Primordial God

Chapter 1075: Killing Feast

This green cauldron is the big cauldron he used to refine the medicinal pills. The power contained in it is naturally turbulent, especially after many years of refining medicinal pills, the cyan big cauldron has become very powerful and full of The strong medicinal fragrance is refreshing, and at the same time it is almost intoxicating!

With the reflection in the hands of the Holy Monarch Wanyao, the cyan cauldron changed instantly and formed a big mountain!

This mountain is incomparably large, with incomparably turbulent power, rolling down from the sky like a torrent of dykes, and then ruthlessly crushing Li Mushen, wanting to crush Li Mushen Lian into ashes!

But unfortunately, Li Mushen was facing this big blue cauldron, and he easily blocked it.

He stretched out his right hand, and when the cyan big cauldron rolled towards him, he just let it go and stopped the cyan big cauldron!

In this way, under his powerful attack, the cyan cauldron had almost nothing to do!

And as the power in Li Mushen's body exploded again, he backhanded the power in his hand!

The azure cauldron flew out directly, and crushed it towards the Holy Monarch of Ten Thousand Medicines!

The Holy Monarch Wanyao did not expect that his magic weapon would suddenly fly towards him, which made him look shocked, and quickly resisted!

Fortunately, his strength was strong, and when the azure cauldron that shot out came back, he hurriedly raised his palm and stopped the azure cauldron!

In this way, the blue cauldron could hardly cause any damage to it.

Although the Holy Monarch of Ten Thousand Medicines had already stopped the cyan cauldron, the power contained in the light cyan cauldron still made him groan, and the man took a few steps back before stopping.

Every step has deeply stepped into the geography, revealing one deep footprint after another!

When that cyan cauldron was crushed by the Holy Monarch of Ten Thousand Medicines, how powerful was the power contained in it!

After Wanyao Shengjun took the blue cauldron back again, Li Mushen shot again.

He took a step, and in an instant his entire figure flashed, as if piercing the void, appearing in front of the Holy Monarch of Ten Thousand Medicines.

Wanyao Shengjun looked at Li Mushen in shock.

But before he had time to shoot, Li Mushen had already stretched out his right hand and grabbed his throat!

"What do you want to do?!" Holy Monarch Wanyao was grabbed by the throat of Li Mushen, and he could hardly say a word!

The elders of the Shendan Pavilion and the disciples next to them saw this scene, their faces changed, and they were shocked. They hurriedly roared at Li Mushen, and then quickly surrounded Li Mushen. They said to Li Mushen coldly: "Release Lord Shengjun!"

It seems that the Holy Monarch Wanyao has a lot of prestige in their hearts, and so many people have taken action to protect it!

It's a pity that Li Mushen's eyes are still very indifferent. He looked at the Holy Monarch Wanyao calmly and said to him: "Do you think they can save you?"

At this moment, the mind of the Holy Monarch Wanyao is full of fear. In his opinion, Li Mushen's strength and his cultivation are not like those of a martial sage. His strength is far beyond that of martial arts. Saint, almost stronger than Wu Shengdu!

Otherwise, he will not be crushed in his hands, and he will not be able to resist at all!

Next to Tatian Lei first shot, at this moment he directly transformed into a thunder horse!

He made a sound of horseshoes, followed by thunder and lightning, which turned the whole circle into a sea of ​​tears!

In this sea of ​​thunder, countless divine thunders are transformed into illusions, and the power of each divine thunder is extremely terrifying, as if it can destroy everything in the world!

This is the horror of the thunderhead who has become a divine beast!

Tatian Lei Shou also believes that under this divine thunder, no one dares to attack him!

At this moment, the power of Treading the Sky Thundershou changed again.

The thunder and lightning shuttled and turned into a huge net, and the elders and disciples of the Shendan Pavilion from the outside to the Neijiang were directly wrapped in this thunder net!

It seems that Thunderhead is not planning to let these people leave here!

Li Mushen grabbed the throat of the Holy Monarch Wanyao with one hand, and at the same time his eyes turned to the other elders and the disciples.

"Now give you a chance, take out the space key, hand over the space tunnel, then I will let him go."

The faces of the elders and the disciples suddenly changed drastically. Regarding the space key or the space tunnel, this is the only way to get to the sixth level of the pseudo-immortal world. If they are taken away by Li Mushen, then they will lose the pseudo-immortal world's fifth-level heaven. Dominance!

