Primordial God

Chapter 1138: Road meets Fangshuixi

As Li Mushen used his power again, his memory faded again, and soon his memory completely dissipated, and the whole person's temperament changed dramatically.

At this time, Li Mushen is already very different from the previous Li Mushen!

At this time, Li Mushen looked dazed, completely unaware of what was going on. Seeing everything destroyed by the self-exposure of several demon gods, the whole person was stunned there!

After all, the scene in front of him was so shocking to him that he had no idea that such a thing would happen!

Especially the power of this manufacturing is absolutely terrifying, comparable to destroying the world!

Li Mushen looked at Shui Qingcheng!

"Is this what you did?" Li Mushen said to Shui Qingcheng.

Shui Qingcheng responded to Li Mushen: "I didn't do this."

"You didn't do it, who did it?"

Shui Qingcheng didn't speak, but just turned his eyes to Li Mushen.

Her meaning is very clear, and all this is what Li Mushen did.

But unfortunately, Li Mushen didn't know what caused this.

He asked Shui Qingcheng curiously, and said to Shui Qingcheng, "What happened, do you know?"

"I don't even know what happened."

Of course, about what happened, it was impossible for Shui Qingcheng to tell Li Mushen, because all of this was extremely important to Shui Qingcheng. Once he told Li Mushen, he violated the true meaning of Li Mushen, so he only You can say that you don't know anything.

"Well, you don't know anything."

Li Mushen responded helplessly and said, of course, for Li Mushen, it is also more curious to know what caused it.

For the first time, the second time, he survived successfully twice, and those demons and gods died for no reason. Li Mushen was very clear in his heart. I'm afraid this matter is not so simple.

Of course, he didn't know what was the main reason for this, so it seemed that his eyes were very calm.

"Are we leaving now?" Shui Qingcheng responded.

"In this endless desert, it's better not to stay." Li Mushen said.

Shui Qingcheng also nodded: "Since that's the case, let's leave first."

With the departure of Li Mushen and Shui Qingcheng, in this endless desert, calm was restored, and the dead silence of the past was restored, without any color.

Shui Qingcheng and Li Mushen left this endless desert. This time, whether it was Li Mushen or Shui Qingcheng, neither of them were hindered in any way. !

And in the endless desert where Li Mushen and Shui Qingcheng left, at the place where the battle was fought, those demons and gods had already arrived.

And when these demon gods came to the ruins of the battle, everyone's faces were full of shock, and their expressions could be said to be extremely shocking!

Looking at the scene in front of them, and feeling the breath of death emanating from the dead demon gods, everyone was shocked and could not say a word!

"How is it possible? How could such a thing happen!"

Those demon gods and demons who came to arrest the two disciples of the Immortal Mansion of the Supreme Being have all died, in the hands of Li Mushen!

How can it be? How could such a thing happen!

For all the warriors present, their hearts were extremely shocking, unimaginable, even their bodies became extremely cold at this moment!

The whole body is cold, it can be said that I can't say a word!

What happened was really shocking to them!

But all this has already happened, and it is useless to say this at this moment, but no matter what, everything that happened will spread out, resound in the mouths of all the demons, and be known by those demons!

No matter what happened to Li Mushen and Shui Qingcheng, the two of them would naturally be known to everyone and all the demons!

Regarding the power of Li Mushen and Shui Qingcheng, of course, those monsters cannot provoke them. I am afraid that no one would have thought that there would be two more powerful warriors in those immortal palaces so quickly!

Those two powerful warriors had already surpassed the realm of the gods, condensed the godhead, and became gods, even high-rank gods!

Otherwise, why are none of the powerful demon gods they sent out to be their opponents!

This is enough to prove that Li Mushen still has the power of Shui Qingcheng!

Therefore, for these demons and demon gods, after the powerful demon gods have given orders, they will definitely not provoke Li Mushen in the future. Once they encounter Li Mushen, they should run away as soon as possible. !

On the other side, Li Mushen and Shui Qingcheng left the endless desert, but at this time, a few streaks of light flashed across the sky in the distance, flashing between the whole world, and then a tyrannical breath filled the whole world!

Li Mushen and Shui Qingcheng stopped and looked up.

However, above the sky, several spiritual rainbows flickered quickly. When the light of several spiritual rainbows subsided, Shui Qingcheng's eyes were startled, since he was a disciple of the Supreme Immortal Mansion.

