Primordial God

Chapter 1139: blue water

Hearing what Bi Shuilan said, Fang Shuixi frowned, and his eyes were naturally very unhappy. It could be said that this Bi Shui Lan was provoking him. You must know that this Bi Shui Lan has always looked at him unhappy!

In this regard, Li Mushen's eyes were still very indifferent, he looked at the blue water.

But at this time, Shui Qingcheng next to Li Mushen gave a cold smile, and she said, "Look at what this is."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shui Qingcheng pulled out a spine from his own ring!

This spine is extremely thick, flashing a dull light, and suddenly the magic power is bright and diffuses out.

When Shui Qingcheng took out this backbone, the expressions of everyone present suddenly changed, and their expressions were horrified!

"How is this possible?!" Bishuilan's pupils shrank suddenly, his eyes widened, and he looked at the spine in Shui Qingcheng's hands with a horrified expression. If he guessed correctly, the one in Shui Qingcheng's hands The spine is the spine of the devil!

And how powerful a Demon God is, he has no need to say it. It can be said that a powerful Demon God has the power to destroy the sky and destroy the earth, and the power is extremely terrifying and terrifying.

But in front of Bi Shui Lan, he simply has no strength to resist the attack of a powerful demon god. It can be said that under a powerful demon god, he is not an opponent at all!

It can be said that it is absolutely impossible to get a devil's spine. This is a symbol of killing the devil. Of course, this spine is also the most important thing for the devil!

For example, if they have a godhead around them, a demon **** has a divine bone, which cannot be missing!

Therefore, when the warriors present, including Bi Shui Lan and Fang Shui Xi, saw the Demon God Spine in Shui Qingcheng's hand, everyone's expressions changed, and the shock in the blue eyes slowly changed. Get greedy.

He looked at Shui Qingcheng coldly, and said to Shui Qingcheng in a deep voice, "Where did this Devil God's spine in your hand come from?"

But Shui Qingcheng just gave Bi Shuilan a cold look, and then put the spine into the ring, "Now you know that I didn't lie to you, not to mention that a devil's spine represents a If the famous Demon God dies, then he will be able to become the inner disciple of the Immortal Mansion!"

Bi Shuilan didn't speak, but his eyes were cold.

"You are right. You do have a backbone. Of course, the reward for this matter is incomparable."

Bi Shui Lan took a step, on top of his body, a powerful aura of power billowed, permeating the whole world, Bi Shui Lan said: "But with your own strength, isn't it clear enough? It's just the two of you. With personal strength, it is almost impossible to kill a demon god, so how did you do it?"

Obviously Bi Shui Lan did not believe that Li Mushen and Shui Qingcheng had the strength to kill the Demon God.

Of course, the blue eyes of Bi Shui looking at the Na ring in Shui Qingcheng's hands were also full of greed.

That's right, this Bi Shuilai wants to grab the space ring in the hands of Shui Qingcheng, and thus the backbone of the Demon God!

Of course, at this moment, not only Bi Shui Lan wanted to win the space ring in the hands of Shui Qingcheng, but of course it also included the remaining powerful disciples of the Immortal Mansion, who all wanted to win the hands of Li Mushen The one of the Demon God's spine, once they get the Demon God's spine and return to the Immortal Mansion, they will definitely get a great reward, which is of course extremely important to them!

Many people are already greedy and even Fang Shuixi is the same at this moment.

Fang Shuixi took a step, and she asked Shui Qingcheng, "Where did the backbone of you and the devil in your hands come from?"

Fang Shuixi looked at Shui Qingcheng deeply, and said to Shui Qingcheng: "Don't tell me that this backbone was obtained by killing the demon god, you must know that with your strength, you are not the opponent of the demon **** at all, the demon **** can easily do it. You can be crushed to death directly."

And what Fang Shuixi said is indeed correct. The power of the devil is naturally not the opponent of Li Mushen and Shui Qingcheng, but when Shui Qingcheng asked Fang Shuixi, she responded coldly: "It's a pity. Letting you down, it's what we did about this Demon God's spine."

"Haha." Bi Shuilan smiled coldly, he suddenly took a step, the power above his body rolled out, permeating the whole world, the breath emanating from his body was of course terrifying and amazing. Almost in an instant, they were crushed on the bodies of Li Mushen and Shui Qingcheng.

The bodies of Li Mushen and Shui Qingcheng suddenly sank at this moment, which made Li Mushen and Shui Qingcheng feel great pressure.

Shui Qingcheng looked at Bi Shui Lan coldly, and said to Bi Shui Lan in a cold voice, "Bi Shui Lan, what do you mean? Do you want to attack us and get the devil's backbone in our hands?"

"What do you think?" Bi Shui Lan sneered and responded.

In any case, for them, of course, they are extremely angry!

