Primordial God

Chapter 1166: Shocked!

"Elder Meng Long, I can't just walk away like this." Li Mushen said to Elder Meng Long in a deep voice.

Elder Meng Long said to Li Mushen: "If you don't leave, you will die here too!"

Elder Meng Long's heart can be said to be very clear, he knows what villains are framing her, will he not let Li Mushen go like this!

For the life of Li Mushen, he left this dungeon quickly!

It is still too late to leave this dungeon now. If he waits and leaves this dungeon after a while, even if Li Mushen wants to leave this dungeon, it is not an easy task!

Even at that time, Li Mushen couldn't leave this dungeon at all!

That is to say, Li Mushen will follow him at that time, and he will undoubtedly die here!

And Li Mushen is the only disciple of Elder Meng Long, he can't just watch Li Mushen die like this!

"You must go!" Elder Meng Long said to Li Mushen in a deep voice, and his words were also full of irresistible majesty!

Li Mushen sighed, knowing that there is no way to say this now, and he also fully believes that his master must be framed by others, and he must not be a demon sent by the demons to the immortal city!

"But I've already come to the dungeon in this immortal city, how should I go?" Li Mushen sighed and shook his head to his master, Elder Meng Long.

After all, Li Mushen knew very well that the dungeon in the immortal city was strictly guarded, and it wasn't that you could easily leave here if you wanted to.

Elder Meng Long's face was dark, and he said to Li Mushen, "There is a way for the teacher to let you leave here, you don't have to worry, just be prepared!"

But at this moment, a powerful aura suddenly permeated the entire dungeon.

Immediately afterwards, an elder from the Immortal City of Supreme Being appeared.

And this elder from the immortal city of the Supreme Being is extremely cold and ugly, looking at Li Mushen and Elder Meng Long coldly, as if making Li Mushen and Elder Meng Long's bodies feel extremely cold .

"Elder Dongtian, why are you wronging me?" Elder Meng Long looked at the elder of the Supreme Immortal City and said in a deep voice.

Elder Dongtian looked at Elder Meng Long, and his face was a bit ugly. He responded to Elder Meng Long, "You killed my brother, this matter will not be over, and I will make you pay the price of your life!"

"Your brother?" But Elder Meng Long sneered, "Your brother, Elder Fatian, why should I kill him!"

"Who else didn't you kill? Today I want you to pay the price you deserve!" Elder Dongtian said to Elder Meng Long again in a cold voice, and then his eyes were set on Li Mushen, "And you are the same I will also be buried with my brother!"

Li Mushen frowned, he didn't expect Elder Fatian to be dead!

Of course, Li Mushen also saw why his master became like this, probably because Elder Dongtian's younger brother, Elder Fatian, died, and then Elder Dongtian blamed Elder Meng Long, so Elder Meng Long was imprisoned here. In the dungeon, he was framed as an undercover agent sent by the Demon Race!

Li Mushen looked at the elder Dongtian coldly, his face was of course not good-looking.

"It's not so easy to kill us! Do you think you can directly frame us?" Li Mushen said, his body was surging, and at this moment the artifact knife suddenly came out of his palm. , and attacked the elders of Dongtian directly.

The speed of the artifact knife was extremely fast, and it passed by quickly, but the elder Dongtian was a powerful elder in the immortal city. How could Li Mushen's sneak attack have any effect on him? It was easily noticed by the elder Dongtian. He stretched out a hand and directly grabbed Li Mushen's artifact knife in the palm of his hand!

Looking at the artifact knife in his hand, Elder Dong Tian looked surprised and said, "I didn't expect it to be an artifact."

Without hesitation, he put the divine weapon knife in his pocket, and then said to Elder Meng Long with a sneer, "Elder Meng Long, Elder Meng Long, this is your last day, and tomorrow is your death date. You also know what the result of hooking up with the demons will be like!"

Elder Meng Long looked at Elder Dongtian deeply, and his words were naturally extremely calm and profound.

"I believe that Taishang Xiancheng will not trust you directly like this, and will uphold justice for me." Elder Meng Long responded.

"Hehe, don't expect those old guys in the immortal city too high, they all believe that you are a member of the demon clan, otherwise you will not be thrown into the dungeon today!" Elder Dongtian responded coldly.

And he didn't stay in this dungeon too much, and finally sneered and left directly from this dungeon.

