Primordial God

Chapter 1096: War Servant

Li Mushen looked at the former Fang family's big housekeeper. If he guessed correctly, all this was done by him. He must have come to create harmony with this group of people and let them take action against him!

It's a pity that Li Mushen didn't take them seriously for this group of ordinary servants, not to mention that Li Mushen still has an artifact knife. His opponents, his artifact knife can easily obliterate them, but Li Mushen also knows that he can't do this, and he can't bear the consequences of doing so.

But for this group of servants of the Fang family, although he is incompetent and what to do with them, he can still teach this group of people, they know what the result of not listening to their own words is like!

Li Mushen looked at the group of people coldly, "It seems that you are not willing to let you become your leaders, and I will not say anything.

Like this, whoever of you will provoke me, if any of you can defeat me, then as a leader, I will not do anything. "

Others heard the method mentioned by Li Mushen, and their eyes flashed with fiery light!

If this is the case, for them, this is really a very good way. Maybe they can take this opportunity and be able to become the leader. This is an opportunity, and they must cherish this opportunity.

"This is what you said, but you can't blame us!" The servants of the Fang family sneered and said to Li Mushen.

Soon a servant stepped forward. This servant was so powerful that he did not expect him to be so powerful. There was an aura of cultivation from his body, which made Li Mushen frown. , I didn't expect this servant to have practiced, and if I guessed correctly, he has become a martial artist!

Obviously, this martial artist is them, and they were easily selected to deal with Li Mushen!

Li Mushen looked at a warrior, and the breath emanating from the warrior's body made him feel a little pressure, but this pressure was not taken by him. He believed that with his own strength, he could deal with!

From his body, he fully exploded his strength and said to the servant, "Come on, let me see how powerful you are, what gives you confidence?"

After speaking, in the body of Li Mushen, the power surged, and in a fierce moment, he confronted that warrior!

A powerful force erupted in an instant, and Li Mushen suddenly shot his body, and he suddenly pierced in front of the servant, and the servant did not have time to react and was directly chased by Li Mushen!

The servant looked horrified, and had no idea why Li Mushen was so fast!

The power was surging and vented. At this moment, the violent power erupted like a volcano, and Li Mushen punched out!

The punch he threw out was the unique skill he stole from the Fang family. It was called Collapsing Mountain Fist, which was so powerful that it could shatter people's heads with one punch!

When he punched the servant, what he didn't expect was that his punch hit the servant, as if it didn't cause any damage to him. His body was still extremely tenacious at the moment. This surprised him.

Instead, the servant gave a sneer on his face.

"It looks like you are just like that now!"

There was an extremely ferocious sneer on the servant's face, and then he shot, his hand shot very quickly, like a poisonous snake that launched an attack, and instantly grabbed the two fists of Li Mushen, tightly in The fist on his body is tightly clenched!

In this case, no matter how hard Li Mushen tries, there is no way!

Li Mushen secretly said in his heart that it was not good. He wanted to throw a punch and retreat, but unfortunately, he was directly overturned by the powerful force of the servant before he had time to retreat!

It seems that he still underestimated the power of this servant!

"Look how I deal with you!"

The servant yelled, and at the same time there was murderous intent in his eyes. Obviously, he did not intend to keep alive the person in front of him!

Li Mushen naturally also saw the killing intent in his servant's eyes!

Li Mushen's eyes were cold and stern, he shot again, and the other hand also clenched into a fist and made a clicking sound. He also used Collapsing Mountain Fist. It's the same as punching through, but unfortunately his punch landed on the servant's body, and you didn't cause any damage to it!

At the same time, his other hand was also caught. His two hands were tightly grasped by the servants. No matter how hard he tried, he could not let go of his two hands!

That servant used a lot of strength in his hand, and held on to Li Mushen's hand, as if he wanted to tear Li Mushen's hand off!

Li Mushen felt very severe pain in his arms, and the bones of both arms would be crushed by the hands of the servant. This is an extremely huge pain, this kind of pain, it almost made him feel Unbearable the same!

