Primordial God

Chapter 1157: Demon Library

The eyes of those demons are of course extremely cold, looking at Li Mushen with a sneer in their eyes!

It seems that another person who was sacrificed came here. Now that he is here, his eyes are full of greed. In this way, they will have flesh and blood to taste. Of course, this is an incomparably huge for them. cool feeling!

This is absolutely unimaginable. On the bodies of those demons, they are full of infinite greed for Li Mushen. Many of them are sticking out their tongues, as if they want to eat Li Mushen. generally!

As long as Li Mushen is sacrificed, they can be devoured completely!

It's a pity that no one thought it would end up like this!

Under the eyes of those demons, Li Mushen's eyes seemed extremely indifferent, without any change, he turned into a black giant cocoon and was taken into the demon cave.

In this Demon God's Cave, the expressions of the demons that Li Mushen saw did not change in the slightest.

Especially in this Demon God's Cave, the aura of those demons that can be felt has become stronger and stronger, incomparably thick and vigorous. At the same time, in this Demon God's Cave, there are countless eyes looking at Li Mushen!

Finally, under the leadership of the demon, Li Mushen entered the deepest part of the demon cave.

As Li Mushen was taken to the deepest part of the Demon God's Cave, he also saw those black cocoons here.

In that black cocoon, there are disciples who are the same as Li Mushen in the immortal city of the Supreme Being. Of course, there are other warriors or ordinary people who are imprisoned here. They are all extremely weak, as if they have experienced a huge ordeal!

Obviously these were captured by those monsters, and their purpose is probably to come here to make sacrifices, which is one of the important purposes of their capture!

As for what their current purpose is, it is unknown. In a word, I am afraid that the purpose of their sacrifice is unknown!

Of course, with the **** cocoon that Li Mushen transformed into, of course the warriors in those black cocoons also saw it.

Seeing this scene, they all shook their heads.

Because in their opinion, once they entered this Demon God's Cave and were brought here by those Demon Gods, their final result would of course be death!

No one can escape from this Demon God's Cave, waiting for their final result to be death!

What's more, for these warriors, they don't want to die, but for them, there is no way, there is no way to live, once trapped in this, once caught in this devil cave. , they all eventually become the food in the mouths of those demons or demons!

With a bang, the monster directly smashed Li Mushen into it and grabbed the black cocoons.

Li Mushen looked around, and there were dozens of black swords around, and Li Mushen saw the disciples of the immortal city!

What surprised Li Mushen here is that Li Mushen actually discovered Shui Qingcheng here.

He thought that Shui Qingcheng was dead, but he didn't expect that Shui Qingcheng was still alive. Although there were countless scars on his body, fortunately it did not die, which was already very good.

Shui Qingcheng had woken up from a coma at this moment. He looked at Li Mushen, and his eyes were also very surprised. Now he did not expect that Li Mushen was also caught here.

Looking at Li Mushen, his eyes were even more surprised.

"Li Mushen, why did you also get arrested?" Shui Qingcheng said.

Shui Qingcheng looked at Li Mushen, with unusual doubts in his eyes, but for the doubts in Shui Qingcheng's eyes, Li Mushen said, "I thought you were already dead at the hands of those demons, but I didn't expect you to be alive."

What Li Mushen said made Shui Qingcheng give him a blank look. In Shui Qingcheng's eyes, she was worried that she would die here this time, but now it seems that she no longer has to worry about these problems.

Because he knows that since Li Mushen has come here, there is no need to worry at all, and there will be dangers coming, since now there is no need to worry about these problems!

Because as long as Li Mushen wakes up, his memory will be almost unstoppable, and no one is his opponent!

And now with Li Mushen, as long as his memory wakes up, then there is no need to worry at all, and he can easily deal with the demons in the Demon God's Cave, and of course the Demon Gods in the Demon God's Cave!

"It's nice to see you here." A smile appeared on Shui Qingcheng's face.

Hearing Shui Qingcheng's words, Li Mushen was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Li Mushen meant.

And looking at Shui Qingcheng's current appearance, it seems that he is not worried at all that he is in the Demon God's Cave, as if he will not be in any danger.

Seeing Shui Qingcheng's expression like this, Li Mushen wondered if there was any way to save Shui Qingcheng.

If Shui Qingcheng had a way to save him, then he didn't need to worry anymore.

