Primordial God

Chapter 1074: The Holy King of All Medicines

On the other hand, Li Mushen naturally did not pay attention to the ancient alien beast that was transformed by the medicinal pill.

His eyes were calm and calm, like a calm lake, and he shot again.

And with his shot this time, the violent power broke out instantly, and the flames turned violently into stormy waves, like a huge fire wave suddenly set off in the boundless sea!

The huge fire wave rose from the sky, then crushed it down, smashed heavily on the ground, burned in the entire Pill Tower, and at the same time destroyed the entire Pill Tower, including the area of ​​the Shendan Pavilion. Completely surrounded by flames!

Therefore, in this raging flame, almost no one can escape!

Unless they dare to directly cross the wall of fire blocking them, but they have already felt the power of the wall of fire. If they want to cross the wall of fire in front of them, what awaits them is immediate death!

"Call the owner of your Shendan Pavilion out." Li Mushen said directly, his voice resounded like thunder, resounding throughout the Shendan Pavilion, and everyone could hear it clearly!

"Are you looking for me?"

The void suddenly vibrated, and then an old man appeared in front of his eyes. The old man was small and thin, but he seemed to be immortal, and his eyes were even brighter, and his eyes shot a cold glow!

And the old man in front of him is the Master of Ten Thousand Medicines at the helm of the Shendan Pavilion!

It is rumored that the Holy Monarch of Ten Thousand Medicines is the most powerful alchemist in the Shendan Pavilion. He can refine incomparably precious medicinal pills. Even the medicinal pills of the dead and the bones can also be refined. Even if it is an elixir that can increase Shouyuan, he can also refine it!

The same is true for elixir and magic medicine!

As for his cultivation, he was in the realm of the Seven Stars Martial Saint, and he was at the helm of the entire Shendan Pavilion, and the entire Shendan Pavilion obeyed his orders.

"You are the helm of Shendan Pavilion." Li Mushen said, looking at the Holy Monarch of Ten Thousand Medicines in front of him.

Wanyao Shengjun nodded and responded: "Yes! I am! What are you doing in my Shendan Pavilion?"

"I want to use the space key in your Shendan Pavilion and the space tunnel to the sixth heaven of the pseudo-immortal world. As the overlord of the pseudo-immortal world, your Shendan Pavilion must be able to go to the six-layered heaven of the fairy world. Bar."

Wanyao Shengjun's eyes shot a sharp cold light like a sword. He looked at Li Mushen and said to Li Mushen, "Is this your purpose?"

Li Mushen nodded, "I don't want to do anything to you Shendan Pavilion, I just want your space key. As for you, you are still the overlord in the fifth heaven of the pseudo-immortal world!"


It's a pity that for Li Mushen's request, the Holy Monarch of Ten Thousand Medicines directly rejected what he said and rejected his request!

This made Li Mushen sigh involuntarily. These people always rejected him like this first, and when they wanted to regret it, they had nothing to do. Then don't blame him for being rude at that time!

Next to Tian Lei Shou looked at the Wanyao Sage with hostility, and said to the Wanyao Sage: "If it's impossible, then we can only **** it by ourselves. If we grab it, it will inevitably cause some damage. Even let your Shendan Pavilion be removed from the Five Heavens of the Ghost Immortal World!"

"What did you say? Let my Shendan Pavilion be removed from the Five Heavens of the Pseudo Immortal Realm?"

For what Tatian Lei Shou said, Wanyao Shengjun sneered, with a contemptuous smile in his eyes, disdainful, and did not pay attention to what Tatian Lei Shou said. For them, Shendan Pavilion is in this fake The Immortal Realm Fifth Layer is the overlord, how can it be easily erased!

"You know what you're talking about! Arrogant boy!"

"He is right, this is your opportunity, don't miss it." Li Mushen said.

He stood in front of the Holy Monarch of Ten Thousand Medicines. At this moment, the aura on his body was once again restrained. It looked ordinary and very ordinary. He never thought that he would have the ability to eradicate the destruction, the Shendan Pavilion!

More so temporarily. Li Mushen is a martial sage, but he is still so young, and the foundation of Shendan Pavilion is strong, how can he be destroyed if he wants to destroy it!

Li Mushen just smiled lightly at such words, but there was no change in the expression on his face. In fact, he was very clear in his heart!

For Li Mushen, even if he wants to destroy this Shendan Pavilion, it is not impossible, but Li Mushen has full confidence in his own strength, all of which are under the support of Tiandi Mall. !

And if he has the Heaven and Earth Mall, he only needs to spend the spirit stone, even if it is a god, he can easily destroy it, not to mention that this is just the Shendan Pavilion in the fifth layer of the pseudo-immortal world!

He wants to destroy the Shendan Pavilion, but it is only something that can be done in the blink of an eye!

Li Mushen's eyes flickered, and he looked at the Wanyao Sage with a faint smile, and said to the Wanyao Sage, "I heard that the Wanyao Sage is famous for medicine pills and mainly focuses on alchemy, so I must be in the There must be a lot of wealth accumulated in your Shendan Pavilion!"

