstances.

But like her, he just glanced at her, she rushed over menacingly from a distance, and without saying anything, directly hitting him with a heavy hand was far beyond the limit he could bear.

"Winner, I'm sorry. I did not do it right, but please forgive me, I will never again."

Feng Yun's frowning performance was clearly seen by Aunt Ying, which instantly solidified the expression on her face, but she did not shrink back, and insisted on expressing apologies to Feng Yun.

"It's nothing, am I okay?"

Feng Yun waved his hand, behaving very much, but as long as he is not blind, he can see his perfunctory and insincere words.

"I know that you can't forgive me for the time being, but I will definitely let you forgive me."

The smile on Aunt Ying's face has completely disappeared, and her face has become a little pale. It is clear that the perfunctory and insincere situation has dealt a great blow to her.

"You don't actually have to apologize to me. You..."

"I know I did something wrong, and I will correct it. I also know that you will not believe it if I just say it, but I will prove it with action."

After all, before Feng Yun could respond, Aunt Ying turned her head and ran away.

"Fengshi, I think Aunt Ying is really aware of the mistake. I think you should give her a chance. If she really..."

Shang Wu was standing not far from Fengyun. He watched all the conversations between him and Ying Gu, and saw Ying Gu running away, turned his head to look at Feng Yun, and persuaded him.

"Shang Witch, don't tell me. Whether she realizes her mistakes has nothing to do with me."

Fengyun didn't wait for Shang Wu to finish speaking, and would interrupt his speech.

Aunt Ying’s impression was too bad, and it is obviously unrealistic to want him to change his opinion of her immediately. Besides, she is just an outsider and a passer-by in his eyes. Will she change? , As long as it no longer causes trouble for him, he really doesn't care.

"Okay. Let's not talk about this. Let's go help some Sichuan."

Shang Wu is so sophisticated and knows the importance of timing. Obviously it is not a good time to persuade the situation at this time, so he no longer insists on it. So he wanted to change a topic, just seeing Shangchuan surrounded by a lot of people. My heart moved.

"I didn't expect the leader of Shangchuan to be so popular."

Feng Yun couldn't help smiling when he saw Shang Chuan who was caught in the crowd and embarrassed.

Although many people have not seen the items displayed by the Shangzhi tribe, they have successfully attracted their attention, but the status of Eagle Wind is there, and every move will still attract a lot of attention.

Naturally, his act of inviting Shangchuan to introduce items to him was noticed by those who followed him, especially when Shangchuan started to introduce items, they immediately moved closer.

As time went by, many people soon gathered around Shang Chuan, listening to him explain the functions of the novelties that he had never seen before.

The more people in Shangchuan are around, the bigger the goal will become, which in turn will attract more people's attention and approach him.

At the same time, people want to know the situation of those novel objects more clearly, and they kept approaching him intentionally or unintentionally. As a result, he turned into a trapped beast in the mud, and it was extremely difficult to move an inch.

"Everyone gives a hand, please give a hand. You are so crowded, the leader can't introduce you to everyone."

Fengyun approached Shangchuan, but he soon discovered the horror of the crowds and couldn't squeeze in at all, so he raised his voice and tried to relieve Shangchuan outside.

"Feng Shi is right, you are too crowded like this. I know you all want to know the condition of these items, but if you are so crowded, Chief Shangchuan can't say anything."

Feng Yun's words immediately got Yingfeng's response.

Originally, he wanted Shang Chuan to explain it alone, but such people crowded around them, not to mention listening to Shang Chuan's explanation, and even the objects could not be seen.

However, Fengyun and Yingfeng's words did not seem to be useful. After they spoke, not many people crowded around Shangchuan and Yingfeng left at all, and not many people even stepped back a little.

In the end, it wasn't until the Shang Wu took action that the situation got better.

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