Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 784: Approach

"Good, good, very good."

It is not easy for Fengyun to find the idea that was attached to the target earlier, but has now lost contact.

Although the thought that passed the test is also on the target now, he cannot directly see the thought he is looking for through it.

I don't know if the goal has changed and it has also affected it. Although the performance of the mind that has passed the test has improved a lot, it still can't be found directly and needs to be searched.

But when he was really looking for it, Feng Yun was not sure.

Although the latter idea survived, its vehicle had been completely destroyed after all and no longer existed, making it quite difficult to move.

What's more, the target is moving at high speed, and the speed is still increasing.

Naturally, the target it is currently attached to can also be counted as a vehicle, but it is not under his control and cannot provide him with any help at all.

After thinking about it, Fengyun can only move his mind on the target, but this requires a lot of risk.

Although it has firmly grasped the target and will not fall, once it starts to move, it is bound to leave its current position, and its integration with the target will also decrease, and the risk of separation from it will increase sharply.

This made Feng Yun quite hesitant, but in the end Feng Yun decided to take the risk, because he found that he was now facing not only a problem of finding the previous idea, but also the problem of infiltrating the target.

It is precisely in view of the risks required to use tried and tested ideas to find ideas that have been frozen and lost contact. Fengyun has not thought of directly using the former to control the goal. If it succeeds, all problems will be solved.

Feng Yun thought so, and did so, but he was very frustrated in the end.

Perhaps because the goal has undergone earth-shaking changes, the natural connection between his mind and the power of totem no longer exists.

If you use a metaphor, the original idea and the power of totem are like seeds and soil. As long as he puts them together and treats them a little bit, the seeds will germinate, and the roots will plunge into the depth of the soil, and it will be completed. Manipulation.

Both have changed now, but the tried and tested idea is still the seed. Although it is a little special, the latter has turned into a stone, and it is still the one that is extremely hard, and the seed cannot take root in it no matter how special it is. .

This was the dilemma that Fengyun faced, and it also made him realize that in order to truly control the target, he must find the idea attached to it earlier.

Although he has lost contact with that idea, it has been with the target a long time ago. Even if it has undergone drastic changes now, the relationship between them should not have changed much. More precisely, They should still maintain a high degree of integration, just like seeds taking root in the earth.

Compared with using tried and tested ideas to directly control the target, it is undoubtedly much easier and more reliable to find the previous idea, wake it up, and let him gain control of the target through it.

Even if it doesn’t work, the earlier thought cannot be awakened, he can also use the same root of the thoughts to make them merge, and then use the foundation laid by the earlier thoughts to penetrate the target and control it. Up.

Of course, compared with awakening earlier ideas, this method is more difficult to directly gain control of the target, but compared with directly controlling the target with tried and tested ideas, it will still be much easier and the success rate will be much higher. .

With the decision, Fengyun manipulated the tried and tested ideas to start to spur, but when it really started, he still inevitably felt some anxiety in his heart, unable to determine how difficult and risky this would be.

However, when the tentacles of the mind pulled out from the gap in the target's scales and began to move, Feng Yun found that the situation was much better than he expected.

Although the target has undergone a drastic change, its shape has not changed significantly. It is still in the state of a scorpion, covered with scale armor, and there are gaps between the scale armor and the scale armor.

Although these gaps are small and difficult to penetrate, the tentacles protruding out of the mind are very soft and capable of changing, making them very suitable for embedding in these gaps.

In addition, Fengyun also discovered that both the mind itself and the tentacles seem to have good adsorption power and can be well integrated with the targets it touches.

With these, even if the target is flying at high speed, it is not so difficult to move on it. This discovery makes Fengyun very happy.

However, out of caution, Fengyun still appeared cautious when he controlled the movement of his mind, not seeking quickness, but seeking stability and reliability.

The mind that has passed the test is almost completely immune to the worst enemy that the mind has ever faced, the pipeline network and the horrible low temperature on the target. Fengyun does not need to worry about the time delay, it will be frozen again.

In addition, although the temperature of the pipeline network and the target is still declining, the intelligence collected by Fengyun through ideas shows that the entire environment is relatively stable, and there should be no major changes in a short period of time, so there is no need to be too anxious.

As for the problem that the speed of the target will become faster and faster as time goes by, as long as you can gain control of it, slowing it down is not a big problem.

However, once his mind and goal were separated because of his anxiety, he would completely lose control of the situation.

Even if the mind he controls now has changed, but without the vehicle, it will be extremely difficult to attach it to the target again.

Therefore, it took almost an hour, the mind was under Fengyun's control, and the mind only moved its middle position from the target's tail, and it was far from the target, that is, the target's head.

Feng Yun is still very satisfied with this result.

At the current speed, he should be able to reach the destination in another hour and complete the initial contact with the earlier thoughts. The premise is naturally that the earlier thoughts have not moved, but this possibility is very small.

In a steady and steady style, Mind continued to move forward under Fengyun's control, and half an hour passed without knowing it.

Since he has become more proficient in the manipulation of his mind, his speed has improved a bit compared to the initial time, and now he is relatively close to the target, and he can reach it within ten minutes at most.

Seeing that the target was on sight, Feng Yun became very happy, but at this moment, he accidentally discovered a phenomenon, but his heart couldn't help but raise it. The pipeline network where the target and the idea were located seemed a little different from before. .

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