Primordial God

Chapter 1063: Primordial Divine Rune

The goddess woman endured the burning of the fire-shaped glyphs on him, but there was no way to resist it. He could only feel his own godly breath.

With the burning of the fire-shaped glyph, it was constantly destroyed and burned, and turned into nothingness, which made him full of unwillingness, and he was unwilling to fall like this!

"What, have you made up your mind?" Li Mushen asked.

That goddess woman must know very well how terrifying the power of Li Mushen's fire-shaped glyphs is. He did not directly obliterate Li Mushen in this way. This means that Li Mushen's power has been restrained, waiting for Li Mushen to make a decision. .

If Li Mushen is determined to obliterate her soul, then for the goddess woman, she has already died in it, but Li Mushen did not do this, just to give this goddess woman time to think!

And this goddess woman is full of unwillingness in her heart, unwilling to die like this!

"If you want the inheritance of the gods, then I will give it to you."

Hearing the goddess woman's words, Li Mushen's eyes shone with light, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, with a slight smile, and then he said: "I thought how noble it would be for you to value him as a god, now it seems that But so."

After saying this, his eyes shot wisps of cold light.

Li Mu Shen said: "Since this is the case, let you dedicate your inheritance for a long time."

After finishing speaking, the power of the fire-shaped glyphs burning on the body of the young goddess also dissipated.

This gave the young goddess a sigh of relief. If Li Mushen did not dissipate the power of the fire-shaped glyphs, it is very likely that her last remaining soul would be wiped out here!

Although her divine body has been shattered, her soul is still there, and she doesn't want to die like this!

She is a god, and if she died like this, it would be even more unwilling for him!

She was unwilling to do so.

If Li Mushen can spare his life after handing over his inheritance to Li Mushen, it is not impossible for her to hand over the inheritance of the gods.

Although she is a god, she is extremely proud in her heart, but now the proud words have no effect.

She bit her lip tightly, looking at Li Mushen even more full of unwillingness.

Immediately afterwards, a bright and radiant seed slowly flew out from the goddess woman's forehead.

It's just the size of a soy bean, but it looks amazing.

Li Mushen looked at the dazzling seed with great curiosity.

The goddess woman said: "The inheritance you want, the treasure of the gods, is here."

After that, the **** seed slowly flew towards Li Mushen.

Finally, the **** seed fell on Li Mushen's body and turned into a raging flame.

At this moment, Li Mushen looked closely at the **** seed in front of him.

It gave him the feeling that the **** seed in front of him was covered with countless ancient and strange carvings.

And these glyphs are somewhat similar to the ancient glyphs of Li Mushen, which made Li Mushen's eyes shine brightly.

If he guessed correctly, it is very likely that the ancient and bizarre glyphs that spread over the seeds of the gods are the ancient glyphs!

He doesn't know how many kinds of ancient glyphs there are, but the only thing that can be proved is that every kind of ancient glyphs are absolutely powerful, absolutely magical, and also absolutely precious!

"Is this an ancient glyph?" Li Mushen asked.

The goddess woman nodded, although she was reluctant, but she also responded: "Yes, this type of glyph is the same as the glyph under your control, it belongs to the ancient gods."

"The ancient gods?" Li Mushen wondered.

The goddess woman said again: "This kind of flame you control, including the raging flame burning outside the palace of gods, is a kind of ancient gods if you guess correctly. It can be said that this kind of power is only gods. To be able to understand and control.”

Therefore, this goddess woman has always been curious, why Li Mushen actually mastered this kind of power, and how did he control it?

For all the reasons, he was full of bewilderment.

"It turns out that these ancient carving patterns are actually divine patterns." Li Mushen murmured.

Obviously, the power controlled by the gods is absolutely terrifying, and this explains why those people and the dangers encountered by Li Mushen can easily be solved by using the power of this **** pattern!

And in this way, Li Mushen is even more curious, what is this ancient divine pattern mastered by this god, and what effect does it have?

But what happened next was not what he expected.

Among the gods, she had already compromised with Li Mushen and told Li Mushen about her divine runes.

"If you want to know this divine script, then rely on your ability to ask me what I do, aren't you very good?" The divine woman sneered and said to Li Mushen.

Although she has bowed her head to Li Mushen, this does not mean that she surrenders to Li Mushen!

