Primordial God

Chapter 1059: enter the palace

The armor with amazing defensive power blocked the power attack that the palace launched against him.

There was a smile on Li Mushen's face. The power shot out of the palace was blocked by the defensive armor he wore. It seems that this defensive armor is not extraordinary and can resist the palace of the gods. The attack appears to be easy.

It seems that he spent five billion spirit stones, and the defensive artifact he bought, the Heart of Crazy Iron, is not without reason!

And he has a defensive battle armor facing that palace, and it is even easier to attack the palace of the gods again and again. He was very satisfied with the mad iron heart on his body, this defensive artifact.

On the other side, as Li Mushen walked to the palace of the gods step by step, facing the attacks that the palace of gods attacked him again and again, his eyes were very calm, and his body was almost unaffected. With a little damage, with the heart of mad iron, he is confident that he can block every attack from the Palace of Gods against him!

The rolling power surged and vented in the entire mountain. As Li Mushen got closer and closer to the palace, the entire mountain was shaking violently, as if it might collapse at any time!

Finally, Li Mushen came to that palace, and now Li Mushen is only about ten steps away from that god's palace. When he came here, he could clearly perceive it.

In that palace, there seemed to be a pair of huge eyes staring at him. If Li Mushen guessed correctly, this pair of eyes is probably the one of the gods in this palace of gods, his eyes!

Li Mushen's expression did not change in any way, he and the god's eyes looked at each other.

"There are ten steps left, and I'll get close to you." Li Mushen said lightly to that, and the **** said.

"Isn't there ten steps left? Let's talk about this when you get closer." The voice of the gods came from that palace again.

"Okay, then what should I do when I get close and see you?" Li Mushen said.

His tone was as calm as ever. In his opinion, this distance was just a momentary thing for him and would not cause him any harm.

He believed that what the **** in the **** palace said was bullshit, he couldn't do anything to him at all, and it was impossible to stop him!

Li Mushen's eyes can be said to be incomparably deep, he walked step by step towards the palace of the gods, but when he took the first step, he only felt a huge force crushing his body.

When this huge force was crushed on his body, he let his body sink and groaned, as if there was a big mountain on his body!

He alone bears the power exerted by a mountain on him, which is also unbelievable, and the terrifying power of this mountain is self-evident!

A mountain of gravity crushed Li Mushen's body, almost making Li Mushen unable to breathe.

He stopped in place and took a deep breath. At this moment, it seemed extremely difficult for him to move, and it was too difficult to move his body!

This made Li Mushen's heart sink. It seems that what the **** said was true. Just these ten steps to enter this god's palace contained great danger, so he couldn't have any carelessness!

He took the first step, but before he took the second step, the ground under his feet had already crumbled, the void was shaking, and that enormous force was crushing on Li Mushen's body, almost making him He couldn't breathe, his chest hurt!

Li Mushen took a deep breath and endured it silently.

Fortunately, his power has reached the existence of Martial Saint after all, and he has the Star of Crazy Iron.

This defensive magic weapon against the gods, so in the face of the power exerted by the palace of the gods, although Li Mushen was extremely difficult to deal with, he still completely resisted it!

Undoubtedly, this coercion gave Li Mushen the feeling that it was extremely difficult to deal with. It was difficult for him to imagine what dangers he would encounter in the next nine steps?

He was guessing that it was an increasingly powerful coercion like a giant mountain, or was it some other strange force?

Li Mushen shook his head in his heart, saying that he did not know these powers!

He just raised his head, looked at the palace of the gods, and then said, "There are still nine steps left."

After speaking, he took a deep breath in his heart, and took the second step towards the Palace of Gods.

And when the second step came over, accompanied by a roar in the palace of the gods, a ferocious Primordial Warcraft suddenly appeared!

This ancient Warcraft is very terrifying and amazing!

He seems to have the ability to swallow the sky. This ancient beast is like a combination of a lion and a giant python. It looks even more ferocious and extremely fierce!

