Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 955: Stone mantou

"The force of nature."

Even though the white yarn-like objects looked more difficult to distinguish than the buds sprouting from the snake scales, it was difficult to see them even with the eyes of the Transmutation Warrior, but Fengyun recognized them at a glance.

He was able to do this, in addition to his vision far surpassing the general transformation warrior, there is also a very important reason, that is, he has seen the concentration reached a certain level more than once, showing the natural power of the form. .

After confirming that Fengyun and Wu could see clearly, the storm covered the buds that sprouted from the roots of the snake scale grass, and then led the two to fly over to the stone pillars standing in the pond.

"Rao, no other snake grass roots move?"

Seeing that he was planting snake scale grass to Fengyun and the place where the snake scale grass roots were found approaching, Wu couldn't help showing a trace of disappointment on his face.

"Witch, it's already good. In such a short time, a root sprouting is good."

The storm seemed to feel that Wu's requirements were too high.

"You are right, I am asking too much. The snake scale comes from the snake **** mountain, which is comparable to ordinary flowers and plants."

Wu couldn't help laughing blankly after hearing what the storm said.

A group of three people soon came near the top of the stone pillar, but did not see the remaining snake grass roots, which was covered by the stones.

The appearance of these stones is rather peculiar. It is not that they are unique in their own right, but that the shape they construct is very special.

They were built to look like a dome, like a steamed bun buckled on top. The gap between the stone and the stone is very small, and it is impossible to see what is inside with the eyes of Fengyun and Wu.

"Uncle Bao, you are..."

Feng Yun pointed at the big steamed bun made of stones, and his eyes showed confusion. He couldn't figure out why he had to spend so much time to make such a thing.

According to his observation, although the area of ​​the stone steamed bun is not large, it is definitely not a simple matter to build it out of stones due to its ingenuity.

It took time and effort to make such a thing, and he was a little hard to understand.

Speaking of protection, it is definitely not excellent. It is better to use a larger stone to carve a whole. With the ability of the storm, the time and energy spent will be much less.

"Is it weird?"

An expression of appetite appeared on the storm's face, but it didn't last long before he spoke again: "When I open it, you will understand."

Having said that, he paused for a while, and his tone became solemn: "I will remind you first that I will only open it for a short time. You must read it carefully. Don't blame me if you can't see clearly."

"Got it. Uncle Mo, you can open it quickly."

The storm's rhetoric actually aroused Feng Yun's curiosity. As soon as he and Wu waited for him to speak, they seized a good position and asked him to open Shi Mantou quickly.


Before starting his hand, the storm still reminded him, and he put out his hand before the voice fell.

After doing it, just as he and Feng Yun said, it was extremely fast, took away the top stone of Shimantou, and put it back at a very fast speed. The whole process took only about one second at most. One-tenth of that.

If you change to an ordinary person, even if you open your eyes, you will definitely not see anything clearly. Don't say that you can see the situation inside the stone bun through the small hole after the stone is removed. It is the storm that picks up the stone and puts it back. The movements of the stones are not clear.

Fortunately, Fengyun and Wu Wu are not ordinary people. Although the time is short, they can still see clearly, and they have also figured out why the storm had to build such a stone steamed bun with stones.

In a glimpse, Fengyun saw something growing from the remaining snake scale roots, which was different from the buds he saw on the separated roots. There were not many roots, it just sprouted. A sprout.

This sprout is also a lot thicker, although it is much thinner than a finger, but compared with a chopstick, it is definitely not much better.

It left a deep impression on him, but it was not its quantity or its thickness. At least these factors did not occupy a large amount. What it really reminded him was the shortness of the stone after the storm removed it. The state manifested in time.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes and confirmed that it sprouted from the roots of snake scales, he would have identified it as a real snake.

As soon as the stone was uncovered, it turned out to be like a snake that had been disturbed. Its head was delayed, pressed down, and ejected, and it looked so much like the snake attacked.

The storm used a stone to cut it into a stone steamed bun and covered it. Obviously, he didn't want it to move. As for why it didn't use a more integrated stone cover, it was because it could absorb the power of nature.

He saw more natural forces around it, and they had become obvious, showing a state similar to white fog, which ordinary people could see very clearly.

After covering the stone, the storm looked up at Feng Yun and Wu, as if worried that they had not fully understood the situation, and explained: "This bud is very active. Only when it is placed in a rather dark environment, Became quiet."

Having said this, he paused for a moment, and added: "I didn't want to care about it, but its movement is so powerful. I was worried that it would be disconnected from the roots before choosing to shoot."

"Snake scale is worthy of coming from the snake **** mountain, it really is different."

Hearing what the storm said, Wu couldn't help shook his head and let out a sigh.

"Yes. Before I saw snake scale, I really didn't think that there was a plant that would imagine snakes like this."

"me too."

Wu's words aroused strong resonance between Fengyun and Wu.

In the following time, Feng Yun and Wu learned some details from Feng Yun, and Feng Yun proposed to go back: "Wu, I will go back first, and you can stay with Uncle Mo. Maybe there will be changes next. I am worried that Uncle Mo cannot handle it alone."

Feng Yun said, quietly winking at the storm.

"I can respond..."

The storm heard Feng Yun say that he could not cope with it, and mistakenly thought that he did not trust his abilities, and couldn't help but get a little angry, and immediately retorted, but when he saw the wink he handed him, he immediately changed his mouth: "Yun said It makes sense. Wu, you just stay. If anything happens, you might have a response."

Although he still doesn't know why Feng Yun asked him to leave the witch behind, he absolutely trusts him. In addition, he only leaves the witch behind without harming him, so he is naturally willing to help.

"Witch, I'm leaving."

Feng Yun seemed unwilling to give the witch time to react. Before he could say anything, he twisted his body and flew outside. The speed was very fast, tearing the air, and let out a scream.

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