Primordial God

Chapter 1028: mission accomplished

Next, Gu Shan said to Li Mushen again: "The next thing you have to do is to need your efforts. As a descendant of the devil, you naturally have to fulfill the mission of the devil!"

To rescue hundreds of millions of demons is what Li Mushen needs to do without mercy, and Li Mushen also knows that the world of demons is about to collapse. If he doesn't hurry, join those ancient demons and save them, then wait. They, the final result is to perish!

The gate of the ancient gods was opened, and Li Mushen directly entered the gate of the ancient gods and disappeared in front of everyone. No one knew what Li Mushen was doing in the gate of the ancient gods.

Only Gu Shan knew why Li Mushen went to this ancient divine gate for what purpose!

There was a gleam of hope in his eyes, hoping that Li Mushen could save those demons!

Complete the mission given to him by the devil!

Li Mushen came to that demon world alone. When Li Mushen just entered this demon world, the people of the demon race immediately noticed the arrival of their masters and let them see the arrival of their masters. A person from the Demon Race, their eyes are shining with extremely pious and fiery light!

At this moment, this world is not long before it collapses.

When Li Mushen came here, there was a glimmer of light in their gloomy life. Yes, they yearned for victory and longing to leave this demon world that was about to shatter and disintegrate!

Here, those devils all fell to their knees and looked at Li Mushen with pious eyes. They hoped that Li Mushen could save them!

Li Mushen stood in the void, and he looked at these devils.

These demons came out of the gate of the ancient gods, and they have rescued him many times, and now he is the descendant of the demon, and he naturally has a mission to take them out of here!

Without any hesitation, Li Mushen directly said to these demons: "You have suffered, and today you can successfully leave here and get out of this sea of ​​misery."

"Great Demon God, it's finally time for your arrival!" The demons shouted excitedly to Li Mushen.

A portal appeared in front of Li Mushen's eyes.

This portal is the Ring of Sumeru leading to the world of Sumeru. Naturally, it was purchased by Li Mushen who had spirit stones in the Heaven and Earth Mall.

"You all go in, there is another world here, there is enough for you to live, don't worry anymore!"

Although these demons are in a dangerous predicament, each demon is full of power and powerful, and the aura of power emanating from their bodies is absolutely amazing enough!

At this moment, all the demons are together in an orderly manner and slowly entered that other world!

For these ancient demons, they only need to change to another world and leave this broken world. For them, this has already made them feel very satisfied, and only in this way will they survive!

Looking at the portal in front of them, the portal leads to the Xumizi Realm, a brand-new world. In their eyes, everything is full of expectations.

Looking at their Lord Demon God, their eyes are full of enthusiasm. They are as orderly as soldiers. Every Primordial Demon did not hesitate in front of Li Mushen, showing his most powerful strength, hoping to get Li Mushen took a second look.

Finally, they patted the team and entered the Nasumiko world.

After all the ancient demons had completely entered that Xumizi realm, Li Mushen was relieved.

He looked at the shattered world in front of him, his eyes flickered with indefinite light, and then he directly destroyed the whole world!

Because with the immemorial demons leaving this side of the world one after another, this side of the world has no meaning of existence, so let this side of the world be destroyed.

The world that was about to be fragmented, Li Mushen directly shot, raised his hand, and his power destroyed the sky and the earth, and destroyed everything.

The whole world is constantly shaking, followed by a booming sound, and the whole world is also destroyed!

After the whole world was destroyed, Li Mushen left this place and entered the realm of Xumizi.

But now Li Mushen just bought the Xumizi Realm from Tiandi Mall.

Therefore, there is nothing in the world of Sumeru, it is like a world that has just opened up.

But this side of the world is endless, mysterious and vast, and it is desirable.

Moreover, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here is also extremely rich, far stronger than those in the pseudo-immortal world, which is surprising.

In this world, those Primordial Demons are full of excitement and excitement about everything in it!

For this side of the world, they have never come.

