Primordial God

Chapter 1006: wipe out again

The flaming lion bit off at Li Mushen. In response, Li Mushen raised his hand slightly, the power of heaven and earth surged, and suddenly the magma surged, and a splash of magma turned into the sky. The splash of water turned into a phoenix.

That phoenix collided with that flaming lion, and a battle broke out in this active volcano, and about this phoenix and that flaming lion, the two of them were transformed into The powerful alien beast attacks are very powerful, and almost no one can do anything about it!

The fire phoenix made a roaring sound, he kept vibrating his wings, and his claws kept attacking the flame lion, while the flame lion stepped on the rock cliff and kept slaughtering the fire phoenix. I want to throw the fire phoenix to the ground!

Two powerful beasts, you come and go, and the battle is very enjoyable, but Li Mushen's eyes are calm, he controls the fire phoenix, and constantly uses the fire phoenix's claws to land on it. On the body of the flame lion, grab the flame body of the flame lion.

That Tianjiao phantom saw this scene, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and then his hand was sealed, and his palm slapped in the magma under his feet!

And as his other palm slapped into the magma, the billowing waves immediately rose into the sky, venting between the entire heaven and earth, and the venting ocean waves surged towards Li Mushen.

In mid-air, the surging ocean wave instantly turned into a huge flaming lion, and the two flaming lions attacked the phoenix that Li Mushen used the flame to emit!

And the phoenix was obviously struggling to face the attack of the two flaming lions, but Li Mushen naturally did not intend to give up the phoenix just like that. He punched the phoenix into the body. A force, and that force also poured into Huofeng's body in an instant.

After the fire phoenix was integrated with the power shot by Li Mushen, his body also grew rapidly, more than doubling in size, and his strength was also rolling, and the two flaming lions were even less his opponents.

In a sudden moment, the two flaming lions finally died tragically in the hands of the phoenix who was transformed by Li Mushen.

When he saw this scene, the illusory shadow of Tianjiao suddenly came out of the magma, and his eyes released a fierce light. He looked at Li Mushen coldly, and said to Li Mushen, "What do you want?"

Li Mushen spoke lightly, responding to a phantom of Tianjiao who said to this phantom of Tianjiao: "Don't you know what I want to do?"

"You are not from this world, are you here to kill me?"

Li Mushen nodded slightly and said to this arrogant ghost: "Yes, I am here to kill you."

When the Tianjiao phantom heard Li Mushen's words, he sneered: "Then I want to see what you have that enables you to kill me."

This illusory shadow of Tianjiao suddenly raised two beams of fire from his eyes, and then two beams of fire burst out, attacking Li Mushen.

It's just that the two terrifying firelights attacked Li Mushen's body, but they did not cause Li Mushen to suffer any damage at all.

Li Mushen put away the Immortal Slaying Sword and replaced it with a flaming long sword transformed by the power of a fire-shaped glyph in his hand.

From this flaming long sword, it exudes an incomparably terrifying formidable power, and the flame power emanating from it makes that Tianjiao phantom full of unease.

His eyes were fixed on the flaming long sword in Li Mushen's hand, and then he said to Li Mushen in a deep voice: "What kind of flame power is this long sword in your hand transformed into?"

Li Mushen answered this illusory word of Tianjiao, and said lightly: "It was transformed by the power of the fire-shaped glyph, an ancient glyph."

When Tianjiao Xuying heard Li Mushen's words, a dazzling light suddenly shot out from his eyes!

"It turned out to be the ancient glyph, no wonder I felt a powerful force that made me uneasy." This Tianjiao phantom murmured.

, and from the eyes of this arrogant phantom, he looked at Li Mushen, and he was full of greed. He said to Li Mushen: "Then this way, the ancient glyphs in your body are mine!"

I have to say that this Tianjiao phantom is even more arrogant than Li Mushen, and even said such words to Li Mushen, and Li Mushen's face still seemed calm, he still spoke lightly, and said to that Tianjiao phantom: "If you If you have such strength, then you can take it. If you can get that ancient glyph from my hands, then the ancient glyph is yours."

At this time, Tianjiao phantom had been dispatched suddenly, he stepped out, the magma under his feet burst instantly, and he rushed directly to Li Mushen.

And in the hands of Tianjiao phantom, with the power of flame turned into a spear, Li Mushen saw Tianjiao phantom and rushed towards him without any hesitation. The phantom rushed over!

In the void, the two fought together in an instant. In this volcano that may erupt at any time, the two fought fiercely!