At the same time, the Holy Monarch Wanyao also roared and ordered them, "The space key and the space tunnel are the hard work of my Shendan Pavilion over the years. You can't hand it over to Li Mushen! If it is handed over, then , This is a devastating blow to my Shendan Pavilion! Even if I die, how can I face my ancestors!"

"Cough cough..."

However, at this time, Li Mushen's hand exerted force, and the face of the Holy Monarch Wanyao suddenly swayed, and he made a violent cough!

"It seems that you are toasting and not eating and drinking." Li Mushen said lightly. At this moment, the power in his body was completely transformed into the thunder of heaven and earth!

Unparalleled God! The divine fire was burning, and no one could stop it under the burning of the divine thunder and divine fire. At the same time, an ancient portal appeared behind Li Mushen. This was an ancient portal. The Shepherd's Sumerian Ring!

In this Ring of Sumeru, there are thousands of gods and demons in it.

And when Li Mushen opened the ring of Sumeru, there was a roar from the devil in an instant!

Immediately afterwards, one after another of the ancient demons walked out of it, containing extremely terrifying formidable power, as if it could crush everything in the world, with a rolling and shocking breath!

Accompanied by the primordial demons appearing in this Shendan Pavilion one after another, the immemorial devils are fierce and ferocious enough to deter the elders and disciples in these Shendan Pavilions!

They looked at this scene in awe. For these ancient demons, after experiencing continuous support in the Sumeru ring, they no longer worry about life. Therefore, every ancient demon is growing and growing extremely. Quick, their strength has also been rapidly improved!

This is also the reason. At this moment, their strength has reached an incomparably powerful level, and no one can resist it!

Of course, letting the ancient demons take action will of course cause a devastating blow to this Shendan Pavilion, and even show an overwhelming attitude, not only can it shock their minds, make them feel fear from the bottom of their hearts, but also make them To be directly oppressed, and thus, to feel fear and fear!

The power is surging, the waves are turning the sky, and the ancient demons looked at Li Mushen respectfully, with admiration and admiration in their eyes, this is their master, their god!

"Master Demon God!"

Hundreds of primordial demons emerged from the Ring of Sumeru of Li Mushen. Each of these primordial demons was the most powerful. The breath on their bodies seemed to be able to smash the void. Because, there are no clear boundaries, it can be said that their strength is far beyond everyone's imagination!

The elders and disciples of the Shendan Pavilion, they are now looking back at these ancient demons in fear!

I don't know what race these ancient demons are, but they can feel the terrifying aura in their bodies!

These ancient demons knelt down on one knee in front of Li Mushen, everyone was solemn, Li Mushen nodded slightly, and directly ordered them to take action!

"Destroy this Shendan Pavilion, and leave none." Li Mushen said lightly.

Under the order of Li Mushen, the ancient demons nodded, and then launched a powerful attack.

The attack of the ancient demons is of course powerful. Under the orders of Li Mushen, they did not hide their strength. The demonic power rolled in like a giant mountain and a torrent, and then suddenly killed the elders and disciples of the Shendan Pavilion. go!

This is a massacre, and for Shendan Pavilion, this is a disaster!

And in this disaster, no one can survive, everyone will die!

Sure enough, under the slaughter of the ancient demons, for these warriors, the final result is annihilation. Almost no one is their opponent. During the slaughter, the screams continued!

, One after another, the disciples and elders of the Shendan Pavilion died tragically in the hands of the ancient demons and no one could stop them!

In the end, the result that they are waiting for is unquestionably their demise!

For, for the Holy Monarch Wanyao, at this moment, his heart is full of fear and fear, his face is pale, there is almost no blood, and he looks at this scene with great fear. For him, he has never imagined that there will be someone The strength is so terrifying!

Kill! die! Blood! Scream!

Against the backdrop of the ancient demons, a field of blood almost formed!

This is a purgatory existence!

Everyone is terrified!

Li Mushen's eyes are indifferent. For him, the final result of these people is death, and no one can escape the fate of death!

"I will give you the key, give it to you! I will even give you the space tunnel, don't do such a thing again!" Wanyao Sage's pale face, his body trembled, he was already asking Li The shepherd begs for mercy!

It's just that Li Mushen's eyes are still indifferent to the begging of the Wanyao Sage. Trembling violently!

"I gave you a chance just now, but unfortunately you didn't cherish it."

Li Mushen's eyes were ruthless and indifferent, and he did not intend to treat these warriors calmly, and launched a ruthless killing.

This was a feast of slaughter, and it was over soon. When the ancient demons roared happily after completing their tasks, they had not slaughtered so many people in a short time. The blood made them feel extra comfortable!