They have always lived in the broken world of the past, enduring pain and suffering every day.

There is no way, this is all they need to endure.

As for now, because of their great Lord Demon God, they don't need to experience this anymore, which makes them very excited, and they are full of heartfelt admiration for Lord Demon God!

And those young immemorial demons, they are much younger than the older immemorial demons, and they are full of curiosity and excitement about this new thing!

They shuttled through this Sumeru world, chasing and making trouble, just like children.

Li Mushen entered the world of Sumeru, looked at this world, looked at those immemorial demons who were at ease, and a smile appeared on her face.

The ancient demons saw Li Mushen, and their eyes flashed with excitement. Almost in an instant, these ancient demons present all knelt on the ground and expressed their sincere thanks to Li Mushen!

All the ancient demons fell to their knees on the ground, looking even more shocking.

In this regard, Li Mushen's eyes were indifferent, his voice resounded throughout the Xumizi world, and he said, "Get up, don't kneel in front of me."

Those Primordial Demons looked at each other in dismay, but quickly, they fell to the ground from their knees, stood up, and looked at Li Mushen respectfully.

, Li Mushen said to them: "The one you are in now, Xumi Zijian, is your new home, you can call him the devil, and in this world, everything, the world is born, if you What you want to do here, or what you want to transform this world into, is up to you."

The Primordial Demon Race has hundreds of thousands of Primordial Demons with strong combat power, and it is naturally of great help to Li Mushen. What's more, as the owner of these Primordial Demons, he also has the obligation to protect them for them. Find a resting place!

Obviously, this world in the world of Xumizi is the most suitable for them, and they can obviously get great benefits in this world!

An ancient demon walked out of the crowd. His stature was incomparably tall, like a mountain, but he soon transformed into a stout man.

This burly man looked at Li Mushen with incomparable respect, and he said to Li Mushen: "Master, as you said, that is to say, this side of the world will be ours from now on?"

"Yes, in this side of the world, you will become the masters and masters of this Lord of the Rings. As for what this devil world will develop into in the future? It depends on your own efforts."

Li Mushen's eyes were deep, and after saying this, he opened his mouth and said to these ancient demons: "Also, I am not your master, you have the same status as me, you can call me adults, relative to the master. Say, I prefer to hear you say that."

Li Mushen's words made the faces of the ancient demons change slightly.

"Master, you must not do this!"

"Why not just leave it like this."

Li Mushen said, and finally he took his eyes back, and said to these ancient demons present: "If you don't have what you need or everything you want, you can tell me that I can detect your situation there. "

The sturdy man nodded and would only do what Li Mushen said.

"If that's the case, then you can act on your own, and I'll leave first." Li Mushen didn't either. He stayed in this demon world with his fingers, and cut through the void, leaving this world.

And in this way, the wish in his heart is almost a bird, and the mission of the devil is almost complete!

Li Mushen once again returned to the ancient demon capital, Gushan still has a thunder head on the sky, and Tian Mokui and the baby looked at Li Mushen who suddenly appeared.

Gu Shan asked how Li Mushen was doing?

Li Mushen responded: "They have been completely placed in a safe world by me, so don't worry."

Hearing what Li Mushen said, Gu Shan breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, in just a few short years, Li Mushen has already completed the task that the devil wanted to give him. It is difficult for him to imagine what kind of creation Li Mushen will get in the future.

Now that Li Mushen has completed the task he wants to complete in this ancient magic capital, there is no need to continue to stay here. It keeps shrinking and finally merges into his own body, which is also surprising.

And in the future, in this ancient demon capital, Li Mushen can enter it to practice at any time, which will naturally be of great benefit to him.

Once he cultivates in this world, he can continue to grow and become stronger at any time. After all, Li Mushen can do it here. The passage of time makes the passage of time slow, so for him , a natural effortless thing to do...

And with this Primordial Demon City, it will be much more convenient for Li Mushen to do what she wants to do in the future.