"Get up for me!" I just heard the servant shouting loudly, directly pulling Li Mushen up and holding his feet in the air, Li Mushen was completely powerless and could not break free, and at a certain moment He violently threw Li Mushen to the ground again!

With a loud bang, Li Mushen slammed heavily on the ground, feeling as if the flesh and blood in his entire body were about to shatter!

This **** guy, he used so much force!

"Hahaha, go to hell... That servant screamed wildly, because in his opinion, Li Mushen's final result is inevitable!

He can completely obliterate this guy with one punch, in this case, he will become the leader of this group of servants!

Looking at Li Mushen's head, he stepped on it with one foot, trying to crush Li Mushen's head into pieces!

However, when Li Mushen saw the servant's foot stomping on him, he hurriedly avoided it. The foot stepped on the ground, and the ground shook slightly, revealing a few cracks. His strength was still incomparable. Powerful, if this foot falls on Li Mushen's head, I am afraid that his head will inevitably be broken into blood and turned into a mass of meat sauce!

"This **** fellow!" Li Mushen said in a deep voice in his heart, his eyes were cold, and his strength became stronger again!

He stood up and attacked the servant again, but obviously this servant came prepared, his power was stronger than Li Mushen imagined, so under Li Mushen's attack, he could not attack the servant. Servants do any damage!

That tiger's eyes are also very cold!

This is a must-win battle with no surprises at all!

In the process of fighting with that servant, Li Mushen was constantly being defeated and repulsed. The servants behind him laughed excitedly when they saw this scene. What they wanted was this result!

"Fang Yuan killed him!"

"Don't be merciful, Fangyuan will definitely kill him. If you kill him, you will be our leader. You will enjoy inexhaustible glory and wealth. From now on in this Rising Sun Peak, you can go wherever you want!" A housekeeper said to him, obviously this group of people is very happy to kill Li Mushen!

Fang Yuan in their cheers and cheers, the power is also exerting, becoming more powerful and amazing!

Facing his indiscriminate bombardment, Li Mushen also had countless scars on his body, as if the bones of his whole body would be shattered by him, his whole body was naturally extremely painful!

Li Mushen endured silently and thought about how to deal with it. Now it seems that if he wants to deal with it, I am afraid that he will need to take out the weapon in his hand. Perhaps the only way is to take out the divine weapon knife, then he is confident that this servant is not his opponent. !

But if this is the case, he is very likely to explode his artifact knife, so unless it is absolutely necessary, Li Mushen will not take out his artifact knife, but he is obviously fighting with that servant. Among them, he was constantly injured and severely wounded. If it continued like this, the final result would not be good, and it was even possible that he would die because of it!

If he doesn't take out the artifact knife again, the final result may be death. This is the result he doesn't want to experience!

Then what should I do? In the process of fighting back, he kept retreating. There was an artifact knife in his palm flashing light, and the pattern flashed in his hand, and then the artifact knife was in his hands. In his hand, the five fingers close together to hide the artifact knife in his five fingers!

Then in a fierce moment, he punched out with a punch, mixed with light in his fist, and as the light flashed, the power of that punch was of course strong enough!

In a sudden instant, his fist landed on the servant's body, and with a screeching sound, blood spattered out!

The servant screamed in pain, and at the same time hurried back!

In the process of retreating, the servant's face was also extremely ugly!

He looked at his chest. At his chest, blood was gushing out, and an extremely sharp wound appeared, and in this wound, his internal organs were almost injured, making his body unable to bear it. Live trembling slightly.

His eyes were as sharp as those of an eagle, as if to pierce Li Mushen, he said coldly, "What weapon are you using?!"

Li Mushen didn't say anything, his eyes were cold, his fist hid the artifact knife, and attacked him again!

In the surge of power, Li Mushen attacked him with another punch accompanied by the artifact knife. For that servant, his heart was horrified, but he did not dare to do the right thing with Li Mushen, but hurriedly proceeded. Dodging, he didn't dare to collide with Li Mushen's fist.

This final result, for him, is naturally no good!