"Do you have any way to rescue?" Li Mushen asked Shui Qingcheng in a low voice.

To this, Shui Qingcheng responded: "I believe I will have a solution."

Li Mushen asked again: "Then how to solve this problem?"

Shui Qingcheng took a deep look at Li Mushen and said to Li Mushen: "As long as there is life-threatening danger, I will know how to solve this problem."

"Does this problem have to be solved when life is in danger?" Li Mushen asked.

"It's like this."

Shui Qingcheng looked at Li Mushen, and then he looked at the Demon God's Cave.

Now that she and Li Mushen have come to this Demon God's Cave, for Shui Qingcheng, all they have to do now is to look for the mission issued by Taishang Xiancheng this time, which is to find the trace of the Demon God and see where the Demon God is. place, and then complete the mission of the Immortal City!

It's just that they are extremely disappointed that in this Demon God's Cave, outside of these dozens of black cocoons trapping them, there are no other demons and demons here. It can be said that there is no trace at all. Followable.

This also makes Shui Qingcheng feel a little embarrassed. I don't know where to look for the trace of the devil, so I can only wait here with Li Mushen!

Keep waiting, until the arrival of the devil, you will have a chance to find it at that time.

In that larger cocoon, Li Mushen kept breaking free, hoping to free the black cocoon, but what made him helpless was that no matter how hard he broke free, he couldn't get rid of the black cocoon. The big cocoon broke free, but it made it particularly difficult for him to be in it!

Obviously, to break free from this black cocoon, it is simply not feasible with Li Mushen's strength alone.

Li Mushen looked at Shui Qingcheng again, hoping that Shui Qingcheng could break free from this black cocoon, but to his disappointment, Shui Qingcheng had of course also tried, but after his attempt There is still no way to do it in China, and it is still impossible to break free from that **** cocoon!

Therefore, there is no way to break free from this **** cocoon in a short period of time.

Li Mushen frowned. At this moment, he couldn't help but miss his artifact knife. If he had that artifact knife in his hand, it would not be so difficult to break this black cocoon.

But unfortunately, now that **** cocoon has trapped him in it, and even his artifact knife has been taken away by a demon...

Of course, not only Li Mushen's artifact knife, but also Li Mushen's golden armor of heaven and earth, and that earth-level defensive armor, were also collected by that monster.

For Li Mushen, he is full of unwillingness. You must know that whether it is the artifact knife or the golden armor of heaven and earth, it is of great help to Li Mushen. Once the artifact knife and the golden armor of heaven and earth are lost, it will be a loss for him. Of course it's huge!

There is no way to do all this.

However, nothing can be solved.

Li Mushen's face was a little ugly, and in the end he had to give up.

After all, he has already tried, and there is no way to do it. Even if he tries again, the final result will be like this!

In this Demon God's Cave, he looked at the other disciples of the Supreme Immortal City or those martial artists who were captured in this Demon God's Cave.

Of course, these people's faces are very bad, their faces are pale, there is almost no blood, it can be said that they can't say a word, and they don't know what kind of pain they have experienced.

The most important thing is that they are already full of despair in their eyes!

And this despair naturally means that they are worried about their own lives, and there is no look in their eyes!

Because it seems to them that they have fallen into this Devil God's Cave, and once they fall into this Devil God's Cave, not to mention that they are already trapped in this black cocoon, then waiting for them, the final result will be It is death, there is no way to live!

All this is impossible!

It also made them very sigh and full of helplessness.

It would be great if someone could save them at this moment!

But it is a pity that in this Devil God's Cave, it can be said that there are dangers and hidden dangers. Whether it is those monsters or the devil hidden in it, they are the most terrifying!

The strength of those demon gods is absolutely shocking. No one is the opponent of those demon gods. Even if they come to save them, I am afraid that they will definitely die, but they will ruin their own lives!

Li Mushen was a little worried, but now it seems that Shui Qingcheng is the most calm and indifferent.

Shui Qingcheng is by Li Mushen's side, he knows that he is the safest beside Li Mushen, as long as Li Mushen bursts out his strength, what if he is in this Demon God's Cave, even if there is a Demon God , is still not the opponent of Li Mushen, then their final result is to complete the task of the immortal city of immortality, successfully return to immortal city of immortality, and become the core disciple of immortal city of immortality!

Thinking of this, Shui Qingcheng was a little excited, and she looked at her like Li Mushen.