Primordial God

Chapter 1136: Kill the Three Demons

The heart of that demon **** was full of unease at this moment, as if something big was about to happen, but for him, he didn't know what to do at all. room, endless!

The face of that Demon God changed suddenly at this moment, but for him, there is no way to do it now, even if he wants to escape, he can't escape at all, and the power in his body is rushing out!

The face of that Demon God suddenly changed greatly at this moment, without any hesitation, he shot directly, and the violent power rushed out in an instant, inexhaustible.

He had no choice but to die directly in the hands of Li Mushen, and in this way the second demon **** died in the hands of Li Mushen!

There was almost no accident, and at the same time, the power was endlessly rushing, and in the rolling air, that one demon **** died directly in the hands of Li Mushen, so there was already a second demon **** died in the hands of Li Mushen!

There are eight demon gods left!

After Li Mushen killed the second demon **** again, he disappeared again, disappeared between heaven and earth, no one knew where he was!

Li Mushen is once again hidden in the whole world, no one can see him, and he doesn't know where he is. This is shocking!

But Shui Qingcheng didn't expect that Li Mushen's strength was stronger than he imagined. In just a short while, Tianlei had already killed two of the ten demon gods!

Even what Li Mushen did seems to be easy, not very easy!

Of course, they don't know how Li Mushen did it. Those demon gods don't know how to deal with Li Mushen at all!

This made their faces very ugly and full of unwillingness!

"Come out for me! Come out for me! Do you know how to hide in the dark?" The remaining eight demon gods said coldly. Of course, their words were full of anger and their faces were hideous. Let them have no way to take action against Li Mushen, how can they not take Li Mushen at all!

Li Mushen is like a ghost and ghost, no one knows his whereabouts, and no one knows where Li Mushen is hiding.

It's just what makes them so outraged!

Li Mushen continued to walk between the whole world, the world seemed pitch black and dazed, and he couldn't even know where they were!

And at this time, Li Mushen appeared again!

He appeared in front of a demon god, and that demon **** didn't know what was going on at all, and at this moment, he seemed horrified.

The first two demon gods died like this. They were worried that they would be in danger. He must not have any carelessness and be extremely cautious.

His expression was extremely cold, but he didn't know what to do at this moment!

The Demon God let out a low roar, and it could be said that the roar was even more desperate, and he suddenly shot at Li Mushen!

But under his attack, it had no effect on Li Mushen.

Li Mushen shot again. Of course, his power is absolutely powerful, and the powerful power is rolling out of his body.

When Li Mushen's powerful attack instantly fell on the body of the demon god.

With the power of destroying the dead, it burst out in an instant, surging and shocking!

The Demon God let out a scream, and was blasted out directly under this terrifying power!

The Demon God was blasted out by Li Mushen and smashed heavily on the ground, dripping with blood!

But fortunately, although this demon **** was hit by Li Mushen's fist, he only suffered a wound on his body. Other than that, there was no other impact. Fortunately, he was not directly obliterated, which made them breathe a sigh of relief!

If Li Mushen appeared to kill a demon **** directly and inexplicably, it would naturally be a great disaster for them!

Of course, this was a huge blow to their morale, but it didn't do any good!

At this time, the power of Li Mushen was rolling, and before they could breathe a sigh of relief, the power of Li Mushen hit their bodies again, and when it hit their bodies again, everything happened again. change!

This punch directly smashed the body of that Demon God, and blood immediately flowed out!

The Demon God let out a scream, and the incomparable pain died directly in the hands of Li Mushen, which was shocking!

This demon **** died directly under the bombardment of Li Mushen's second fist, and his whole body exploded in an instant!

After killing the third Demon God, it was of course extremely easy for Li Mushen.

All this still seems easy, as if there is no need for any obstacles for him!

And killing three of their demon gods in a row made them extremely angry!

As for the remaining seven demon gods, they rushed towards Li Mushen angrily, to completely obliterate Li Mushen...

But it is a pity that Li Mushen can still hide it easily, so that they can't find where it is hiding at all!

Finding them angry, I don't know what to do!