In front of that palace, he looked at Li Mushen coldly, wishing to devour Li Mushen!

"Presumably this is the price to be met in the second step." Li Mushen said lightly, his eyes were very deep!

Facing this ancient beast, Li Mushen's eyes were indifferent, but his body was surging with power.

Before he could make a move, this ancient beast had already rushed towards Li Mushen fiercely!

The power of this ancient beast is absolutely powerful and amazing. When this ancient beast slammed into Li Mushen, Li Mushen was physically under the pressure of a mountain, not because he wanted to avoid it easily. dodge!

At least for now, when this ancient beast attacked him, Li Mushen couldn't dodge it at all, he could only carry it hard!

However, with this mad iron heart, this defensive armor, even in the face of the attack launched by the ancient beast, he can easily resist it!

Sure enough, when the ancient beast slammed into her body, he easily resisted the attack of the ancient beast on him!

The ancient beast only felt severe pain in the body, especially when it hit Li Mushen's Crazy Iron Star, it suffered great damage.

Li Mushen's eyes were cold, he suddenly stretched out his left hand, and above his left hand, the power was surging.

The next thing he uses is the power of time.

This is the kind of terrifying power he obtained by mastering the ancient demon capital!

When Li Mushen used the power of time, it turned out that the ancient beast had changed, the body was crumbling, slowly turned into nothingness, and dissipated between the whole world!

This is the power of the passage of time, a ferocious power that cannot be resisted at all. When this ancient power is crushed, even the demon beast transformed from the palace of the gods can be said to be unstoppable at all.

In the eighth step, about the damage of this ancient beast to him, Li Mushen was confident that under the power of time passing, he could hardly resist it, and it did not exceed his expectations. There was also an unbelievable voice in the palace of the god!

"Impossible! Impossible! How could you possibly possess a power!"

"Nothing is impossible." Li Mushen responded lightly, grasping the power of time to deal with the attack from the Palace of Gods against him, obviously it became easier!

Next, Li Mushen took another step forward.

Even if he endured terrifying power every time, he could easily resist it.

In this way, he slowly approached from ten steps. Although his movements were very slow, these ten steps seemed to have spanned the passage of time, but in the end, Li Mushen still came to the palace of the gods easily!

Li Mushen stood indifferently in front of the palace of the gods, his eyes were calm, looking at the palace of the gods with the closed gate of the palace in front of him.

"It seems that the gods are nothing more than that." Li Mushen said.

"Impossible, impossible, how could such a thing happen! How could a mortal man possess the power of a god!"

That's right, the law that can easily control time can only be mastered by gods, and even only high-ranked gods can master it!

They don't know why, in the hands of Li Mushen, they still have this kind of power!

If Li Mushen can see the face of this god, he must be very ugly!

This also made Li Mushen curious and wanted to see what the face of the gods looked like!

"Did you open the gate of the palace yourself, or did I personally take action to open the gate of your palace?" Li Mushen said lightly.

In that palace of gods, everything remained silent, and no one spoke.

It was as if the gods were silent.

"It seems that I did it myself and opened the palace of this god." Li Mushen said lightly.

He used the power of the law of time again, but just when he was about to separate the palace in front of him, everything changed again!

The two gates of the palace suddenly opened, and the gates opened, revealing the interior of this palace, and as for what was in this palace, no one knew!

Li Mushen looked into the palace, but couldn't see anything from the palace!

It seems that this palace is very ordinary, there is nothing in it, at least when Li Mushen glanced at it, it was white.

"Let me see the legendary palace of the gods, what is the difference?" Li Mushen said again, and then his eyes were calm, and he entered the palace of the gods step by step!

Soon, he was not hindered by anything and entered the palace of this god.

In this palace of the gods, when Li Mushen entered it, he found that there was a white mist all around, as if it was a white mist, and nothing could be seen.