Primordial God

Chapter 1108: Against Earth Demon (2)

Of course, Li Mushen has seen the power storm that happened here, and he has seen it in that room, and this is the power that erupted from the Old Demon in the room, which is simply shocking. !

Li Mushen did not expect such a thing to happen, and they even directly exposed themselves!

Use this to break the defense formed by the artifact knife!

Li Mushen can feel that the power exposed this time is much stronger than the power exposed just now. If he guessed correctly, the power exposed this time must be the explosion of two or even three demons. Only in this way will it become so fierce!

The power that the two Old Demons exploded was of course absolutely shocking!

No one knew how terrifying the power that Old Demon had burst out, which made Li Mushen feel extremely shocked. At this time, he could no longer describe in words how terrifying the pressure he was under at the moment!

The terrifying power that erupted from the explosion of three Earth Demons this time was absolutely terrifying, and it was beyond words to describe!

The expressions of the remaining seven Old Demons were even more hideous!

They sneered and said to Li Mushen: "Damn boy, it seems that you can't do anything now, don't think that you have that weapon, how powerful your strength is, and we don't care about you at all!"

Li Mushen slammed into the wall, dripping with blood and spitting blood in his mouth. After all, the scene he experienced just now was truly shocking!

After all, who could have imagined that those Old Demons would not dare to directly expose the three of them, no matter how they heard it, it would be unbelievable, but of course it was the truth!

Li Mushen stood up, holding the artifact knife in his hand, his face was pale and ugly.

Because of being affected by the explosion, he felt that his internal organs were in incomparable pain, and his internal organs were already shattered.

He stood up, looked at the stick of incense, and found that the stick of incense had only burned half of the time, and he had already been severely injured.

There is still half a stick of incense, so what should I do, Li Mushen already doesn't know what to do.

Next to him came the sneer of the seven Old Demons, the Old Demon looked coldly at Li Mushen, who was now severely injured, and said to him with a sneer: "I think you have been seriously injured now, then you What should I do, hehe!"

Li Mushen was traumatized because of his internal organs, so even his mind control over the divine tool knife became very difficult, and he felt pain in his body.

The artifact knife shuttled in mid-air, and the speed was not as fast as it used to be, and it became much easier for those Old Demons to escape.

Those old demons dodged the attack of the artifact knife and attacked Li Mushen again. Li Mushen couldn't dodge. In an instant, he felt that his hand seemed to be bitten by a sharp fang. suffered a great ordeal.

With a loud bang, Li Mushen realized that the flesh and blood of his arm had been eaten directly by a large piece!

My arm is aching!

Then came the sound of chewing chunks in the dark, and it was even more delicious to chew on. My dear, what happened was unexpected!

"So delicious, so delicious human flesh!"

After chewing a few times, with the sound of swallowing, the flesh and blood on Li Mushen's body was directly swallowed by him.

After swallowing Li Mushen's flesh and blood again, Old Demon's eyes were full of greed.

"Delicious flesh, I want to eat! I want to eat!"

The smell of blood permeates the air, permeating the entire darkness, making it easy for people to smell the **** smell, making people even more greedy.

Those old demons rushed towards Li Mushen, and the speed could not respond at all. His speed was too slow, not to mention that what he suffered was not one old demon, but seven old demons in the darkness. To the great ordeal!

Once again, Li Mushen's arm was bitten by an Old Demon, and a piece of flesh was torn off his arm.

Li Mushen snorted, his face was extremely painful, he didn't expect to be bitten again on his body.

The blood stimulated these old demons, and made these old demons even more into madness, and they bitten away at Li Mushen like crazy.

Li Mushen's face was heavy, he kept evading, it really made him helpless that it was too difficult to avoid this!

The seven-headed Old Demons had already attacked him desperately, and the passage of time made him feel like he was living like a year!

This kind of feeling is really uncomfortable, and even he doubts, is he going to die here!

The seven-headed Old Demon's attack is really extremely powerful, and of course the attacks are also continuous, one after another, it is really difficult for Li Mushen to deal with it.

He was beaten and retreated, the artifact knife could not play a role, and even the flesh and blood on his arm was almost completely eaten away!

