Primordial God

Chapter 1127: Demon Cave

"You are not Li Mushen, who are you?" Shui Qingcheng asked.

"I am Li Mushen." Li Mushen responded directly to her and answered her why.

But Shui Qingcheng frowned and did not believe that this matter was true at all. Li Mushen's eyes were very indifferent to this, and she responded: "I am Li Mushen, you should be injured so that you can't recognize it."

What Li Mushen said was right, the same was true for his body, and he was not affected in any way.

"Looks like I'm worrying too much."

In this regard, Shui Qingcheng thought for a while and nodded in response.

"Those Old Demons still have thousands of reds, how are they?"

Because for Shui Qingcheng, they should have already died. After all, in Wanqianhong and the strength of Earth Demon, they are not opponents at all!

It stands to reason that they should have died, how could they be alive!

But the final result is like this, they are indeed still alive, not dead.

"I killed them."

Li Mushen responded directly to the opening.

Li Mushen's words made that Shui Qingcheng's face suddenly change, full of disbelief, completely unexpected!

"You killed them, how is this possible?!"

He can be said to be very clear about Li Mushen's strength. Li Mushen's strength is not strong, he just relies on the divine weapon knife in his hand, and there is no other way, so how can she think about it? I don't understand, what is the reason for this!

"I killed them, but let Wanqianhong escape." Li Mushen responded, but he didn't explain how he did it, just said so.

For Li Mushen's words, especially Li Mushen's indifferent and calm tone, it made them even more surprised, and they knew that this matter was really what he said, and it was indeed what he did.

Shui Qingcheng looked at Li Mushen in disbelief, to know how Li Mushen did all this!

"how did you do it?"

But for Shui Qingcheng's inquiry, Li Mushen did not answer.

"How do you feel now?" Li Mushen said to Shui Qingcheng.

"It's almost recovered."

Li Mushen nodded, "Since the recovery is almost complete, let's get up."

Shui Qingcheng nodded, and she stood up.

It's just that Shui Qingcheng got up and stood up, his body was still a little weak, and his face was a little pale.

"Where are we going now?"

Li Mushen's eyes were still very indifferent, and his expression did not change in the slightest. He opened his mouth and said to Shui Qingcheng: "Your strength is too weak, and you are not the opponent of these old demons and demons at all. You should leave now."

"You asked me to leave, then where do I go?" Shui Qingcheng's expression was stunned for a moment, but she did not expect Li Mushen to let him leave.

"You are the only one left now. Of course, it is to let you return to the Immortal Mansion. Do you still want to die in this endless desert?"

A shallow smile appeared on Shui Qingcheng's face, and she responded: "Li Mushen, I want to go back to the Immortal Mansion, how can it be so easy now, and now we have gone deep into the endless desert. , There may be great danger at any time in this endless desert.”

For Shui Qingcheng, the best thing at this time is to let herself follow Li Mushen's side, so that she can ensure her sufficient safety and will not be affected by the slightest bit, and only in this way will she be completely safe!

"You want to follow me?"

Shui Qingcheng nodded.

Since Shui Qingcheng is willing to follow him, then I, Li Mushen, did not refuse to respond and said, "Well, you can follow me."

After receiving Li Mushen's response, Shui Qingcheng's face suddenly burst into joy, which also made him relieved, only following Li Mushen is the safest, at least in his opinion.

"Where are we going now?" Shui Qingcheng asked Li Mushen.

"Go to the monster's lair and see where the monster is?"

It can be said that Li Mushen's words are shocking enough. I didn't even think that Shui Qingcheng could not have imagined that Li Mushen would go to the monster's lair. !

This is absolutely horrifying, even more dangerous and more difficult than Shui Qingcheng leaving alone!

In this regard, Li Mushen was indifferent, and his expression did not change in any way, "Then are you still going to follow me?"

"Is there any other way I can go?"

Shui Qingcheng sighed, it can be said to be absolutely helpless.

"Then let's go." Li Mushen said to Shui Qingcheng, "You won't regret your decision, I believe this time you will be able to become the inner disciple of the Supreme Immortal Mansion and complete the assessment of the Immortal Immortal Mansion. "

Shui Qingcheng walked behind Li Mushen, in the endless desert!

