Primordial God

Chapter 1167: Devil?

For Li Mushen, when he heard what the devil said, his eyes were filled with absolute disbelief. He couldn't believe it was a fact!

He can't believe it, this is the truth, this is the final truth!

"Why is this happening?" Li Mushen muttered to himself and asked himself in a deep voice.

It can be said that all of this has almost subverted all his cognition!

Who would have thought that Li Mushen was teleported out of the dungeon by Elder Meng Long just now. At that time, Elder Meng Long swore to tell Li Mushen and told Li Mushen that he was not from the Demon Race, and the Demon Race framed him. of!

But now the demon army is pressing down on the realm, and what it expresses is one meaning, that is, to rescue the elder Meng Long who was imprisoned in the dungeon!

I am afraid that no one can imagine what happened, I am afraid that no one knows at all, the final result will be like this!

For Li Mushen, this is even more so!

"Master... Is Master really from the Demon Race?" Li Mushen murmured to himself.

At this time, at the gate of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, the powerful elders of the Supreme Immortal Mansion and the disciples of the Immortal Supreme Immortal Mansion were confronting the demon gods and demons of these demon races.

, on one side is the surging demonic energy, which is overwhelming, almost completely blackening the entire world!

On the other side, the monstrous power galloped and vented, resisting the surging demonic energy!

Between the two, they are evenly matched, and no one can help the other!

"It's too late to withdraw from the scope of my immortal mansion! Otherwise, my immortal mansion will be rude! I vow to smash all the demons and beasts who come here to pieces, and kill you one by one here! "The powerful elder of the Supreme Immortal Mansion said coldly again.

"You are really arrogant in the immortal mansion, do you think my demons are afraid of you!"

The demon sneered, and with a big wave of his hand, the demons immediately shot out and let out a roar.

The roar and roar sounded almost resounding between the whole world, forming endless sound waves, filled with terrifying power, filling the whole world.

When the terrifying sound waves entered their ears, the disciples of the Supreme Immortal Mansion felt severe pain, as if they had suffered enormous torture!

There is blood flowing out of the ears!

The expressions of every Supreme Immortal Mansion disciple were extremely painful!

The elder who saw him snorted coldly and opened his mouth wide.

A roar suddenly came out of his mouth, and the roar was a roar like that of a lion!

With this roar from his mouth, the mountain in the distance collapsed directly and turned into ruins. The monsters who roared were also collapsed at this moment, and the screams continued!

The Demon God frowned, "I didn't expect you to master such a magical skill!"

The elder of the Supreme Immortal Mansion snorted coldly and shot again. He roared again, forming a layer of golden sound waves, which surged out as quickly as ocean waves, endless and galloping, filling the entire world!

He attacked those demons once again!

A golden lion ran out of the sound waves.

That golden lion was completely formed by the power of sound waves. Under the attack of the elder of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, it suddenly surged out and attacked those monsters directly!

The Demon God snorted coldly and punched out, directly killing the golden lion with a punch!

Its power can be said to be absolutely powerful and amazing, and it is almost impossible for a lion formed by the power of that **** to resist!

After completing this, the Demon God quickly retreated backwards.

The elder of the Supreme Immortal Mansion had deep and deep eyes, and he ordered: "Kill these monsters for me, and let them know how powerful our Immortal Immortal Mansion is!"

"Either obey the order and completely eradicate this Immortal Mansion today!" The Demon God said coldly.

With a wave of the big hand, the demons roared, roaring, and attacked the disciples of the Immortal Mansion.

The two sides fought together, the power broke out, the golden iron horse, the weapons turned together, and the violent power was vented in all directions, and the power contained in it was of course extremely powerful and terrifying!

The mountains all collapsed in the fights of the disciples of the immortal mansion. The violent power is endless, whether it is a demon or a disciple of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, all suffered heavy casualties.

This battle is destined to be extremely tragic.

For the Supreme Immortal Mansion, every disciple of the Supreme Immortal Mansion was obliterated by the demon, which is a great loss to the Immortal Supreme Immortal Mansion. Their talents are by no means ordinary, their strength is absolutely powerful, and they are not as weak as they imagined!

The violent power is like overwhelming mountains, endless, and the battle between the devil and the gods is even more intense, as if destroying everything in the world!

The battle between the two can destroy mountains and seas, so it directly sunk into the whole world, directly into the battlefield of the gods, and engaged in a decisive battle. Outside this immortal mansion, the rest are only those demons and monsters. The battle between the disciples of the Immortal Mansion.

