Primordial God

Chapter 1117: Shi Potian shot

"Three days later, I will go to participate in the assessment of the inner disciple of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, go to the desert dynasty to defeat the invasion of the devil, and become an inner disciple of the Supreme Immortal Mansion."

Hearing Li Mushen's words, Elder Meng Long's eyes lit up, and then there was a look of relief and joy in his eyes.

He did not expect that the apprentice he had accepted would be so enterprising!

So soon, I plan to go to participate in the Inner Sect Disciple Assessment of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, and strive to become an Inner Sect disciple.

And once Li Mushen can become an inner disciple, of course, it will be of great benefit to himself and will allow him to develop better.

In this regard, Elder Meng Long had no reason to refuse. He 100% supported Li Mushen to participate in the inner disciple assessment of the Supreme Immortal Mansion.

However, of course, regarding this matter, Elder Meng Long said cautiously: "However, disciple, you have to be careful. You must be careful in the assessment of the inner disciple of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, and you must not be careless."

He patted Li Mushen's shoulder heavily, and said in a deep voice: "The Desert Dynasty is located in the endless desert, with a remote geographical location, where demons lurk there. There must be no carelessness. You must be careful when the time comes."

Li Mushen nodded in response, "Master, don't worry, I will definitely act carefully when the time comes."

"This is for you." Elder Meng Long said.

I saw a flash of light, and a pair of armor appeared in his hand.

The armor is thick and gleaming.

"This is the one-star god-level wolf **** that the teacher killed in the past, and the defensive battle armor made by stripping off the fur on his body, you take it, and when you encounter danger, you will have something to defend yourself. ." Elder Meng Long said.

"It turned out to be a defensive battle armor made by a wolf **** in the one-star **** realm." Li Mushen was shocked.

What made him even more unexpected was that his master, Elder Meng Long, directly handed over this incomparably precious giant wolf armor to him!

"Master, this is too precious, I can't have it!" Li Mushen quickly shook his head and refused.

An indifferent smile appeared on Elder Meng Long's face, he opened his mouth and said to Li Mushen: "You don't need to worry, this defensive armor is not as precious as you think, and naturally it will not help me any better, leave it to you. in the hands of others, will give the best results.”

It seems that for Li Mushen, Elder Meng Long values ​​him very much.

Li Mushen had no choice but to take over a defensive battle armor.

"Go ahead, come on, I believe that in the future, there will be a piece of your world in this immortal mansion."

In this regard, Li Mushen nodded heavily.

Elder Meng Long did not stop by Li Mushen's side, he left here directly.

And Li Mushen continued to clean up himself in the next time, and at the same time, he was constantly groping about the defensive armor he got.

After all, this defensive armor was forged by a star of gods, and it must also contain incomparably turbulent power. With it, of course, Li Mushen is more at ease about his own life, no need to be afraid, no need to worry what.

Of course, in fact, for Li Mushen, he is most worried about his own cultivation method, but after he did not figure out this aspect, Li Mushen didn't think about it any more, but practiced his artifact knife, right For him, I am afraid that only the artifact knife can be regarded as his trump card, other than that, there is no other way!

Now his attack method is the artifact knife, and its defense method has all this, so he doesn't need to worry about anything, he seems calm!

In these three days, in order to make his own strength stronger, Li Mushen is still constantly learning and comprehending his own offensive and defensive weapons, and this will also bring him greater the benefits of!

In these three days, regarding the control of this magical knife, Li Mushen can be said to have reached the level of pure fire, and can almost completely mobilize the power of that magical knife.

The artifact knife shuttles through the void, as if it can penetrate everything in the world. Between the whole world, the speed is extremely fast, and it is fleeting, and it is almost impossible for people to react at all!

Li Mushen looked at the artifact knife that was shuttled in the Feiliu Courtyard. Li Mushen's eyes flickered with bright light, because for him, with this artifact knife, of course his own life would be better. control.

He put the artifact knife into his palm, and in these three days, he completed his last thing.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and after three days passed, Li Mushen went to the gate of the Immortal Mansion.

At this time, when Li Mushen came to the gate of the Immortal Mansion, Zhuge Qing and Shui Qingcheng had been waiting for him here for a long time!

When Zhuge Qing and Shui Qingcheng saw Li Mushen, they were extremely surprised, and they were also very happy. When Li Mushen came back, of course they were extremely happy.

"You are here." Zhuge Qing stepped forward and said to Li Mushen.

Li Mushen nodded and replied, "In three days, of course I'm here."

"Then where are we going now?" Li Mushen began to ask: "Now shall we go directly to the task pavilion to accept the task?"