Whether it is Li Mushen or the illusory shadow of Tianjiao, the two of them have very rich fighting experience. In the battle, it is even more so that you can come and go, no distinction is made, it is simply a visual experience!

The two of them were inseparable, especially the eyes of the warriors who watched their battle through those mirrors were full of surprise!

After all, for them, the battle between Li Mushen and Tianjiao Xuying was too fierce, and the power was too terrifying. Even if they were just watching the battle, they could feel the horror, and the power that shocked them !

And this also makes it difficult for them to imagine that if they come to face Li Mushen and that Tianjiao phantom, they don't know if they are Li Mushen and Tianjiao phantom's opponent!

Of course the answer is no!

They have no confidence in their own strength, even they think that they are not Tianjiao phantom, and Li Mushen's opponent, if they fight against Tianjiao phantom and Li Mushen, they will finally The result is also inevitable defeat, no one can live from it!

Ouyang Xue looked at Li Mushen who was fighting with Tianjiao phantom inside, and his eyes were even more brilliant and full of admiration. Almost all of his beautiful eyes were Li Mushen.

In that volcano, the battle between Li Mushen and the illusory shadow of Tianjiao, I don't know how long it lasted, and the two of them fought even more fiercely, but in this one, Li Mushen still had the upper hand. No matter how hard that Tianjiao phantom is, it is not Li Mushen's opponent!

In the end, there were almost no surprises. After nearly an hour of fighting, even after thousands of rounds, the illusory shadow of Tianjiao was unable to defeat Li Mushen, but instead put him in danger!

That Tianjiao phantom sank in his heart, full of unease, he hurriedly retreated and wanted to escape, but how could Li Mushen let this Tianjiao phantom escape, the long sword transformed by the power of the fire-shaped glyph in his hand stabbed out with a sword !

This sword instantly pierced into the body of the phantom of Tianjiao, and the power of the fire-shaped glyph instantly burned on the body of the phantom of Tianjiao.

Tianjiao Xuying let out a scream, he quickly shot, slapped Li Mushen with a palm, Li Mushen's other hand turned into a palm, and the two collided with Tianjiao Xuying!

The phantom of Tianjiao was shot directly by Li Mushen's palm and smashed into the lava of the volcano!

The volcanic magma was constantly surging, and suddenly it became calm without any waves. Li Mushen stood above the volcanic magma and looked at the magma indifferently, looking for traces of the illusory shadow of Tianjiao.

But what surprised him a little was that in this surging magma, he didn't even see the illusory shadow of Tianjiao, where was he hiding?

As for Tianjiao phantom, his whole person has been completely integrated into this piece of volcanic lava, hiding in the dark, staring coldly at Li Mushen, ready to launch a fatal blow to Li Mushen at any time!

Finally, he found an opportunity, just when Li Mushen paid attention to the other side, Tianjiao Xuying's eyes flashed with a flash of killing, and then he broke the magma and killed Li Mushen!

But what Tianjiao phantom did not know was that Li Mushen was always there, carefully guarding against this Tianjiao phantom.

Almost in an instant, he found out where the illusory shadow of Tianjiao was!

Tianjiao phantom broke through the magma and attacked Li Mushen, and Li Mushen struck back with a sword!

Naturally, this sword is also a flaming long sword transformed from the fire-shaped glyph of Li Mushen.

When the flaming long sword in his hand fell on the body of the illusory figure of Tianjiao, there was absolutely no chance of being able to resist it, and it was directly cut in half by Li Mushen's sword!

In an instant, it fell directly!

And just when Li Mushen slashed that piece with one sword, the entire magma suddenly swelled up, and one huge blister appeared in that magma.

The bubble burst, and suddenly an incomparably grand force emerged from the depths of the volcano.

The stone walls around the volcano are also trembling slightly, as if something major is about to happen!

Li Mushen understood what was about to happen, but he hadn't had time to avoid it. In an instant, along with a loud bang, an invisible force spewed out from the deepest part of the volcano and crushed Li Mushen away!

Before Li Mushen had time to escape, he was completely enveloped by the flame force, and the flames on his body were burning in an instant, and the clothes on his body were burnt clean and the whole person was completely submerged in the volcano. In the flames that spew out!


With an earth-shattering loud noise, a huge sea of ​​fire appeared in this world, and the fire was shining everywhere, attracting all the illusory shadows of Tianjiao who entered this world, as well as those Tianjiao!