Primordial God

Chapter 1116: what's up?

The law enforcement elder frowned when he saw the injuries he suffered on his body. On the body of the disciple of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, blood was gushing out, obviously causing huge damage!

In this regard, the law enforcement elders looked at Li Mushen!

"You did this?" The law enforcement elder said coldly.

Regarding the words of the law enforcement elder, Li Mushen did not hide it, nodded and responded, "Yes, I did all this."

"How dare you!" The law enforcement elder shouted angrily, "Then do you know the rules of the Immortal Mansion?"

"I know." Li Mushen nodded.

"Since you know, why would you do such a thing!"

Facing the question of the law enforcement elder, Li Mushen said: "It's not that I did it first, but he bullied me first, so I hurt him."

When the law enforcement elder heard Li Mushen's words, he even sneered and said, "Is this the excuse you made?"

In any case, of course, he is extremely angry about what Li Mushen has done, and he will not let him go like this.

"Who is your master?" The law enforcement elder asked coldly, Li Mushen.

To the question of the law enforcement elder, Li Mushen responded: "My master is Elder Meng Long, if you want to do something to me, then you must first ask my elder Meng Long to see how he chooses. of."

As soon as Elder Meng Long's name came out, everyone immediately felt unbelievable. They did not expect that Li Mushen was actually a disciple of Elder Meng Long, so if that was the case, for them, they could not treat Li Mushen as much. !

But no matter what, of course, he was extremely angry with them, full of unwillingness!

"I didn't expect you to be Elder Meng Long's disciple!" The law enforcement elder heard what Li Mushen said, his eyes became very cold, and he said to him coldly.

Li Mushen looked at him, wanting to see what the law enforcement elder wanted to do with him.

"Don't think that with the support of Elder Meng Long, you can do everything!" The law enforcement elder said coldly to Li Mushen.

As for the disciple of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, when he heard Li Mushen's words, his eyes were suddenly shocked, and he obviously did not expect that Li Mushen's master was Elder Meng Long.

If that's the case, they wouldn't dare to provoke Elder Meng Long!

For these disciples of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, their eyes are full of unwillingness, unwilling to be like this!

Do you just let Li Mushen go?

But in any case, there is no way to do anything about what happened next.

The law enforcement elder just looked at Li Mushen coldly and said to Li Mushen: "This time, I will spare your life for your master's face, but if there is another time, I will definitely not spare you like this!"

It seems that the title of Master is still very powerful, at least let the law enforcement elder of the Supreme Immortal Mansion dare not do anything to Li Mushen!

In the end, the law enforcement elder just left a sentence, and then he did not stay here, but left directly!

In the Wanzhai Pavilion, this scene was extremely shocking, and I didn't expect such a thing to happen in the end.

When Elder Meng Long's name was revealed, the law enforcement elders in Taishang Immortal Mansion were so frightened that they didn't dare to go against Li Mushen and left directly, which was very surprising.

Li Mushen looked at the elder of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, and said to the disciple of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, "Are you still coming now?"

That disciple of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, his face can be said to be extremely ugly, gnashing his teeth, can't say anything, of course, there is no way in the end, he can only snort and leave!

And after Li Mushen's disciple in the Immortal Mansion left, he shook his head and said nothing, but continued to eat his own food.

On the contrary, the disciples of the Immortal Mansion around him, their eyes fell on Li Mushen from time to time.

Li Mushen seemed calm, and did not put those disciples of the Immortal Mansion in his heart.

Just when Li Mushen finished eating and was about to leave, two disciples of the Immortal Mansion appeared in front of him, a man and a woman.

The two disciples of the Supreme Immortal Mansion looked at Li Mushen with smiles on their faces.

And Li Mushen looked at the two disciples of the Immortal Mansion, he frowned and asked, "What's the matter with you two?"

"Can't I find you if I have nothing to do? Let's get to know you." The two disciples of the Immortal Mansion said to Li Mushen.

"You can call me Zhuge Qing, she is Shui Qingcheng." The warrior said to Li Mushen.

"Li Mushen." Li Mushen nodded slightly, nodded and responded.

"It's shocking to see how powerful you are just now, you actually hurt Shi Potian!"

"It turns out that his name is Shi Potian." Li Mushen murmured.

"His strength is very strong. You, who are about to reach the realm of the gods, just shot directly, and you directly hurt him." Shui Qingcheng said to Li Mushen.

"This is just his carelessness." Li Mushen learned that Shi Potian's cultivation base was about to reach the realm of pseudo-divine spirit, his eyes were surprised, and he didn't expect it at all.

