Primordial God

Chapter 1060: sarcophagus in the temple

Li Mushen's eyes were extremely sharp, and his eyes shuttled through the palace like lightning to find out the situation.

In his observation, he gradually discovered the strange situation. In this mysterious palace, he could hardly notice anything inside, it was completely silent, as if nothing was in the palace Nothing, it really amazes him!

Li Mushen was very clear in his heart that there must be something in this palace of the gods.

Otherwise, it is impossible to prevent Li Mushen from entering this palace in secret, and what is hidden in this mysterious palace?

Li Mushen may not know now, all he has to do is to find out what is hidden in this god's palace?

But no matter how he imagined it, Li Mushen couldn't have any carelessness. The Tiandi Mall was by no means as ordinary as he imagined, and in the palace of the gods, as for what huge dangers and secrets were hidden, all these or It is unspeakable, and everything needs him to find out the situation in person!

The fog all around, a piece of white, what Li Mushen didn't expect was emanating with his divine consciousness, and he couldn't see the situation from all around, which really made him unbelievable!

He walked through the palace, and in his observation, the palace of the gods is by no means so simple, there must be something hidden in it!

Sure enough, soon!

What happened to Li Mushen in the palace of the gods, he knew that the white mist was trying to cover up him, to cover up his discovery of this palace, but unfortunately, although the gods have tried their best to go It was concealed, but Li Mushen still discovered the situation!

For example, in this palace of a god, there is a vast power!

This kind of vastness of his own power made his heart palpitate. It is absolutely powerful and amazing that this kind of power is absolutely shocking and shocking!

About this kind of power, Li Mushen naturally has a deep understanding, because he came to this dark city, and then to this **** palace deep in the ground.

About all of this, it can be said that it is to track down the power that makes his heart palpitate, and let him find out what the power that makes his heart palpitate, and now it seems that he has almost figured out all of this!

He felt the force that made his heart palpitate, and then slowly approached that force, and soon Li Mushen approached the force that made his heart palpitate.

In front of the force that made his heart palpitate, Li Mushen's heart was full of dangers. Facing this force, his fleshly body seemed to be unable to resist it at all. This was an experience he had never had before. !

In the misty white mist, he finally saw all this clearly, and in front of his eyes, as the misty white mist dissipated, a sarcophagus appeared!

As for what was in this sarcophagus, Li Mushen didn't know, all he knew was that there must be a force that made his heart palpitate in this sarcophagus!

Even Li Mushen had already guessed, that is to say, where did the power that made his heart palpitate come from!

With the surge of power, he brought his breath to a peak state!

Because he is facing this force that makes him feel heart palpitations, he must be cautious and must not be careless!

The sarcophagus in front of him is almost two meters long, and there is some kind of power pervading this sarcophagus.

Li Mushen didn't know what the power radiated from this sarcophagus was, but he could feel this power, which was probably the source of his heart palpitating power!

If he guessed correctly, the power that made him feel palpitations probably emanated from the sarcophagus in front of him!

Besides this sarcophagus, Li Mushen did not find any other existence in the white mist of this palace!

This can't help but make Li Mushen guess whether it is about the gods, maybe the gods are hidden in this sarcophagus, maybe this is the reason!

His eyes were extremely deep, and he was carefully comprehending the rolling power emanating from the sarcophagus in front of him.

Then, he took a deep breath, stretched out his hands, and wanted to put his hands on the sarcophagus.

But just when Li Mushen's hand was about to touch the top of the sarcophagus, there was a cold snort of the gods in his ears again, "Humble human ants! Don't think you have the time power that the gods are jealous of. You can do whatever you want, if you dare to touch this sarcophagus! The final result waiting for you must be destruction!"

"You will be completely destroyed between this world! There is no way to live!" That **** almost made a gnashing sound!

But for the threat of this god, Li Mushen still seemed calm, his eyes were indifferent, and he even had a smile on his face, he opened his mouth slowly, and his voice resounded in the palace: "What you said is Threat, or are you afraid of me at all?"

