Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 780: Broken bones

"this is……"

Feng Yun discovered that the rescuer had taken the initiative to run out of the spur line before he was driven. He couldn't help but froze for a moment. He didn't expect this to happen, but he quickly reacted, and then his heart was tight.

He thought about why this situation occurred. The rescuers were sucked out, or more accurately, sucked out by the powerful suction created by the totem power running at high speed in the pipeline network.

After confirming the reason, Feng Yun immediately became nervous, because he knew that if one didn't fix it, there would be a big problem.

Before crossing, he had heard that someone was torn off by the suction of a high-speed train because they were too close to the railroad tracks.

Fengyun does not want to see this happen.

So he immediately manipulated the rescuers through his mind, and the firefly turned into totem power to bend his body, hoping that by increasing the width, touching the sides of the branch line, the body will be stuck, at least to slow down the sucked out. Speed ​​to avoid direct collision with the target.

During this process, the fire dragon's tail kept swinging, but this time instead of pushing the body forward, it moved backward.

Feng Yun's reaction was not unpleasant, nor was his approach incorrect, but the results achieved were not very satisfactory, and Huo Jiao's speed did not slow down too much.

This situation will occur. One is that the suction generated by the target is unexpectedly large, and the other is that the branch line where the firefly is located is relatively wide, and it is difficult to contact the boundary. When it is in contact, the friction that can be generated is not particularly large. The hysteresis effect is not very good.

However, these two reasons are not the most important. The most important reason is that the coldness emitted by the target when it passes by is far beyond Fengyun's prediction.

Originally, he thought that because of its high-speed operation, it produced suction, and its own cold should not easily spread, but the facts proved him wrong.

When the target's temperature drops to a certain level, even if the conditions are no longer conducive to spreading, it can still emit cold air.

Unexpectedly, the flame on the surface of the fire flood was almost completely extinguished. Although Fengyun's reaction speed was very fast, it immediately accelerated its burning through thoughts and produced more heat, but it was still a step too late, and Qi Han had already treated it. Had an impact.

Its manifestation is that its actions have become slow.

To make matters worse, as the distance from the target gets closer, the cold air emitted by the target becomes more icy, greatly reducing the effect that the firefly can achieve by accelerating the burning.

"Damn it."

Feng Yun saw that Huo Jiao had already inevitably hit the target, and couldn't help becoming a little frustrated, because it would mean that all his previous efforts would most likely be in vain.

At the same time, it also means that his rescue plan has been completely ruined, and the serious consequences brought by this are likely to be beyond his ability to bear.

To be honest, Fengyun is really a little scared.

The situation in the pipeline network, especially the low temperature of the cold air emitted by the target, was too different from the result he estimated at the beginning of the rescue.

Because of his special ability to swallow and the golden fingers he possesses, his strength is much stronger than the level of totem warriors, and his resistance is even stronger. There are not many existences that can cause damage to him, but this time he It's really bottomless.

Fortunately, Fengyun has finally experienced strong winds and waves. He was not shocked by the sudden crisis, but quickly reacted and realized that he had to do something immediately.

Even if you can't save the fate of failure, you must try to reduce the damage to the lowest possible level, otherwise he might really face the disaster.

It's just that his situation is too sinister, and there are too few things he can do.

But in the end he did one thing, that is, to separate the mind and the totem power into the fire flood. Since the collision between the fire flood and the target is inevitable, then he cannot watch the mind follow along with the funeral. .

Although the power of the mind and the totem are separated, the harsh environment will also make it difficult, at most it is lingering, but it is better than being destroyed immediately.

Almost at the moment when Fengyun completed the separation of the power of the mind and the totem, the head of the firefly that it transformed into hit the target.


Feng Yun faintly heard a crisp sound, and then he saw through his mind that the head of the fire scorpion was broken, and it was very thoroughly broken, and it suddenly became many small pieces, and some places even broke into powder.

Fengyun was not surprised by this.

Before the totem power turned into a firefly and collided with the target, it had been corroded by the strange cold that came out of it, completely freezing it.

It was a scene that made Fengyun feel thrilling. The flames on the surface of the fire scorpion were still there, but they could no longer move, as if they were frozen, frozen.

Upon seeing this scene, Feng Yun couldn't help but breathe in an air-conditioner. Although he had re-evaluated the target's temperature, it was too low to freeze the tangible and intangible flames, which was beyond his imagination.


After the firefly’s head shattered, it was just the beginning. The remaining part of it was pulled by the powerful suction and continued to collide with the target. At the same time, it also collided with the broken part to form a series of pieces. Hit.

During the impact, the firefly was completely broken, and the broken pieces turned into smaller pieces, even into powder. The low temperature not only freezes them, but also makes them very fragile.

In stark contrast, not only did the target show no damage, even the speed was not affected, and it was still flying forward at an extremely high speed.

Feng Yun's thoughts entangled in the fragments formed after the firefly was crushed can only watch the target leave at high speed, but can't do anything.

Not to mention the loss of the vehicle, it cannot break through the shield formed by the airflow on the target body at all. Even if it can break through the shield and successfully approach the target, Fengyun is not at all sure that it can complete the initial goal.

Although he has allowed the mind to compress itself highly and increase resistance, the low temperature emitted by the target is still beyond its tolerance.

After contacting the target, let alone finding the idea that needs to be saved and awakening it, I am afraid that it has been completely frozen first.

However, Feng Yun still did not give up, trying to compress his mind to make it smaller, just like a person standing in the cold wind in a single coat in winter, holding himself tightly with his arms, even if he still cannot escape the fate of being frozen in the end, but It is good to be able to support it for a while.

When Feng Yun did this, he did not expect a miracle to happen, but instinctively wanted to collect more information so that he could respond more effectively when a problem occurred. However, what he didn't expect was that a turning point occurred at this time. .

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