A faint smile appeared on Shui Qingcheng's face, and he said, "You don't have to worry about this matter, we have already made preparations over there. We have already received the task, and we just need to wait for the arrival of the cranes and phoenixes from the Supreme Immortal Mansion. Go over there."

Li Mushen nodded.

I didn't wait long at the mountain gate. Before, the fire phoenix flew out from the immortal mansion of the Supreme Being, and the fire phoenix flew between the heaven and the earth. The speed was extremely fast, and people could not predict that when the fire phoenix came quickly, it would be very fast. Soon I saw the warriors standing on the crane and fire phoenix.

I saw that on the backs of those fire phoenixes, there were many disciples of the Immortal Mansion.

The disciples of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, they stood on the fire phoenix, and soon fell from the sky.

Of course, among those who were concerned about the whereabouts of this group, Li Mushen also saw this stone breaking the sky.

Shi Potian was also among this group of people, but he didn't expect it.

And that Shi Potian was standing on top of a crane, and of course he saw Li Mushen.

And when Shi Potian saw Li Mushen, a sneer appeared in his eyes, and his eyes were full of displeasure when he looked at Li Mushen coldly.

"They are also the ones who participated in the assessment of the inner disciples of the Supreme Immortal Mansion."

Zhuge Qing said to Li Mushen, telling him that these people also came to participate in the assessment of the inner disciples of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, and went to the desert dynasty to hunt down those demon warriors.

Li Mushen nodded, just gave Shi Potian a faint glance, and then withdrew his gaze.

Shi Potian looked at Li Mushen with a cold smile, and suddenly he jumped down from above the crane, flicked his fingers in his hand, and flew out with a sword light, instantly attacking Li Mushen.

This sword qi is also extremely powerful and powerful, making Li Mushen feel a little threat and oppression. He quickly turned his body to avoid, but saw a fierce sword light flashed by!

This Shi Potian has the ability, as soon as he appeared in front of Li Mushen, he shot directly at Li Mushen, as if to obliterate Li Mushen!

The long sword shuttled through the void, but fortunately, Li Mushen moved quickly and avoided it. Even if the long sword was extremely fast, it was like a cyan shadow flashed quickly, and the trees were there. The long sword was also destroyed in the shuttle, and the stones in the mountains were directly shattered into pieces!

This is surprising. Obviously, the swordsmanship in Shi Potian's hands is so sharp, and it is completely unexpected.

That long sword is too sharp, as if it can penetrate everything in the world. It has a formation on it. This is a great formation of breeze. When this formation reaches its limit, it glows with dozens of lines. Cyan shadow.

The dozens of cyan shadows are also extremely sharp, and they slammed towards Li Mushen, as if to pierce Li Mushen's body directly!

Stab, stab! ! !

Shuttle in the void, to directly pierce Li Mushen's body!

Fortunately, Li Mushen's speed is not slow. Under the sharp and powerful long sword, he easily dodged. Facing the attack he launched, this could not help but let him breathe a sigh of relief!

At this time, Shi Potian flicked his fingers again, and saw the light of the long sword flashing past again, and this time the speed of the long sword also became faster and more amazing!

He cut through the void, and instantly shed several scars in the hands of Li Mushen, and blood flowed down the scars!

Li Mushen felt a sharp pain in his body. On his arm, there was a scar, and blood was rolling out from the scar.

Li Mushen's face was also a bit ugly because of this!

"Damn it!" Li Mushen said in a deep voice.

Fortunately, Shi Potian used a long sword, and after a few scars appeared on his body, he did not continue.

He looked at Li Mushen coldly, "This is the Spirit Snake Sword given to me by the master! Li Mushen, how do you feel about its power?"

Li Mushen responded to Shi Potian and said, "The power is indeed powerful, but it shocked me."

"If it's not the same disciple, I just want to learn from you, otherwise I will kill you just now!" Shi Potian sneered and said to Li Mushen contemptuously.

But Li Mushen was indifferent to this. He didn't say anything, but kept calm. He didn't use the giant wolf armor given to him by Elder Meng Long, otherwise the stone-shattering spirit snake sword It can't do any damage to him at all!

At the same time, if Li Mushen used the artifact knife, this Spirit Snake Sword would probably be turned into pieces in a moment, and there was no ability to resist it at all!

It's just that Li Mushen is hiding his strength temporarily. He has already made a secret decision in his heart. When he leaves here and leaves the site of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, in a place where there is no one, even if he kills him, I am afraid there will be no who knows!

That's right, this is Li Mushen, the plan in Li Mushen's heart!