After Elder Dongtian left, Li Mushen looked at Elder Meng Long with some worry in his eyes, and asked Elder Meng Long: "What should Shizun do now?"

Elder Meng Long shook his head and sighed, "Li Mushen, you must leave the dungeon right now, or you will be buried in this dungeon like a teacher!"

"What's the matter with the master, is it so willing to be framed and killed by him?!" Li Mushen said unwillingly.

But Elder Meng Long sighed at this, and he also seemed helpless, and responded to Li Mushen and said to Li Mushen: "You heard it just now, I'm afraid this matter is not so easy to solve, the elders in the entire Taishang Xiancheng believe in Elder Dongtian If you say it, then tomorrow will be my death!"

Elder Meng Long also stopped talking nonsense with Li Mushen. In Elder Meng Long's body, the power surged along with it, and the power like a huge wave erupted in an instant.

This terrifying power, even Li Mushen was terrified. He didn't expect that his master contained such terrifying power!

"Master, what should we do next?" Li Mushen asked.

Elder Meng Long responded: "The teacher will tear the void apart with great means, and then you will take the opportunity to escape."

Li Mushen nodded, "Elder Meng Long, I will definitely find a way to find a way for you to rescue you, you must persevere."

"Don't save yourself as a teacher. Your strength alone is not enough." Elder Meng Long shook his head and rejected Li Mushen.

He didn't hesitate any longer, and rioted again for the fierce and powerful force!

Immediately afterwards, a torn space tunnel appeared in the dungeon.

The turbulent flow of power in the space tunnel can directly teleport Li Mushen out of this dungeon, and there is no longer any danger.

Of course, this space tunnel can only support one person to leave.

After opening the space tunnel, Elder Meng Long said to Li Mushen: "If you enter this space tunnel, you will be passed out of this immortal city of the Supreme Being. When you are incognito, don't expose your reputation, wait until Reappear when the weather is calm."

Even now, Li Mushen's master is worried about what danger Li Mushen will encounter after he leaves.

"Come in." Elder Meng Long said to Li Mushen.

Li Mushen nodded, knowing that it was useless to say anything now, he did not hesitate, and directly entered the space tunnel in front of him.

After entering the space tunnel in front of him, Elder Meng Long breathed a sigh of relief. He hurriedly used the power in his body, and the torn space tunnel was closed in an instant.

As for Li Mushen, he has completely disappeared into the dungeon, without a trace and nowhere to be found.

Seeing this scene, Elder Meng Long felt completely relieved.

So for Elder Meng Long, the next thing to do is to wait for tomorrow's results.

On the other side, after entering the space tunnel, Li Mushen felt that he was traveling through the endless space. In this space tunnel, he felt a force that was very familiar to him, as if he had experienced it before!

And it seems that in this space tunnel, he suffered a huge torture!

Before he could think about it, he had already left the space tunnel and appeared in the mountains of an immortal city.

From a distance, the palace of the immortal city of Taishang is hidden in the depths of the mountains.

Even if the disciples of the immortal city of Taishang discovered that Li Mushen had already escaped, I am afraid that it would not be easy to catch up with Li Mushen!

But what to do next?

Could it be that he just gave up his master and left alone?

This is of course impossible for Li Mushen, so Li Mushen must find a way to save his master, and he cannot let his master lose his life in vain!

Although Li Mushen was passed out by that space tunnel, he did not leave the immortal city of Taishang, but went in the direction of immortal city of immortality.

If Elder Meng Long found out that Li Mushen, whom he had finally sent away, suddenly came back, I don't know how angry he would be!

But no matter what, Li Mushen could never watch his master die in those immortal cities, and even more so in the hands of the elders of Dongtian!

But when Li Mushen went to the immortal city of Taishang, everything suddenly changed!

It was pitch black in these mountains, and it could be said that there was no color at all.

Li Mushen didn't know what happened, but suddenly, he sensed a very familiar force!

If you guessed correctly, this familiar power belongs to that Demon God!

This is the power of demons, and Li Mushen never expected to appear here!

Li Mushen looked up, but it was close to the pitch-black world, and there was an endless aura of demons and monsters that filled the gallop like an overwhelming sea.

, One after another demons appeared outside the mountains, and above the demons were powerful demons one after another!

No one expected that so many demon gods would appear suddenly, and what purpose did these demon gods come here for? Unknown!

But what Li Mushen knew was that the direction these demon gods went was exactly the direction of the immortal city of Taishang!

