Primordial God

Chapter 1088: Master the artifact

But as he passed out, in the next moment, he opened his eyes again!

And when he opened his eyes this time, the temperament of Li Mushen changed once again!

His eyes became blood red again at this moment, and the temperament of his whole person also underwent earth-shaking changes!

At this moment, he is like a **** of killing in heaven and earth, and his power is violently rolling, filling the entire heaven and earth!

The terrifying coercion emanated from his body, almost in the entire back mountain, so that everyone could perceive the terrifying power emanating from his body!

In the Fang family, the disciples of the Fang family also felt a terrifying majesty. Under this terrifying majesty, they only felt their hearts sink!

"It's the existence of pseudo-gods!" The eldest lady in the Fang family was originally talking to his sister, the second lady of the Fang family, but at this moment, her eyes suddenly shot to the back mountain where Li Mushen was located. , because he sensed that incomparably fierce force!

"Pseudo-God Realm!" This really shocked Fang Shuixi!

"Sister, in my Fang family, has someone broke through the realm and reached the realm of pseudo-gods?" Fang Shuixi said to her sister!

But seeing the second lady of the Fang family shaking her head, the other party Shuixi said: "No, no one except my father has reached the realm of pseudo-divine spirit, and now my father is not in the family, and there is no realm of deity in the family. "

"That power." Fang Shuixi said to himself, not knowing where that power was.

"Sister, have you felt that power?"

The second lady of the Fang family nodded.

"I felt that power came from the back mountain of the Fang family."

"The back mountain of the Fang family, let's go over and take a look." Fang Shuixi said lightly and handed it over.

But now in the back mountain of Fang's family, the power of the glyphs of life in Li Mushen's body erupted, completely recovering the injuries on his body. any damage.

Li Mushen's body now has an incomparably terrifying majesty, his eyes are cold, looking at the blood-colored tentacles wrapped around his body, and at the same time looking at the artifact knife on his arm!

"Is it fun on my arm?" Li Mushen said.

His voice was dull, almost resounding throughout the world.

Then he stretched out his hand and touched the artifact knife!

He could feel the blade in the magic weapon, trembling slightly, obviously he couldn't resist that magic weapon at all!

The artifact Xiaodao actually had fear of Li Mushen, the body of the blade trembled violently, but imagine the fear in his heart at this moment!

The blade of the artifact knife was shaking violently. It didn't know why suddenly, the Li Mushen in front of him changed!

This made him feel chills in his heart!

After all, the artifact knife was originally intended to devour Li Mushen's whole body of flesh and blood! In this case, Li Mushen will surely die!

It can even be cultivated with the body of Li Mushen.

However, before he could obliterate that Li Mushen, such a change suddenly occurred!

In the artifact knife, the artifact spirit was terrified, he wanted to know what happened in it, and why the final result turned out to be like this!

"You want to devour my flesh and blood?" Li Mushen's eyes were cold, like a god, he picked up the artifact knife coldly, and said coldly.

The artifact knife was violently breaking free from Li Mushen's hands, as if to break free from Li Mushen's hands!

This artifact knife, it did not expect that Li Mushen's strength would become so powerful at this moment, as if the current Li Mushen had changed a person at all, he could not have any ability to resist!

Regarding that artifact knife, he was already very scared in his heart!

Even those tentacles that were born in his body were all hidden at this moment, and he dared not have any thoughts about Li Mushen!

At the same time, this artifact knife is also struggling to break free, to break free from the hands of Li Mushen, and then escape from Li Mushen. Now it has devoured the blood in Li Mushen's body. Keep it away!

But it is a pity that although he wanted to escape, he was firmly caught by Li Mushen in the hands of Li Mushen. No matter how hard he tried to break free, he could not break free from Li Mushen!

At this time, a raging flame suddenly burned on Li Mushen's hands. This is the power of the fire-shaped glyphs burning in his hands. It was extremely fierce and burned on the artifact knife!

The artifact knife came into contact with this terrifying power, and he instantly knew that this was the power of the ancient gods, which made his heart extremely terrified!

How is it possible, how is it possible? !

How could an ordinary person possess the power of the ancient gods!

