Primordial God

Chapter 1058: gods?

Under this terrifying power, the phantom of the gods wanted to escape, but he could clearly perceive that he was completely enveloped by the power of the god-destroying art, and no matter how hard he tried, he would probably be lost. There is no way to escape from the terrifying power in the God-destroying Bow!

So what is waiting for his final result? In the heart of the gods, it is really hard to guess!

The sword shot by the God-destroying Bow pierced through the void.

Along with the bow and arrows gathered by the forces of heaven and earth, the force is surging, and the sky is completely, even the void is collapsing!

Finally, the power fell on the phantom of the gods. When the gods came into contact with this power, the gods felt terrified. The second feeling was that the whole body was hot, as if the whole body was burning. In the end, the feeling to him was different!

A kind of destruction that even the gods cannot resist!

He let out a scream, and the panic in that scream was horrifying!

"How is this possible?! How is it possible?! I didn't expect it to be true!" The gods let out a terrified scream, unable to believe that all this was true!

But it is so!

Facing the power contained in the God Extinguishing Bow, he could hardly hold back a breath of time, and his body collapsed directly, turned into nothingness, and completely dissipated between the whole world and disappeared without a trace!

And all of this is the terrifying horror of the God-destroying Palace, which makes people irresistible!

At this moment, the god, he also completely believed that the god-killing bow that killed the gods was all true!

It's not that Li Mushen just took something out to fool him!

"How is it possible, how is it possible, how is it possible that you have such a thing in your hands!" The **** roared unwillingly!

How can a mere mortal master an artifact that can kill gods!

This phantom of the gods can't figure out what the reason is!

Everything is shattered, destroying the gods!

The gods could not resist the power of the God-destroying bow, so they were completely destroyed and turned into nothingness!

Following the phantom of the gods and being obliterated by the God-destroying bow, they all disappeared completely, and for this god, he had no way to do anything, and he almost didn't have any obstacles!

That's right, nothing can stop him, and without the power of the gods, Li Mushen can easily enter this palace!

And this way, Li Mushen was not hindered in any way. He went to this palace with ease. When he came to the gate of this palace, he could feel the power of the gods. The power of terror, the power in it is also extremely terrifying, resounding between the whole world.

Li Mushen easily sensed that under this terrifying power, his body seemed to be directly crushed. This was definitely a power that surprised him. It felt extremely terrifying, but he never thought that there would be such a A mighty force is here!

Regarding how powerful the power of the gods is, it can be said that there is no need for Li Mushen to say it himself, and he can clearly perceive that the power is terrifying and terrifying, and the whole world is amazed by it!

Regarding the power of this god, you took a deep breath and left this gate.

The gate of the palace was pushed open, and it was like a rushing torrent, venting out from it!

With the venting of the power, Li Mushen felt an incomparably powerful force, rushing in, and slammed into Li Mushen's body almost in an instant!

When this force hit Li Mushen's body, he felt as if his body was hit by a heavy hammer!

With a groan, Li Mushen bleeds from his mouth, and scarlet blood flows out of his body!

But as the power was vented, Li Mushen was directly blasted out and hit the ground heavily.

There are even scars all over his body. He didn't expect that even if he defeated the ghost of the gods, it would not be so easy to enter it, to enter this palace.

For this palace with gods, Li Mushen still underestimated it.

The gods are indeed very powerful, far beyond his expectations, and even under this blow, he was directly injured, and even almost killed Li Mushen, and all of this was something Li Mushen never thought of, he I didn't expect the final result to be like this!

Powerful gods, powerful gods palaces, the power contained in them can easily cause Li Mushen to be hit hard!

And this time is the result of this reason. As for the final result of Li Mushen, it is also caused by this!

He felt that his body seemed to be torn apart. Under the attack from the palace of the gods, he had never felt that death was so close at this moment.

Death has not felt like this for a long time.

"Cough cough..."

Li Mushen vomited blood, and he stroked his chest, which was still very painful.

But soon, Li Mushen resisted the intense pain that came from his body, and completely endured the damage that the pain caused him!

