Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 779: reinforcement

"Go in."

Feng Yun took a deep breath and issued instructions to the rescuers.


I don't know if I felt Fengyun's mood, turned into the totem power of the Flood Dragon, and made a long roar on his back, and the sound of the howling revealed a tragic and determined taste.

Before the howling sound disappeared, Huo Jiao shook his tail abruptly, pushing his body to accelerate, turning into a red streamer, flying towards the small hole connecting the node and the outside world, and then plunged in.

"It's cold!"

When the power of the totem entered the node, Feng Yun couldn't help but shudder.

Through his thoughts, he perceives a strange cold, which is hundreds of times colder than falling into an ice cave in the cold, so that the mere feeling of his thoughts is not really cold physically, but it makes him unable to bear it. There was a tremor.

Feng Yun faintly felt that it was not good. The strange cold that he encountered when entering the node was like a disarming force, which had a big impact on him, making him realize that he wanted to achieve what he wanted, and the difficulty might not be small.

Soon after, he found that his hunch was becoming a reality.

The low temperature not only made Fengyun perceive the cold, but also adversely affected the power of the totem, and its speed was obviously slowed down.

"Go on."

After adapting to the initial cold, Feng Yun immediately issued instructions to the power of totem through his mind.

He wanted the reinforcements to rush to the totem power in the pipeline network as soon as possible, otherwise the time delays and the rescuers themselves risk being frozen.

Totem Force executed his command and flew to the top of the space within the node, that is, the pipe that communicated with the pipe network.

I don’t know if it’s because of a small hole in that pipe, or it’s getting closer and closer to the pipe. Fengyun discovered that the closer to the target, the slower the flight speed of Totem Power.

This is not the place that makes Feng Yun worry the most. What makes him worry the most is that through the perception of the thoughts attached to it, it also shows signs of freezing.

If the mind is really frozen, even if it is close to the mind in the pipeline network, it is impossible to wake it up, or even get it in.


After a short period of hesitation, Feng Yun issued an order to the power of the totem attached to it through his mind, and immediately after the power of the totem that flew towards the target and turned into a fire, a red flame ignited.

The flame enveloped its body, making it look like it was on fire.

The appearance of the flame successfully resisted the invasion of low temperature, the flying speed of the power of totem was obviously accelerated, and the rigidity of the thought attached to it was also greatly improved.

The crisis of rescuing soldiers was lifted, but Feng Yun didn't mean to be happy. On the contrary, his mood became heavier.

Although he had thought of this method of resisting low temperature a long time ago, he did not expect to use it so early.

Don't look at the flames that appear on the power of totem, which seems to be very effective against low temperature, but this requires a price, and the price is the consumption of the power of totem itself, in other words, the flame is exchanged by burning itself.

Starting to burn the power of the totem so early means that this state needs to be maintained forever, and Fengyun is very worried that it will not be able to support the power of the totem near the pipe network.


In order to buy time, Fengyun immediately used his mind to increase the speed of the rescuers.


The power of totem let out a roar, the speed suddenly increased, and the speed more than doubled in a short period of time, which made Fengyun secretly relieved.

Although speeding up must also pay a price to accelerate the consumption of totem power, as long as you can finally get close to the target and awaken your thoughts that have fallen into a frozen state, it is worth it.

But when the power of the totem that was on fire came to the small hole in the pipe and tried to get in, the flame on it suddenly went dark, as if being poured with water.

At the same time, Feng Yun felt cold again.

Feng Yun's heart couldn't help but sank. He didn't enter the inside of the pipe network, but approached the small hole connecting it with the outside world. The cold air escaping was so terrible. You can imagine how difficult the situation will become if you really enter it.

It's just that Fengyun has the arrow on the string at this time and has to send it out. Through his mind, he manipulates the power of the totem to drill into the small hole.

When it enters the pipe, the burning flame on its body has become a thin layer. If you don't look carefully, it is even difficult to find its existence.

At the same time, Fengyun discovered that the ideas attached to it showed signs of freezing, and the speed of progress was much faster than when it entered the node.

If it is not stopped, it will be completely frozen in a while.

As a last resort, Fengyun had to once again increase the intensity of the Totem’s spontaneous combustion, generating more heat, thereby resisting the invasion of the terrifying low temperature.

The speed of totem power consumption has increased several times in an instant, but the effect achieved is still not very satisfactory, and the enveloping flame is not large in the node space.

"Come on."

Fortunately, Fengyun has not completely lost contact with the idea attached to the power of the totem that first entered the pipeline network, although the connection between him and it has become very weak, even intermittent, but Determine its location, he can still do it.

In addition, he also knows the distribution of the pipeline network very well, knowing how to shorten the distance between the rescuer and the target.

In fact, Fengyun originally wanted the rescuers to catch up from behind. This not only gave him more time, but also reduced the risk of direct collision with the target, but the terrifying low temperature in the pipeline network forced him to change Got an idea.

To catch up with the goal from behind will certainly have many advantages, but there is also a disadvantage for him, that is, it takes more time.

However, the temperature in the pipeline network was too low, and the rescuers sent into it could not hold on for long.

Worse still, if the rescuer failed this time, it meant a complete failure, because the condition of the mind attached to the target was so bad that he couldn't wait for him to send the rescuer again.

Through the manipulation of the mind, Fengyun makes the rescuers approach the target.

In order to reduce the risk, he did not let it approach the target face to face. Instead, he let the rescuer hide in a branch line. When the target approached, he rushed out. Although there was still a risk of collision, it would be much lower.

However, when the target arrived at the predetermined position, Feng Yun wanted to control the rescuers to rush out, but found something he hadn't thought of. The rescue didn't wait for him to drive, so he jumped out.

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