But obviously this is not something he can decide by himself. The power of the ancient divine rune burns on the blade of the artifact knife, and the artifact knife is shaking violently, obviously suffering an extremely serious injury!

, and this artifact knife can't stand the power of the ancient gods at all. If this continues, the power of the fire-shaped glyphs burns on his body, then for this artifact knife, the final result will definitely be fire-shaped. The power of the glyphs is completely obliterated, including the spirits inside!

He didn't want to die like this, and the artifact spirit in this artifact knife quickly begged for mercy from Li Mushen, hoping that Li Mushen would let him go!

And Li Mushen just looked at the artifact knife in his hand indifferently. He knew that he would only wake up his memory at the most dangerous time, and he didn't remember anything else, so in order to ensure his own safety, he must protect himself Come and leave some means!

This artifact knife is obviously worthy of Li Mushen as his trump card, before he restores his memory!

Therefore, the power of the fire-shaped glyph flickered, and it was completely integrated into the artifact knife.

After the power of the fire-shaped glyph was completely injected into the artifact knife, the artifact inside kept screaming in pain, and its whole body was burning violently, burning with terrifying flames. If it goes on like this , for that divine tool knife, the tool spirit in his body will be destroyed!

"Ah, ah, you don't want to kill me, I don't want to kill you! My lord!" The artifact spirit in that artifact knife begged to Li Mushen for mercy!

But Li Mushen was indifferent and ruthless, and did not intend to let go of the artifact spirit in this artifact knife!

The power is still pouring in, even if the artifact spirit in this artifact knife is facing the burning power of the ancient gods, it is naturally irresistible, but it takes a few breaths to completely destroy the artifact knife. The artifact spirit in it burned into ashes, and turned into nothingness in the artifact knife!

Although the power of the divine tool knife after losing the tool spirit will be greatly worn, but he does not take it to heart, and for him, as long as he can have this ability to protect himself!

It can help Li Mushen, and it can also bless the power of an artifact knife, so that the artifact knife can exert a more powerful and terrifying power than before!

After getting these things done, Li Mushen has felt that the power in his body has declined again, and his memory has become blurred again. He knows that the memory that originally belonged to him will retreat again!

As expected, Li Mushen's memory declined again and disappeared in Li Mushen's mind!

He fell to the ground again and fell into a deep sleep. As for the artifact knife, he held it tightly in Li Mushen's hand, and slowly merged into Li Mushen's right palm!

When the little artifact knife was completely integrated into Li Mushen's right palm, it formed a pattern of a small knife, which was printed on the palm of Li Mushen's palm, shimmering with evil blood red light!

As long as Li Mushen wants to mobilize the power of the artifact knife, he can be shot out of his palm at any time!

And this is the terrifying power of the artifact knife!

Li Mushen fell into a coma, and after his memory faded again, he soon opened his eyes again, and got up from the ground with a blank look on his face!

He hurriedly touched his body and found that his body was safe and sound, without any injuries on his body, and then his eyes fell on his left arm again!

He vaguely remembered that the divine tool knife was constantly swallowing the blood in his body, and his arm could be said to be completely abolished, but when his eyes turned to his arm again, the arm was safe and intact. , and did not suffer any damage!

And about the artifact, the knife has also disappeared, which makes Li Mushen wonder what happened. Is all this experience an illusion? Li Mushen can't believe it!

Then Li Mushen groped for his body, and finally he found that there was a pattern mark of an artifact knife on the palm of his right hand...

And as Li Mushen moved the pattern imprint of the artifact knife in the palm of his right hand, suddenly, the artifact knife shot out from his palm, accompanied by a flash of blood, but the size of a slap. The knife appeared in his hand!

He held the knife and felt the power contained in the knife, "Did I master this artifact knife?"

Li Mushen muttered to himself and couldn't help but say to himself!

Sure enough, all of this did not exceed Li Mushen's expectations. His mind was closely connected with an artifact knife. Under his own thoughts, this artifact knife could be controlled by it and shuttled through the entire back mountain. Among them, the power is terrifying, and it may destroy mountains and stones at any time!

This made Li Mushen's eyes overjoyed, and he didn't expect that he actually mastered this magical knife in an accident!