And now for Li Mushen, he doesn't know what else the palace can do to deal with him!

What he is worried about now is that this palace has other means, which may be able to obliterate him in an instant. Then, for Li Mushen, there is no benefit at all!

After all, if this palace strikes at will, it will be obliterated, and Li Mushen will not be able to use Tiandi Mall in time!

Unable to use the power of Tiandi Mall!

Therefore, Li Mushen couldn't help but take a deep breath and took a pill. After taking this healing pill, Li Mushen's injuries on his body recovered again!

Even if he was hit hard by that palace, it had no effect on Li Mushen at the moment. All he was worried about was the palace's next attack on him. If he couldn't resist the palace's next attack on him, Then what should he do.

Li Mushen took a deep breath and thought about the solution.

At this moment, Li Mushen intends to exchange a magic weapon with stronger defensive power from the Tiandi Mall.

This is a piece of armor, and the defense power of this piece of armor is obviously incomparably amazing, and Li Mushen even spent five billion spirit stones to buy this piece of armor. It can be said that this sum of money The cost is also huge for Li Mushen. Li Mushen rarely spends nearly 5 billion spirit stones to buy a defensive magic weapon, let alone a defensive armor worn on the body.

But Li Mushen has no choice. He is worried that he will suffer a huge blow in the palace of the gods. Therefore, if he can get the help of an armor, it will be a huge benefit for him, and it can reduce his death. main.

The one he put on cost Li Mushen five billion spirit stones, and the defensive armor he bought gave Li Mushen more confidence. He took a deep breath, and then slowly went to the palace of the gods again. go.

The sound of dong dong dong came from the palace of the god, accompanied by the beating of the heart!

And the beating sound of this heart is definitely incomparably loud, and when it hit the palace of the gods, Li Mushen easily heard the beating sound of the heart of the gods.

And when Li Mushen heard the beating of the heart, he couldn't help but guess, what is the reason for this?

After all, it can make the beating sound of the heart, and the beating sound of the heart is so powerful and contains vigorous vitality. Does it mean that there is a real **** in that god's palace?

The gods may have always lived in the palace, and when Li Mushen arrived, he was always watching Li Mushen, and even the ghost of the **** was summoned by him!

Although he couldn't believe it, he somehow felt that all this might be true!

In this way, Li Mushen's eyes flickered, and he had not seen the phantom of the real god, nor the real god!

If he can see the real god, Li Mushen is naturally full of expectations. After all, he has never seen a real god.

If he can see the real gods, he is also full of joy, and for Li Mushen, even if he sees the real gods, he is not afraid at all, because it has the Tiandi Mall, and he has a full range of the Tiandi Mall. Confidence to deal with these gods through Tiandi Mall!

And Li Mushen believes that if he uses his strength to deal with these gods, there is still a chance to deal with them!

But all of this naturally relies on Tiandi Mall. Without Tiandi Mall, Li Mushen can't do all this.

Li Mushen knows best in his heart. Although he has never seen the power of a god, he also understands how powerful a **** can be!

It can be said that it will never be imagined by him!

But being able to understand a god's palace and take a look, this is what Li Mushen wants to do, he hopes to enter the god's palace!

It is very curious to see what is in the palace of the gods. What will be in the palace of the gods, he is also very angry in his heart, and all this also requires Li Mushen to enter it with his own eyes to see what the situation is like. !

This time, Li Mushen was facing this palace, facing this god's palace, his eyes did not change, and his face was very calm.

Facing the palace of the gods in front of him, his eyes flashed with light, and then he said: "Let me see what exists in the palace of gods, and whether there is a real **** in it, this makes me Very curious."

He was wearing the armor with extremely strong defense and powerful defense, facing the palace in front of him, he slowly walked towards the palace.

Suddenly, before he took two steps, he stopped in place, only to see a light flashing in his chest. I don't know when another terrifying force shot out from the palace, but it didn't fall on Li Mushen, but instead. It fell on the defensive armor worn by Li Mushen.