"So is this the reason you are looking for me or is there something else?" Li Mushen couldn't help asking, Shui Qingcheng and Zhuge Qing.

"Of course I have something to do with you." Shui Qingcheng smiled slightly and said, "Since you are the disciple of Elder Meng Long, Li Mushen must have something special, but even so, you must have joined the Immortal Mansion. It didn't take long for you to be a disciple of the outer sect."

Li Mushen nodded, "That's right, in a few days of assessment, I passed the assessment and became a disciple of the Supreme Immortal Mansion. What does this have to do with outer disciples?"

"Recently, there is a mission in Taishang Immortal Mansion that may help you become an inner disciple of Taishang Immortal Mansion, but our manpower is not enough, and your strength is strong, so we want to take you to participate in the Taishang Immortal Mansion together. Do you have any idea about the inner disciple assessment task?"

"What is the mission?" To be able to become an inner disciple of the Immortal Mansion, Li Mushen is of course somewhat attractive.

After all, the higher the status, the more benefits can be obtained in the Supreme Immortal Mansion, so if he can become the inner disciple of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, of course, he is very happy.

"What is the mission of the inner disciple's assessment this time?" Li Mushen asked.

On the desert plains in the northwest of the immortal mansion, there is a dynasty called the Damo Dynasty. In the recent Damo dynasty, there are demons running rampant in it. This time, I will help the dynasty kill those demons. If you kill a demon whose cultivation base has reached the realm of pseudo-divine spirit, you are qualified to become an inner disciple of the Supreme Immortal Mansion to improve your status.

Zhuge Qing looked at Li Mushen and said to Li Mushen: "So I don't know if you have the will to go with us to the Damo Dynasty to kill those demons of the Damo Dynasty?"

Zhuge Qing's words made Li Mushen think for a while, then nodded and said: "If that's the case, then go to the Da Mo Dynasty to do this task, if you can complete this inner door assessment task, of course it will be the best. "

And even if Li Mushen didn't complete the task of assessing the inner disciple of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, it would have no effect on him.

However, Zhuge Qing and Shui Qingcheng did not expect that Li Mushen would be so easy to do. They agreed to their request without much consideration, and followed them to the desert dynasty to complete the assessment of the Immortal Mansion. amazed.

But this also made Zhuge Qing's face show a big laugh. He responded, "As expected of Elder Meng Long's disciple, it's really different."

"Then when will we leave?" Li Mushen asked.

Zhuge Qing was even more surprised in his eyes. He didn't expect that Li Mushen was so quick to go to the Great Mo Dynasty to complete the assessment task of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, which made him look surprised.

In this regard, Li Mushen's eyes still seemed incomparably calm, without any change, "Can't we go to the Da Mo Dynasty now?"

Zhuge Qing shook his head quickly, "Of course not, but we have to go to the mission hall to receive the mission first, and then take the fairy and fire phoenix in the mission hall before we can go to the Damo Dynasty."

Li Mushen suddenly realized, "So it is."

"So when will you go to the Desert Dynasty?" Li Mushen asked.

Zhuge Qing said: "There is no need to worry about Li Mushen for the time being. We need to go to the task pavilion to accept the task. We will go in three days."

Shui Qingcheng next to him nodded in agreement, "Three days later, we will meet at the mountain gate of Taishang Xianfu, and then we will go to the Desert Dynasty."

Li Mushen nodded, he did not stop at Wanzhai Pavilion, left, and returned to Feiliuyuan.

Since he was going to the Desert Dynasty, he had to make foolproof preparations for going to the Desert Dynasty, and strive to be able to complete the assessment in the Desert Dynasty, thus becoming an inner disciple of the Supreme Immortal Mansion in one fell swoop.

Of course, what happened to Li Mushen in Wanzhai Pavilion was also known by his master, Elder Meng Long.

As for Li Mushen's troubles, Elder Meng Long did not take it to heart.

Of course, regarding this matter, Elder Meng Long still asked Li Mushen what happened at that time?

In this regard, Li Mushen calmly told Elder Meng Long everything that happened at that time.

And Elder Meng Long frowned after hearing Li Mushen's narration, "Shi Potian dares to insult you, and call you a beggar?"

In this regard, this Elder Meng Long is of course very angry.

After all, Elder Meng Long was a high-ranking elder in the Immortal Mansion, and he was also the master of Li Mushen.

What Shi Potian said was not only insulting Li Mushen, but also insulting him!

Therefore, this made Elder Meng Long look extremely angry!

"Teacher, you don't have to take this matter to heart." Elder Meng Long said, "I will go to the Shi Potian master to have a theory!"

Li Mu said: "Master, there is one more thing."

"what's up?"