Shui Qingcheng was even more angry in her heart. This Demon God's backbone could be said to be very important to him. It was related to whether she could get the reward of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, and it was very important to become an inner disciple of the Supreme Immortal Mansion.

And once it is taken away by these powerful disciples of the Immortal Mansion, no matter what, Li Mushen and him cannot become disciples of Immortal Mansion.

In their eyes, they were extremely angry. At this time, Bi Shui Lan had already shot, and the power of his shot was extremely powerful and amazing. With his shot, the power was surging and surging, almost unimaginable.

Shui Qingcheng wanted to dodge, but he didn't have time to dodge at all, so he was directly grabbed by Bi Shuilan's neck, and the power contained in his palm seemed to be crushed to pieces!

Shui Qingcheng's face was extremely pale, without any color, she felt great pain and struggled to break free!

But Bi Shuilan's strength was so powerful that Shui Qingcheng could hardly breathe, her face was extremely pale, and she struggled to break free.

"Let go of me! Let me go!!"

"Hand over the Demon God's spine then I'll let you go. If you don't hand over the Demon God's spine, then don't blame me for being rude!"

Shui Qingcheng could hardly breathe, her breath was so weak at this moment that she could hardly speak a word!

Li Mushen saw this scene and saw that Bi Shuilan was going to kill Shui Qingcheng. Of course, he couldn't choose to sit still and let Shui Qingcheng die!

The artifact knife shuttled out and quickly attacked Bi Shui Lan.

Bi Shuilan noticed that Li Mushen was attacking him again, and a ray of cold light shot out from his eyes, and he shot in an instant, grabbing at Li Mushen's artifact knife.

It's just that when Bi Shui Lan grabbed Li Mushen's artifact knife, he suddenly felt a great threat!

But he has already made a move, and it is temporarily impossible to withdraw his hand at this moment!

With a puff, the sharp artifact knife directly pierced his palm. When the palm was pierced, blood flowed instantly!

When his palm was pierced, his face also became extremely pale at this moment. Obviously, he did not expect the power of Li Mushen's divine weapon, the knife, to be so terrifying!

After piercing the palm of Li Mushen's hand, the artifact knife took the life of Bi Shui Lan and wanted to pierce his throat, but Bi Shui Lan would not be so careless as before!

I saw that on top of the blue water body, blood was rolling out, and the horror was amazing!

Even the pierced palm was completely healed at this moment, and the injuries on the body were completely recovered!

Bi Shuilan's eyes were extremely cold, he looked at Li Mushen coldly, and said to Li Mushen in a deep voice, "How dare you hurt me!"

And to those powerful disciples of the Immortal Mansion, they are also surprised. You must know that Bi Shuilan is a powerhouse in the realm of pseudo-spiritual gods who is about to become a god. His physical defense is absolutely amazingly powerful, but he cannot resist it at all. He survived the attack of Li Mushen, and his palm was completely pierced directly under Li Mushen's attack!

Bi Shui Lan's eyes can be said to be extremely cold. He looked at Li Mushen, and his eyes were of course full of murderous intent.

All this done by Li Mushen is enough for them to directly obliterate Li Mushen. After all, Li Mushen dares to hurt him, this is unforgivable!

"I see you are courting death!"

Bi Shui Lan said coldly to Li Mushen, he shot at the same time, because he knew that Shui Qingcheng couldn't escape at all, now let's deal with Li Mushen, the **** guy!

The powerful force radiated from the body of Bi Shui Lan, and the speed of Bi Shui Lan was extremely fast, and appeared in front of Li Mushen in an instant, making Li Mushen too late to react!

Li Mushen just wanted to take a half step back, but Bi Shui Lan had already appeared behind him!

Li Mushen directly slammed into the clear water blue body!

When he slammed into the clear water blue body, he groaned, as if he had slammed into a boulder, and his body was in so much pain that he almost knocked himself out!

Bi Shuilan launched an attack on Li Mushen, and the powerful power in his body also burst out in an instant!

Li Mushen was almost unstoppable, and was crushed to the ground in an instant!

In an instant, Li Mushen only felt the incomparable pain in his internal organs, as if they were about to shatter!

However, Li Mushen insisted silently. Although he felt severe pain in his body, as if his internal organs were about to burst, he clenched his teeth and looked at Bi Shui Lan coldly.

Shui Qingcheng didn't help him, just watched this scene coldly.

Because he knew very well that Li Mushen's strength was strong but did not explode, and when Li Mushen's strength exploded, the warriors present would be completely unstoppable, whether it was Bi Shui Lan or other people present, they were equally unstoppable. …

So Shui Qingcheng is waiting, waiting for all the time to come!

"Go and provoke Li Mushen, don't provoke him, otherwise none of you can withstand the pain!"