Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 838: Panic

"That's good. Shuang Lengquan is too important to the tribe, and absolutely no mistakes are allowed."

The storm did not feel the hesitation in Fengyun's tone, and smiled at ease.

"Yun, didn't you come directly from Shuang Lengquan?"

Facts have proved that Wu can become the soul of the Huojiao tribe. It is definitely not a fluke. He caught the hesitation in Fengyun's tone. Not only that, but he also made a speculation.

Feng Yun was not surprised by Wu's performance. He had been with him for a long time, and knew him well, and it was normal to be able to do this.

So he nodded: "Yes. I have been out for two days because of something."

Hearing Fengyun's affirmative answer, the storm immediately became a little anxious: "You really went out? Why didn't you send someone to notify me before you went out? What if there is a problem in Shuang Lengquan? Who can bear it? Take this responsibility? You, you, let me say..."

It's no wonder that the storm will behave like this. He will return to the tribe with Wu. In addition to the fact that there are more affairs in the tribe, he cannot do without him, there is a more important reason, that is, the situation is there.

Although since Fengyun defeated the Raven Tyrant, especially after he was promoted to the Transformation Warrior, he and Fengyun have rarely played against each other like in the ancestral land, but this does not mean that he has no understanding of his strength.

Even if he didn't want to admit it, he knew that Feng Yun's strength was already higher than him, and it was not even a little bit higher.

In other words, as long as Fengyun stays in Shuang Lengquan, it can basically guarantee its absolute safety.

But Fengyun was different after he left. Even though the tribal warriors sent there were also elite, they couldn't match Fengyun's hand when tied together.

Of course, there are people from the Baicao tribe, and even Wumu Qiuxia from the Baicao tribe is there, but the Baicao tribe is notoriously bad at fighting, and they are not stronger than the fire-fell tribe warriors left behind.

To be honest, the people of the two tribes combined can be regarded as a force not to be underestimated. Even if they are attacked by a certain tribe, they may not be unable to defeat the enemy.

But Shuang Lengquan is different.

The storm witnessed the first time the rainbow rice was planted and matured, but it attracted a lot of wild beasts, and there were many strong ones among them.

If a similar situation happened again, he worried that the people of the two tribes staying in Shuang Lengquan would not be able to handle it.

Once the situation he was worried about really appeared, the loss would be immeasurable.

For the sake of confidentiality, all the rainbow rice planted, except for a very small part, are left in Shuang Lengquan.

This means that if Shuang Lengquan is really captured by the brutal beast, all the previous gains will be in vain, but this is not the place that worries him the most.

What he worries most is that Shuang Lengquan has been destroyed by the brutal beasts, they don't want them, knowing its preciousness, will protect it.

In addition, according to his speculation, the people of the two tribes staying in Shuang Lengquan would also suffer a very big loss. They would never give up Shuang Lengquan, and would definitely fight the brutal beasts desperately.

But this does not mean that he absolutely does not allow Feng Yun to leave Shuang Lengquan and tie him there firmly, just like he and his said, he can leave, he must be notified in advance and let him replace He guards the double cold springs.

Feng Yun's move of leaving without a sound, he really couldn't bear it.


Wu seemed to feel that the tone of the storm was too harsh. Before he could finish speaking, he interrupted his words, and then said roundly, "Storm, don't be too angry. You understand Yun's character, since he chose Leaving Shuang Lengquan means that he can be sure that nothing will happen there."

When Feng Yun heard Wu say this, his expression immediately eased a lot. As he said, Feng Yun is indeed not a person who does things recklessly, but he is still a little relieved, staring into Feng Yun's eyes and asking: "Wu said. is that true?"

"I did make some preparations before I left."

"It's great. You said it earlier, it almost scared me to death. I have old bones, but I can't stand the toss."

Hearing Feng Yun's affirmative answer, the heart of the storm finally settled in his stomach, but at the end he couldn't help but ask: "Yun, what did you do?"

Feng Yun was not angry because the storm seemed a little distrustful of his behavior, he knew he was just too concerned about Shuang Lengquan.

With the double cold springs, not only did he realize his long-cherished wish to regain the glory of the Huojiao tribe, it might even help the tribe to get out of Leize and into the wider world outside in the near future.

Especially the latter, not only what the storm desires, every tribe in Lei Ze is looking forward to this day.

Therefore, he answered the storm's question very seriously: "I deliberately searched for a few king savage beasts, killed them, and then scattered their bodies and tribes in the forest outside Shuang Lengquan."

This is after the storm left, Feng Yun thought that the rainbow rice had matured for the first time and attracted so many wild beasts. In order to be prepared, he took the time to do it.

"So I'm relieved."

After hearing Fengyun's words, the storm finally relaxed.

"Violence, let me just say it. Yun will never do things without considering the consequences."

A smile appeared on Wu's face.

Don't look at him interrupting the storm's accusation of Feng Yun's leaving without authorization. In fact, he also disagrees with Feng Yun's actions in his heart, but he does not want to hurt each other's feelings.

Now that he heard Fengyun's preventive measures, he was really relieved.

He has lived for so many years and has been dealing with brutal beasts almost all the time, knowing that they are very sensitive to aura, especially the aura of brutal beasts that are stronger than them, which can often be felt at a distance.

Feng Yun killed the king brutal beasts and discarded their body parts in the woods outside the double cold spring, which is equivalent to setting up a protection circle for the double cold spring, and the protection effect of this protection circle is definitely better than the totem warrior himself The effect of guarding is better.

Compared with totem warriors, brute beasts are more sensitive to the same kind of breath.

Even though Fengyun did this, there was no guarantee that Shuang Lengquan would not be attacked, but the chance of being attacked was reduced to a very low level.

The storm did not respond to the witch, but immediately asked Fengyun a question: "Yun, what did you do when you left Shuang Lengquan?"

Wu was immediately attracted by the problem of the storm, and immediately turned his attention to Fengyun. Based on his understanding of him, if there were nothing extremely important, he would never leave Shuang Lengquan casually, especially in the current situation. Case.

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