Primordial God

Chapter 1057: God Extinguishing Bow

The gods sneered: "This kind of power is something you can't understand in your life. You have no idea how terrifying the power contained in it is. You completely underestimated the real power contained in the gods."

The **** said, and the words were full of disdain for Li Mushen.

For Li Mushen, this **** fully knows that Li Mushen does not know the power of gods at all, especially after using gods, how terrifying the gods are, and can have the ability to destroy everything in the world!

In an instant, Li Mushen's power surged out, venting endlessly between heaven and earth. He planned to smash the barrier in front of him, then enter the palace, and at the same time completely obliterate the phantom of the gods!

But when he fights, he realizes that the truth is far from simple as he imagined. For example, his power is already very powerful, but it still cannot attack the barrier where the phantom of the gods has never been. Break that barrier!

Even if Li Mushen used all his strength, it was the same, which made Li Mushen frown even more, as if he knew that he had far underestimated the power contained in the barrier in front of him, how powerful it was!

Next, Li Mushen shot again, and the power he shot at this moment once again reached its peak, but it landed at the palace, and the final result was the same!

This made Li Mushen's brows wrinkle, thinking about the reason for such a situation.

The **** next to him saw this scene, and he just sneered and dismissed it. All of this was within his expectation. Li Mushen couldn't break the barrier in front of him, and it was also within his expectation. How can the barrier be so easy!

For Li Mushen, this is indeed the case. He kept trying, trying to break the barrier in front of him, but the result was often beyond his expectations. In the attempt, the final result is also the same, the barrier is still there, not affected by any, the barrier has not been broken!

The screen remained motionless and unharmed. The scene in front of him made Li Mushen frown, and he couldn't understand the reason.

Li Mushen's eyes are extremely deep, and he is not reconciled to the final result.

Since his own power cannot break the barrier formed by the divine power in front of him, there are naturally other ways to break it.

With a thought, Li Mushen entered the Tiandi Mall, looking for a solution to this problem.

But for the gods, he was full of sneers and disdain at this moment. He watched every attempt of Li Mushen, and the final result of every attempt of his was useless!

So since this is the case, there must be no way for Li Mushen to enter this palace and win the inheritance of the gods, at least this is what he thinks!

But will the final result really be what the gods had in mind?

If Li Mushen gave an answer, of course it was impossible.

In Li Mushen's body, the power became stronger and more terrifying, the surging power was like a surging torrent, and then there was a scene that the gods did not expect, and unexpectedly appeared in the hands of Li Mushen. Black spooky species.

As for the group of black strange species that appeared in Li Mushen's hands, it made the gods wonder what that kind of thing was, but it only made him feel a little uneasy, and he always felt an ominous premonition!

Sure enough, what happened in the next moment made the face of the gods change suddenly, and his eyes were full of disbelief, as if he couldn't believe what he saw in front of him was true!

Who can imagine the black strange species in the hands of Li Mushen. After Li Mushen injected the power of the Glyph of Life, it seemed to come alive and became the size of a fist, and soon attached to the formation of the gods. above that barrier.

The power in it was surging, but I saw the black strange species, and suddenly gave birth to several black arms.

And those few black arms are adsorbed on the barrier, constantly absorbing the power of the barrier, the gods can clearly perceive that the power contained in the barrier is constantly being swallowed and consumed!

It can be said that this is really shocking, how could he have thought that such a thing would happen!

At the same time, I didn't expect that the black strange species that Li Mushen casually took out possessed such mysterious power.

But the fact is this, although his heart was extremely shocked, but now that strange species of Li Mushen can easily devour divine power, I am afraid that it will not be long before the barrier in front of him will be completely swallowed by that black strange species After the divine power was completely disintegrated, this is what he did not want to see!

But the final result was like this. He didn't know what to do at all. At least for now, for Li Mushen, all he had to do was to wait for this black strange species to completely devour the divine power. Clean, and then break this barrier in front of you!

He can see that the gods may not be as he wished, and indeed at this moment the gods took action!

This time, the gods took action, and he planned to solve this problem and directly obliterate the black strange species...