"Humph! A humble human ant is in my hand, and I can squeeze it to death with one hand. You ask me, will I be afraid of him?" That deity laughed wildly!

"But you know that you are hiding in the dark, like a mouse in the dark, don't you dare to appear in front of me in an upright manner?" Li Mushen said.

"Humph!" In response, the **** in the dark snorted again, and didn't say anything!

And Li Mushen's hand was not placed on that sarcophagus for the time being. He pondered for a while, and then said, "If I guessed correctly, you should hide in this sarcophagus."

In this palace of the gods, there was a silence without any sound, as if the **** did not hear what Li Mushen said, it was very curious.

And because of this, Li Mushen was even more convinced that the **** who spoke was probably hidden in a sarcophagus, and only in this way could he be able to explain the situation.

A faint smile appeared on Li Mushen's face, and he said, "It seems that I guessed right, you are indeed in this sarcophagus."

After a brief silence, the **** spoke again.

"I didn't expect you to be smarter than I thought, but I knew that you were hidden in this sarcophagus. I ask you, do you dare to come in?"

He couldn't help guessing that from the words of the god, it was very likely that this was just his lie. No one knew whether what he said was true or not. Perhaps this was all because of the fear of Li Mushen entering this palace. middle.

Maybe it's not necessarily what traps he laid in this sarcophagus.

And this requires him to think about the situation inside, whether the words of this **** are deceiving him!

But at this time, Li Mushen put his hands on the sarcophagus of that god, and this also meant that Li Mushen was doing what the **** said.

No matter what, for Li Mushen's guts, he would also go to open that sarcophagus to see what was in the sarcophagus!

For him, opening this sarcophagus might be able to see the situation clearly!

No matter what is in this sarcophagus, when Li Mushen enters this sarcophagus, he will know the situation after Daming!

No matter whether what the **** said is true or false, he will know that all the answers will be easy at that time!

As Li Mushen's hand fell on the sarcophagus, he felt that he heard a heavy breathing sound, and this heavy breathing sound came from that sarcophagus.

"Is there a living thing in which sarcophagus?" This made Li Mushen secretly guess in his heart, wanting to see what was in that palace.

His eyes are extremely deep, and at the same time, this makes him even more curious, guessing what will be in that palace!

His hand fell on the sarcophagus. When Li Mushen's hand fell on the sarcophagus, he felt a powerful force. This force made his heart surge, and his hands seemed to have surging flames. Burning like a roar!

Regarding now, his hands seem to be in another world, and he can't see the authenticity at all. He doesn't even know where his hands are at the moment!

He can only feel that his hands are still on his body, as for everything else, he seems at a loss!

In front of his eyes, what appeared was not a sarcophagus, everything in front of him had changed!

Looking at this incomparably magnificent and turbulent world in front of her, Li Mushen's eyes shone with light, she actually saw another world!

In this world, the gods are high above, and they have the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth. With the raising of their hands, they can move mountains and seas and destroy the sky and the earth!

As soon as the gods came out, all races surrendered!

Even the immortals can only kowtow and worship in front of the gods!

This is Li Mushen, the first time I have seen the world of the gods!

It turned out that the world of the gods turned out to be like this!

When Li Mushen wanted to continue to observe in this world of gods, everything in front of him changed again.

Heaven and earth are collapsing, and the order of the whole world will be rewritten. Li Mushen's head is extremely heavy, and everything he sees in front of him has changed again.

The scene in front of him is like watching flowers on a horse, quickly appearing in front of his eyes, and quickly disappearing, and I don't know how long it has passed. The things that Li Mushen endured and saw in his mind were too surging, almost beyond. Exceeded the limit of his brain!

With a groan, his hands escaped the sarcophagus, and he took a few steps back!

Although he has already escaped from that sarcophagus, it is clear that he still suffered great damage and could not recover for a long time!