In this endless desert, it is desolate and dead, and there is no trace of whether it is the devil or the monsters. Where do you go to find the devil, where to find the cave of the monster, I am afraid there is no one. People know it!

Shui Qingcheng didn't say much, but followed Li Mushen in this endless desert!

In this endless desert, Xiao Feng is cold and terrifying, and there are storms swept in it, which is absolutely shocking!

Of course, it was also accompanied by endless desert hurricanes. The desert hurricanes swept across the whole world frantically. The wind was like a knife.

Moreover, the hurricane that suddenly blew up in this endless desert made her whole body feel extremely painful, and her body was covered in blood, as if it was directly pierced by one long knife after another, stabbing out. Countless wounds!

However, Shui Qingcheng did not say anything, but was resisting this terrifying and astonishing force of nature in the desert.

"You came behind me." Li Mushen said.

Shui Qingcheng followed behind Li Mushen, because only following behind Li Mushen was the safest.

He found that Li Mushen's physical defense was extremely powerful, and he could easily block the damage caused by the endless desert!

Li Mushen has undergone earth-shaking changes now, which is simply shocking and shocking. I am afraid no one would have expected such a change in Li Mushen's body. It seems that the current Li Mushen is not what he saw at all. Li Mushen, the strength gap between the two can be said to be extremely huge, and even the temperament between the two is the same!

Shui Qingcheng followed behind Li Mushen, and couldn't help but sighed in his heart. If Zhuge Qing had stayed here with her at the time and didn't plan to leave, I'm afraid he would be very safe, and he didn't die!

It's just a pity that it is useless to think about these now, after all, Zhuge Qing is dead!

"Where is the monster's cave? Where do we go to find it?" To Shui Qingcheng, he was really puzzled, he didn't know where to look for the monster's cave, and he didn't believe that Li Mushen could find the monster's cave. .

"It won't be long, don't worry." Li Mushen responded to Shui Qingcheng. Although he was in this endless desert, his consciousness had already covered the entire endless desert, and he had already discovered those The trace of the devil!

Almost Li Mushen has found the lair of those monsters, where exactly is it, of course, this depends a lot on the direction that thousands of reds fled, which is why Li Mushen was able to find the cave where the monsters were hiding.

Shui Qingcheng was curious and didn't know how Li Mushen found the caves of those demons.

Li Mushen didn't manage Shui Qingcheng either, Shui Qingcheng just followed behind Li Mushen.

After walking for nearly an hour, the surrounding environment has become extremely bad. It can be said that the surrounding demon breath can be said to be extremely dignified, which is shocking!

Here, Shui Qingcheng sensed the aura of the monster, and when Shui Qingcheng noticed the aura of the monster, she was of course extremely shocked: "I didn't expect that I could really sense the aura of the monster here!"

"We are very close to the demon's lair now." Li Mushen responded lightly.

In the face of Li Mushen's response, Shui Qingcheng's eyes fell on him unconsciously, and he couldn't help but look at Li Mushen a few more times.

Because Shui Qingcheng found that Li Mushen's body seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes, and the aura exuded from her body attracted his attention, making his eyes involuntarily fall on Li Mushen's body.

And when Li Mushen looked over, her face flushed, and she quickly retracted her gaze.

Of course, how could this little action belonging to Shui Qingcheng escape the gaze of Li Mushen? Of course he knew, if he didn't pay attention.

For him, the next thing to do is to destroy that monster's lair and kill the monsters inside!

Of course, thousands of Hongcang fled in panic, and have never been so frightened before, but fortunately, with the self-destruction of those old demons, Li Mushen did not chase after them, and this also made thousands of reds breathe a sigh of relief.

She quickly returned to the demon's lair and told the demon **** in the demon's lair about this!

When the demon gods in the demon lair heard what Wan Qianhong said, their brows furrowed and they said in a deep voice, "I didn't expect such a powerful warrior to be hidden among the outer disciples of the Immortal Mansion. Wan Qianhong, as you said, that person's cultivation has reached the realm of the gods?"

Wan Qianhong's expression was still terrified, and she obviously hadn't recovered from her fear. She shook her head and said, "I don't know, Lord Demon God, his movements were too fast at that time, and his strength was really too terrifying. , I can't react at all, and I can't even know how powerful he is!"