This also made Li Mushen mutter to himself, and said in his heart, "Could it be that they are going to the immortal city of Taishang?"

Li Mushen didn't know, so he decided to follow these demons and gods to see where they were going?

Following behind these demons and gods, it really did not exceed Li Mushen's expectations. What Li Mushen didn't expect was that the direction these demons and gods went was indeed the place of the immortal city!

And what purpose did they have when they went to the Immortal City, Li Mushen didn't know!

But the only thing Li Mushen knows is that today, in the entire immortal city of the Supreme Being, I am afraid there will be this ordeal!

After all, so many demons and demons have invaded Taishang Xiancheng wantonly, even if it is as powerful as Taishang Xiancheng, I am afraid it will not be so easy to resist!

Of course, Li Mushen quietly followed behind those demon gods and demons, and those demon gods and demons did not find any trace of Li Mushen!

Finally, those demons and gods came to the place of the immortal city of Taishang.

When those demons and gods came to the immortal city of Taishang, it naturally caused a sensation of countless people. For the disciples of immortal city of immortality, how could they think that such a thing happened, obviously full of disbelief!

Unbelievable at the same time, for these demons and gods, they are also full of extreme anger!

These demons and gods have become so arrogant now that they dare to break into the immortal city of the Supreme Being. Don't they want to live?

Taishang Xiancheng quickly sent those elders and disciples to intercept these demons and demons. In the mountains of Taishang Xiancheng, those demons and gods were stopped by the disciples and elders of Taishang Xiancheng!

The leader of the team was an elder from the Supreme Immortal City. Of course, the strength of this elder in the Supreme Immortal City was extremely powerful and terrifying. Obviously, the strength of this elder might have reached the level of a four-star **** or even a 4-star god. The realm of the five-star and six-star gods can be regarded as an outstanding and highly respected person in the entire immortal city of Taishang!

This elder looked at these coldly, the demon god, said coldly, "The bold demons are so arrogant, they dare to break into the territory of my immortal city, you are courting death!"

Among those demon gods, there was a demon god, and the strength of this demon **** was of course extremely powerful.

There were two horns on his forehead.

On the horns, there are magic lines all over, turbulent the surrounding void, obviously the strength of this devil is not weaker than that of the elder of the immortal city!

The Demon God sneered at the elder of the Supreme Immortal City, and said in a deep voice: "You Taishang Immortal City are really so arrogant, you dare to arrest me, the Lord of the Demon Race, you just don't want to live!"

When the elder heard the Demon God's words, his brows furrowed and he snorted coldly and said, "As long as I capture the people of your demon clan, I will kill them directly, how could it be possible for you to survive!"

"Hand over the Demon King!" The Demon God said coldly.

When the elder heard what the devil said, he snorted and replied, "I don't have the devil you want in the immortal city!"

"The devil is the elder Meng Long of your immortal city, let him hand it over!"

When Li Mushen heard what the devil said, the pupils in his eyes shrank suddenly.

What did he just hear? I heard the demon **** say that his elder Meng Long is from the demon race!

How could this be possible, how could his elder Meng Long be from the Demon Race!

In the eyes of Li Mushen, it is naturally full of disbelief and unwillingness!

I can't understand why his elder Meng Long is from the Demon Race!

But it is useless to say this at this moment. Now that he knows all this, he must tell his master what the reason is and why it is like this!

He still doesn't understand why his master is from the Demon Race!

At this time, Li Mushen seemed a little lost, because he could no longer express his inner feelings in words, and he no longer knew what to say!

Why did his master become like this, was he deceiving him from the beginning?

Li Mushen's face is very ugly!

As for the elders of Taishang Xiancheng, when they heard what the demon said, they responded with a cold snort: "As expected, I thought someone was framing Elder Meng Long, but now it seems that everything is true, this Elder Meng Long He really is a member of the Demon Race!"

The elders of the Supreme Immortal City gritted their teeth, and there was a lot of anger in their words!

"It seems that you are here to save him today!" The elders of Taishang Xiancheng said coldly to the demon gods of these demon races!

"Hurry up and hand over the Demon King if you know each other, or today will be the time of your immortal city's destruction!" The demon **** snorted coldly and looked at the disciples of the immortal city with extreme contempt, and said Shen Sheng said.

"It's impossible that Elder Meng Long will die here today!" The elder Taishang Xiancheng said in a deep voice.