In this case, Li Mushen can't break that barrier!

But unfortunately, the final result is still not as he wished!

In the face of the attack launched by the gods, Li Mushen naturally resisted it with ease, and did not even regret his ability at all. It seemed so easy!

"Damn it, **** it, how could such a thing happen!" The **** made a low roar and roar.

In the end, he only heard a crisp sound, and the barrier formed by the power of the gods finally disintegrated and turned into pieces of the sky!

And after breaking the barrier, Li Mushen put the black strange species directly into his Lord of the Rings, and then attacked the phantom of the god.

Although Li Mushen is only an ordinary attack, even if he wants to cause damage to the phantom of the gods, I am afraid it will not work at all. He needs to think of other ways to deal with the phantoms of the gods!

As for what to do, Li Mushen already knew in his heart, and soon he thought of buying a magic weapon called the God Extinguishing Bow that cost 1 billion Spirit Stones to buy in the Tiandi Mall.

The God-destroying bow was tightly held in the hands of Li Mushen, as if at this moment, Li Mushen had a feeling of being able to slaughter immortals and destroy gods.

It seems that at this moment, even if he is facing the real fairy, he can easily kill it with the God-destroying bow in his hand!

At the same time, as the God-destroying Bow in Li Mushen's hand was taken out, the **** immediately sensed a dangerous aura.

As a god, he hadn't experienced a dangerous aura for a long time, which also shocked him, causing a big wave of Tao Ran!

His eyes were fixed on the God-destroying bow in the hands of Li Mushen, because that dangerous aura was emanating from the God-destroying bow in the hands of Li Mushen, and it must be directly related to this God-destroying art. Relationship!

"This bow and arrow in your hand..." The god's eyes were cold, and he said in a deep voice.

In this regard, Li Mushen smiled lightly, opened his mouth slowly, and responded to the god's words, "This bow and arrow in my hand is called the God-destroying Bow, which can slaughter immortals and destroy gods. If I want to kill you, a small ghost of the gods, I also don't want to. No difficulty at all."

"Destroyer Bow?"

Hearing what Li Mushen said, the god's heart suddenly trembled. He had naturally heard the name of the God-destroying bow before. Naturally, it was a devastating blow. He couldn't believe that the power contained in this God Extinguishing Bow was so terrifying, terrifying, and unrealistic!

After all, the rumor that this God-destroying bow is in the hands of the gods, and it is also rumored that it has already been lost in the long river of time and disappeared, how could it appear in the hands of Li Mushen, and in the hands of mortals , No matter how he thinks about it, he feels unrealistic, it can't be like this!

But unfortunately, Li Mushen's eyes were calm and he responded: "It seems that you doubt the authenticity of this God-destroying art in my hand, don't worry, you can immediately feel whether this God-destroying bow is true or not. already."

After he finished speaking, Li Mushen didn't hesitate any more, it was full of bowstrings, and the power of the law of the power of heaven and earth around the god-destroying bow gathered frantically towards the god-destroying bow in his hand, and soon gathered at the god-destroying bow. Above, a dazzling long arrow was formed!

This long arrow is completely transformed by the power of heaven and earth. It looks like a tangible thing, but in fact it is an intangible thing. The power of this divine bow is easier to kill and shoot the gods. Things, there is no difficulty at all!

When Li Mushen pointed the direction of the god-destroying bow to him, the god's heart sank, and his unease became even more uneasy, "Could it be that this ant-like mortal has the god-destroying bow in his hand for real?"

He couldn't help thinking to himself, guessing.

The God-destroying bow aimed at the phantom of the gods, and then in a fierce moment, a mysterious ray of light shot out in an instant, traveling through the entire void!

The power exploded in an instant, and the power that erupted in this God-destroying Palace was indeed the power that could kill the gods.

And this power is shocking enough, who would have thought that a mere mortal would have such a big killer in the hands!

This is simply appalling, I am afraid no one would have thought that such a thing would happen, how could he possibly have expected it to the gods!

From the God Extinguishing Bow, a fierce ray of light shot out, pierced through the void, and instantly attacked Li Mushen, hitting the body of the god!