All that's left is a bone!

In the darkness, Old Demon was laughing wildly and roaring endlessly. In their roars, they continued to gnaw at the flesh and blood of Li Mushen, as if to nibble all the flesh and blood of his whole body. This is really shocking!

Li Mushen clenched his teeth and let out a roar of pain. The flesh and blood on his body had almost been completely eaten away, and his breath had become extremely weak at this moment!

This was a feeling he had never felt in his life, and he never thought that he would experience such a huge pain, it was simply shocking!

At the same time, in front of Li Mushen, he already felt extremely weak, as if he was going to die!

His eyelids are incomparable, as if it may fall at any time!

"I can't fall, if I fall, then I'm dead!"

Li Mushen gritted his teeth and said.

"Jie Jie, I didn't expect the flesh and blood on this kid to be so delicious!"

An Old Demon sneered and said, "This kid's life is considered tenacious, and he didn't let out a scream at this time. Those people who were still alive last year were eaten alive by us until only their skeletons were left, and they were finished. One hand was crippled to death."

Li Mushen was still silent, he was silently enduring the physical pain.

But the pain on himself was too much, the ferocity was almost unbearable for his body, he felt his brain was chaotic, as if he was about to fall!

He knelt down on one knee, there were hardly any students on his face, he was still stubbornly enduring, he believed that he would be able to withstand these, my attack on him!

The flesh and blood on his body, at this moment, seems to have been swallowed completely, and at this moment he can say that he can't say a word!

Because it has no words to describe his heart at this moment.

"Am I going to lose my life like this today?" Li Mushen said in a deep voice in his heart.

"Jie Jie, you human ant, you have no time to continue chatting with you here, and the next is your death!"

In the darkness, Li Mushen didn't know what was in front of him, but he could feel as if there was an Old Demon standing in front of him, as if he was licking his red tongue, trying to devour Li Mushen. It's the same!

Old Demon opened his terrifying mouth, and this time Old Demon was going to bite off Li Mushen's head in one bite!

As for the other Old Demons, they were watching this scene with a sneer. In their opinion, the final result is of course Li Mu's death!

Li Mushen's pale face, there is no blood on it, he doesn't know what to do, but he is silently enduring!

He felt the breath of death and was approaching him. He clenched his teeth, not willing to die like this!

From the Old Demon's point of view, Li Mushen is certain to die, and he has no way of life at all!

In his opinion, Li Mushen will be smashed into pieces in the next moment!

Become a cold corpse!

Although he imagined this in his mind, the reality is not what he imagined!

Just when the Old Demon was about to bite off Li Mushen's head, at this moment, Li Mushen's aura changed greatly, and his whole body had an incomparably refined temperament, which was amazing and terrifying!

The terrifying aura emanated from Li Mushen's body, rushing and venting in the whole world, which was extremely shocking!

The terrifying power emanating from Li Mushen almost made the faces of the Old Demons present suddenly turn extremely pale at this moment, as if they had seen something extraordinary!

On Li Mushen's face, he showed a sneer, and at this moment, Li Mushen's aura and temperament have undergone earth-shaking changes. This is absolutely shocking, making these old demons unimaginable!

At this time, Li Mushen can be said to be completely different from the previous Li Mushen he is now. Under the danger of his life, he has recovered the memory it should have!

Of course, his strength has also recovered at this moment!

"Who are you?" Old Demon said through gritted teeth.

Li Mushen said lightly: "Who am I, of course I am me."

"Impossible! You must not be you. Why did your body burst out with such terrifying power? It's impossible. It's impossible that you did it." Li Mushen said lightly.

At the same time, it is the power of the fairy magic crystal, and at this moment, with the awakening of Li Mushen's memory, it is also running on its own.

The power of the Zhen Shixian Demon Sutra is rolling in, galloping between the whole world and the entire darkness.

Feeling the power of the Immortals and Demons Sutra, everyone was extremely surprised. Of course, the power of the Immortals and Demons Sutras was enough to shock these old demons. How could they feel the power of this Immortals and Demons Sutras!

Feeling the power of the Immortal Demon Sutra, at this moment, their faces became extremely pale, and it could be said that there was no blood at all.