If Li Mushen wants to obtain the mystery of this divine pattern, everything needs to be done by himself!

Li Mushen narrowed his eyes slightly, and an astonishing cold light shot out from his eyes. He knew that this goddess woman probably wouldn't plan to tell him this again.

And he didn't have any surprises, and he didn't ask any more about these situations. Looking at the divine pattern floating in front of him, his eyes flashed with light, and he stretched out his hand and placed it on the divine seed!

"An ant! It's just beyond your own power!" The goddess woman saw that Li Mushen didn't have any protective measures, so she stretched out her hand to grab the seed of her goddess, which made her sneer, and said coldly, in the words It is full of cold regard for Li Mushen...

Although the goddess knows the strength of Li Mushen, since he can master two kinds of ancient gods, I am afraid that his ancient gods can also be grasped by Li Mushen. The only thing that has to be paid is that Li Mushen will suffer some damage until He completes the final inheritance!

Sure enough, with the passage of time, when Li Mushen's hand grabbed the seed of the god, the power was constantly surging!

He felt that his hand was about to shatter, and the divine power contained in that divine seed was absolutely terrifying and terrifying.

The fiery rays of light flowed, boiling like molten iron, and then Li Mushen's arm that grabbed the seed of the gods was burning!

The flesh and blood on his arms are also dissipating, and under the terrifying power, his hands are directly consumed!

But what made him relieved was that his power was strong, and he could only resist the erosion of the divine power, so there was no problem. After all, he had the existence of the Glyph of Life.

Under the Glyph of Life, no matter how serious the injury he suffered, he could recover quickly without worrying about the cost!

And because of this reason, that goddess woman had long expected such a thing to happen!

For that goddess woman, at this moment, she looked at Li Mushen with more complexity, although she knew that Li Mushen not only mastered the power of fire-shaped glyphs in his hands, but also held a kind of power that could repair his own physical injuries. a power!

And this kind of power can completely recover all the injuries he suffered on his body. When this goddess woman saw it, her eyes were still full of disbelief!

She couldn't understand why Li Mushen had such a great opportunity. She had always wondered how Li Mushen got two immemorial **** patterns in this low-level world!

You must know that every immemorial **** pattern is unique between heaven and earth. If you want to get a kind of immemorial **** pattern, it is like going to the sky. No one can get it easily, but Li Mushen got the immemorial **** pattern. Divine Mark!

Even, this is not only one, but two!

She looked at Li Mushen coldly, and in the eyes of this goddess woman showed her jealousy of Li Mushen!

That's right, she is jealous of Li Mushen, and jealous of Li Mushen, a small and humble ant, he actually got two kinds of ancient gods!

Even now, it seems that he still has to get his own Divine Rune, which means that Li Mushen will get three ancient Divine Runes!

How could such a thing happen! This humble human ant!

That goddess woman could only scold Li Mushen in her own heart!

Li Mushen's eyes were calm. After he grabbed the **** seed, he directly crushed the **** seed, and the immemorial **** patterns in it were like countless silver rays of light that shuttled through Li Mushen's palm. Incorporated into Li Mushen's body, there was a loud buzzing sound, Li Mushen only felt that the world in front of him was pitch black, without any light!

However, in the darkness, light slowly emerged. At first, it was only a small light, but it gradually became larger, and finally the whole world became bright!

At this moment, Li Mushen appeared in a new world. In this world, there is nothing but a bright light! There is no life activity, no movement whatsoever! It seems that there is nothing in this world, and there is only him as a big living person!

"Where is this? Could this be the godly seed of that goddess woman?" Li Mushen couldn't help but guess.

He doesn't know where he is now. What he knows is that he is now in an inexplicable world. In this world, he has not noticed any breath of life. Spiritual consciousness spreads from his body like waves. Out, rolling galloping filled the whole world!

Soon, almost the whole world was covered. He was observing a world, and in his observation, everything he found did not exceed his expectations. In this world, There is nothing, there is silence and loneliness, there is no life at all.

In this regard, Li Mushen didn't understand what the inheritance of this **** was. He didn't understand at all and couldn't figure out the situation.

However, he is trying to travel through the whole world with a small footprint. He does not believe that this world is full of vitality, that is, there is no life, he does not believe it!