It seems that the demon clan sent such a powerful demon **** and those demon beasts to break into the immortal mansion of the Supreme Being, and it may not be so easy to rescue their demon god!

At the same time, the status of Elder Meng Long must be very important among these monsters, otherwise it would not be like this!

Li Mushen didn't stop there in the battle between these immortal mansions and demons. Instead, he looked for an opportunity to leave this place and returned to the immortal mansion again.

And Li Mushen's only purpose for returning to the Immortal Mansion this time is to go to the dungeon of Immortal Immortal Mansion and ask his master, Elder Meng Long, what is the reason for this!

Why is his master from the Demon Race, and has been deceiving Li Mushen, Li Mushen must figure out this matter, figure it out!

Because there are monsters invading the immortal mansion, they are all on guard against the demons, so that Li Mushen returned to the immortal mansion, and no one noticed it.

Li Mushen entered the dungeon of the Immortal Mansion and met his master, Elder Meng Long.

And Li Mushen's master, Elder Meng Long saw Li Mushen and returned to the dungeon again. His expression changed and he quickly asked, "Why are you back again, disciple? Don't you know that it is very dangerous here?" .

In response, Li Mushen shook his head and said, "I have a question for you when Master comes back this time."

This made Elder Meng Long's face a little ugly. He finally sent Li Mushen away, and Li Mushen came back to ask him a question!

, Elder Meng Long asked Li Mushen, and said to Li Mushen, "What questions do you want to ask me?"

"Today, an army of demons appeared in the Immortal Mansion." Li Mushen said in a deep voice.

"The army of demons appeared in the Immortal Mansion?" Obviously, after hearing what Li Mushen said, Elder Meng Long's eyes were suddenly shocked. Obviously he didn't expect it, and he didn't expect that there would be a demon invasion today!

"How is the current situation of the Immortal Mansion?" Elder Meng Long asked quickly, his words full of worry.

In response to Elder Meng Long's question, Li Mushen looked at him, and then responded: "Now the demons are fighting with the disciples of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, and the demon gods are fighting with the warriors in the divine realm of the Supreme Immortal Mansion."

Elder Meng Long said in a deep voice, "Teacher, then do you know why this army of demons appeared in this Immortal Mansion? What purpose did they come to Immortal Mansion for?"

Li Mushen nodded, looked at Elder Meng Long deeply, and said, "Their purpose is to take someone away."

"The purpose of the army of demons coming to the immortal mansion is to invade, but it's just to take away a person?" Elder Meng Long murmured, and his words were of course full of disbelief. Since Shangxian Mansion has such a purpose.

Therefore, Elder Meng Long couldn't help but feel extremely curious, guessing who those demons were going to take away when they came to this immortal mansion?

Therefore, Elder Meng Long directly asked Li Mushen and said to Li Mushen: "Teacher, do you know who they came here to take away?"

Li Mushen looked at Elder Meng Long deeply, and then said to Elder Meng Long, "Elder Meng Long, they came here to take you away."

"Take me?" Elder Meng Long listened to Li Mushen's words, and his eyes were full of shock, obviously he didn't expect it!

His brows furrowed because of this, and he said in a deep voice, "Why did you come and take me away?"

Judging from the expression on Elder Meng Long's face, it can be said that he was full of shock. He didn't expect that the purpose of the demon army coming to the Immortal Mansion would be like this.

And when Li Mushen saw Elder Meng Long's expression, he wondered, doesn't Elder Meng Long have anything to do with those monsters?

Of course, this is just a guess in Li Mushen's heart. He asked Elder Meng Long and said to Elder Meng Long: "Elder Meng Long, they said that you are a demon, from the demon king. I wonder if this is true?"

Of course, for Li Mushen, no matter whether his master is a demon or not, for Li Mushen, the world is inherently indistinguishable between good and evil, not demons, this is absolutely the same for gods, of course gods There is also good and evil!

For example, during the time when Li Mushen was with Elder Meng Long, he had never seen any change in Elder Meng Long!

Similarly, he has never seen his elder Meng Long, what harm is there!

"What demon king? I've never heard of it." But Elder Meng Long frowned, apparently not thinking that those demons came to the Immortal Mansion for him!

Likewise, Elder Meng Long doesn't know anything about the demon king in the mouths of those demons!

He only has a great connection with demons, and he has never heard that he is one of the demon kings. In his opinion, this is just a reason for demons to invade the Immortal Mansion!