For them, if they can't deal with Li Mushen now, then they should run away quickly, this is the best thing!

What happened next made everyone feel unbelievable!

After all, no one thought that such a thing would happen!

But now it's useless to say these, these demon gods fled everywhere, fled far away, they didn't want to be obliterated by Li Mushen, but completely killed by Li Mushen!

In the face of a person who can't find any trace at all, they have no way to deal with him!

The only thing for them is to exit quickly and exit here. Only in this way can their safety be ensured, and any influence will not cause any harm!

The power is surging, and facing the escape of those demon gods, Li Mushen, revealed his own figure.

He dispersed the Immortal Invisibility Technique, stood on the sky, and looked at the demon gods who were running away indifferently.

Li Mushen said lightly, "Aren't you going to kill me? Why did you choose to run away!"

Those demon gods didn't hesitate, they were still running away in fear!

But since these demon gods came to attack Li Mushen, how could you possibly let them go!

Li Mushen made a move, his power was rolling and rushing, and his power was endlessly powerful, like a huge wave, and the power of the ancient gods spread out in an instant, rolling and rushing, turning this endless desert into one in an instant between the whole world. The cage of heaven and earth completely traps them in this endless desert, so that they can't escape even if they want to escape!

The remaining seven demon gods were trapped in the flame cage of Li Mushen!

And these demon gods trapped in the flame cage, of course, the faces of each of them are extremely pale, it can be said that there is no color, can't say a word, the pale complexion is extremely pale, there is no light. !

For these demon gods, it is inevitable that there is some despair in their hearts, because they know in their hearts what this means and what it represents!

No one would have imagined that with their formidable strength, they were not even Li Mushen's opponents, and Li Mushen's strength was far beyond their imagination, which made them even more unwilling!

The seven demon gods were trapped and looked at Li Mushen with great anger, as if they were going to completely obliterate Li Mushen! In this regard, Li Mushen's expression did not change in the slightest. He was still very indifferent. Looking at the demon gods who had been imprisoned in it, his mouth even showed a sneer. They didn't want to take action against these demon gods. It's a pity that these demon gods have to provoke him, and he has no way to do anything, so he can't blame him!

The power is surging and endless. In that flame cage, the devil is full of unease, but they don't know what to do!

These demon gods roared angrily at Li Mushen, and the angry Li Mushen said, "Let us go."

"You came to kill me from a long distance, why did you plan to leave?" Li Mushen said with a smile on his face.

The flames burned and burned on the bodies of those demons. When the terrifying flames burned on the bodies of those demons, it instantly caused the bodies of those demons to feel incomparably severe pain, and the body was also in pain, and they experienced a huge torment!

These demon gods screamed under the terrifying Primordial Divine Runes, and their screams were naturally full of horror. After all, this was really too scary. The power of the Primordial Divine Runes was definitely Shocking!

As the power of the terrifying ancient gods burned on the bodies of those demon gods, those demon gods quickly extinguished the flames on their bodies!

But unfortunately the flames burning on their bodies were so terrifying that they could hardly be extinguished! The raging flames were burning, their whole bodies were in great pain, and their flesh and blood were being burned cleanly. If this continued, then they would surely die under the fire-shaped glyphs of Li Mushen!

"We can't just do this! We have to shoot! I can't believe how powerful he is. We seven demon gods shot together, can't we still deal with a human ant?!" A demon roared angrily, Then suddenly shot!

The power is rolling, endless, and surging!

The seven demon gods have already fought their way out. The powerful and violent power is pouring out like a mountain tops the sea, rushing between the whole world, as if it contains the ability to destroy all things in the world!

Under the power of this terrifying ancient glyph, and under the union of the seven demon gods, they were slowly suppressed. Even the flames were slowly controlled by them. The power of the Primordial Divine Rune has been extinguished!

The seven demon gods joined forces to launch a powerful attack on the power of Li Mushen's ancient divine runes.

Of course, it didn't take long before the endless power finally dissipated, and they also successfully broke through the power of Li Mushen's Primordial Divine Rune, and successfully broke out from the flame cage!