Li Mushen's eyes were also surprised, because he found out that it was not someone who came here, but the immortal mansion, Shui Xi and the other two disciples of the immortal mansion. He didn't expect them to come here, but The breath emanating from their bodies is absolutely powerful, presumably they have reached the realm of the gods!

Fang Shuixi saw Li Mushen, and Shui Qingcheng, and when Fang Shuixi's eyes fell on Li Mushen, his eyes were particularly surprised, and it could be said that he was full of disbelief, so he talked to those mistresses. The disciple of Shangxian Mansion fell from the sky, looked at Li Mushen, and said to Li Mushen, "Li Mushen, why are you here?"

To this, Li Mushen responded lightly and said, "I'm here to complete the assessment of the inner disciple of the Supreme Immortal Mansion."

The male disciple next to him glanced at Li Mushen, then sneered at the other party Shui Xi and said, "Is this a servant of your former Fang family?"

Fang Shuixi nodded lightly and responded, "But that was only in the past, and now he is no longer a servant of our Fang family."

Hearing what the disciple of the Supreme Immortal Mansion said, Li Mushen's brows furrowed, but he didn't have the slightest liking for a disciple of the Immortal Immortal Mansion.

Shui Qingcheng next to him heard what they said, and his expression seemed extremely indifferent.

Obviously, apart from knowing the secret of Li Mushen, these people present did not know the secret of Li Mushen at all, and of course they did not know that Li Mushen was powerful.

And what if they learned how powerful Li Mushen really was? I'm afraid it won't say so.

Fang Shuixi looked at Li Mushen and asked Li Mushen: "Li Mushen, you have come to participate in the assessment of the inner disciple of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, so how did the task go?"

As a true disciple of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, she naturally knows some of the tasks released by the task hall.

"So have you completed the mission of the Immortal Mansion?" Fang Shuixi looked at Li Mushen and said to Li Mushen.

Li Mushen frowned, because he didn't know whether he had completed the assessment tasks stipulated by the Supreme Immortal Mansion, and did not know if he had become an inner disciple of the Supreme Immortal Mansion. After all, he didn't remember anything at that time. He was in a coma, and he didn't know what happened at the time.

"A small outer disciple, how can it be so easy to complete the inner disciple assessment of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, let alone to complete the inner disciple assessment of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, how can it be so easy." Fang Shuixi The disciple of the Immortal Mansion next to him said coldly.

Whether they looked at Li Mushen or Fang Shuixi in their eyes, of course they were all contemptuous, and they did not put Li Mushen and Shui Qingcheng in their eyes at all.

Li Mushen just glanced at the disciple of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, and then withdrew his gaze, but Shui Qingcheng frowned, and her eyes were very unhappy.

After all, Shui Qingcheng is very clear that these things he has accomplished, although this is not what he did, but what Li Mushen did after regaining his memory and strength, but his strength is absolutely formidable and terrifying without exception. No one can match it. Whether it is Fang Shuixi or these disciples of the Immortal Mansion, it can be said that there is no one who is his opponent!

And the disciple of the Immortal Mansion was full of aggression against him, which really made him very unhappy.

Therefore, Shui Qingcheng responded coldly to the disciple of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, and said to the disciple of the Immortal Supreme Immortal Mansion: "I'm disappointed by you, we have completed the assessment of the Immortal Mansion of the Supreme Being, we just need to return to the Immortal Mansion of the Supreme Being. Among them, you can become the inner disciple of the Supreme Immortal Mansion."

She looked away from the powerful disciples of the Immortal Mansion and Fang Shuixi, and said, "Whether it's me or Li Mushen, I will become the inner disciple of Immortal Mansion."

Li Mushen next to him seemed a little puzzled.

I don't know how he became the inner disciple of the Supreme Immortal Mansion!

But Li Mushen didn't say anything, because he guessed that Shui Qingcheng was lying to those powerful disciples of the Immortal Mansion.

So he nodded solemnly and said, "Of course."

But what Shui Qingcheng said, those powerful disciples of the Immortal Mansion did not believe it at all.

The disciple of the Supreme Immortal Mansion sneered and said, "That's to let me see how you became the inner disciple of the Immortal Immortal Mansion?"

Fang Shuixi, who was next to him, frowned and said, "Bi Shuilan, are we the true disciples of the Supreme Immortal Mansion that make things difficult for the other disciples of the Immortal Immortal Mansion?"

When Bi Shui Lan heard what Fang Shuixi said, a sneer appeared on his face and responded: "Fang Shuixi, this matter has nothing to do with you, he is no longer part of your Fang family, so what if I said a few words. ?"