"That's right! You guessed it right. Almost every force in the Fifth Heaven of the Pseudo Immortal Realm has to buy the elixir of my Shendan Pavilion. There are thousands of spiritual stones in my Shendan Pavilion, countless!" With a sneer, he responded.

"Do you have any idea about the wealth of my Shendan Pavilion?" Wanyao Shengjun sneered again.

"You're right, or I'll give you another way to go."

"Then let me listen, what path do you want me to take?" Wanyao Shengjun asked curiously.

"Tell me how many spirit stones are in your Shendan Pavilion?" Li Mushen asked.

"Why should I tell you?" Wanyao Shengjun coldly snorted.

"Forget it, no matter how many spirit stones you have on your body, the spirit stones on your body belong to me anyway." Li Mushen suddenly seemed very domineering!

"You said that the spirit stones of my Shendan Pavilion are all yours, I think you are thinking too much! Arrogant!" Wanyao Shengjun sneered.

Li Mushen shook his head. He didn't speak. At this moment, the power surged in his body, and the power that erupted was like a stormy sea!

Now what he is using is the Creation Divine Rune he got from the nerve palace!

The power to create the Divine Mark surges in this Divine Pill Pavilion, and those countless rocks and trees are alive, as if they have life, and launched an attack on the entire Divine Pill Pavilion!

Under the powerful attack of the Creation Divine Rune, it is even more unstoppable!

Everyone looked at this scene in shock, who would have thought that they would see such a shocking thing in their hearts!


Who would have thought that all the dead creatures would come alive under the Creation Divine Rune of Li Mushen, and they all contain vitality!

And their strength is not as weak as they show, the power contained in these dead objects is even stronger, and the cultivation base of each dead object is at least above the realm of Martial King!

The scene that appeared completely shocked the powerful warriors in the Shendan Pavilion!

Under the powerful siege of those dead things, they are even less opponents, and it is even more difficult to deal with! Almost can't beat them!

At the same time, Li Mushen also took action. The power of Li Mushen was even more irresistible to them. Accompanied by the rolling power, rushing in their bodies, the violent power instantly rolled into the air like a mountain topped the sea, rushing out and venting in the Between the whole world!

For Shendan Pavilion, this is simply a nightmare existence, no one can resist their attacks, and no one can resist their attacks!

Therefore, for those warriors, they don't know how Li Mushen did it. Who knows that Li Mushen is still very difficult to deal with. This is simply impossible to defeat like this!

Sure enough, for the Shendan Pavilion, whether it is for those warriors, or the most powerful Wanyao Sage, under the powerful attack of Li Mushen, no one is their opponent, and they are constantly being obliterated!

The power is rolling, venting in this world!

With the powerful power they erupted, for those warriors, the final result was death. They presented a posture of being crushed, one by one, and were directly obliterated by Li Mushen's powerful attack!

As for the Shendan Pavilion, of course, he showed no mercy. He shot ruthlessly, and the powerful attack directly took the lives of the elders or disciples in the Shendan Pavilion. Those warriors who died in his hands like this, one after another! never stop!

Today, for the entire Shendan Pavilion, this is of course a disaster! Who could have imagined that the strength of Li Mushen would be so terrifying! So powerful!

Although he seems to be just a warrior who has reached the realm of Martial Saint, the strength it bursts out is so unimaginable that even the powerhouse in the realm of Martial Saint is not his opponent at all!

Wanyao Shengjun couldn't help trembling in his heart, and when he saw Li Mushen's powerful attack and destruction, his expression became cold, "What did you do?"

Li Mushen's eyes were indifferent to what the Holy Monarch Wanyao said, and he said, "What did I do, don't you know what I've done?"

When raising his hand, the fire-shaped glyph turned into a raging flame, falling from the sky!

The terrifying flame burned the earth, burned in the entire Shendan Pavilion, and turned into a raging and endless sea flame!

The flame is burning everything, as if it will burn everything into nothingness!

There was a cold sweat on the forehead of Wanyao Shengjun. He was not as calm as he used to be. At this moment, his expression was a bit pale, and he said to Li Mushen, "You, you..."

"I what?"

Li Mushen's eyes are still cold, and Li Mushen's attack is also more powerful, like a raging storm, no one can cope with his powerful attack!

In the terrifying waves of fire, the disciples of the Shendan Pavilion lost their lives one by one!

Those disciples or elders in the Shendan Pavilion, these are of course the most precious treasures for the Holy Monarch Wanyao, who can imagine that they were obliterated by Li Mushen like this!

Whenever a person dies in the hands of Li Mushen, it is of course heartache to the Holy Monarch Wanyao!

"Damn guy! I'm going to kill you, kill you!" The Holy Monarch Wanyao let out a roar, he then squeezed the five fingers in his hand, and soon a cyan cauldron appeared in front of him!