Primordial God

Chapter 1168: The rain is coming, the wind is filling

"What the **** is going on?" Elder Meng Long frowned and muttered to himself.

"Master said so, you don't know the reason?" Li Mushen asked.

Elder Meng Long nodded, and he said to Li Mushen: "It is clear to the teacher, are you also guessing that the teacher is a person among the demons, but you don't have to worry that the teacher is not a person among the demons, and it has nothing to do with those demons. relation!"

He looked at Li Mushen deeply, although he said so, but it was not clear whether Li Mushen believed what he said!

He hoped that Li Mushen would believe him...

Li Mushen nodded and completely believed him, "Master, I believe in you, this matter will not be true."

But Li Mushen's brows wrinkled again. After all, those demons came here, and their only purpose was to take away Elder Meng Long, and take away Elder Meng Long of the Taishang Immortal Mansion in their mouths!

In any case, if this is true, then there is no way!

"Master, what if they really came here for you?" Li Mushen said in a deep voice.

After all, the purpose of these demons coming here is for Elder Meng Long. If they want to do something to Elder Meng Long, what should they do?

So no matter what, if these demons must take away Li Mushen, then they must be stopped!

"Teacher, you don't have to worry about being a teacher. Although the monsters invaded wildly, they underestimated the power of the Supreme Immortal Mansion. It is not an easy task to take away the teacher from the Immortal Immortal Mansion." Elder Meng Long comforted Li Mushen and said to Li Mushen.

"Teacher, now you should leave the Immortal Mansion as soon as possible. Presumably the invasion of demons and beasts will be a huge disaster for Immortal Immortal Immortal Mansion. If you stay here, your life will be in danger." Elder Meng Long told Li Mushen Shen Sheng opened his mouth.

Li Mushen nodded, obviously it was also a danger, but he didn't want to let him leave here alone. He didn't want to leave here alone, and just leave his master like this!

It is not so easy to save his master from it!

Sure enough, at this time, when Li Mushen was talking to Elder Meng Long, he was also discovered by the elders of the Taishang Xianfu who guarded the dungeon.

When they found out about this, of course, their faces changed drastically, and their eyes were full of disbelief. Why didn't they think of how Li Mushen escaped from the dungeon!

Therefore, the dungeon elder looked at Li Mushen coldly and said to Li Mushen, "Damn boy, how did you escape?"

Li Mushen didn't speak, but Elder Meng Long's face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly said to Li Mushen: "Teacher, get out of here!"

But unfortunately, it is not an easy task to escape from the eyes of those elders. For example, the three elders of the Supreme Immortal Mansion have surrounded them now.

An elder of the Supreme Immortal Mansion opened his mouth and said coldly, "Catch him!"

Afterwards, the remaining two elders of the Supreme Immortal Mansion quickly dispatched to Li Mushen, and their power surged to capture Li Mushen!

But unfortunately, it is not so easy to capture Li Mushen!

For example, now, under the pressure of the three elders of the Immortal Mansion, Li Mushen is almost unable to move, and it is impossible to leave!

Master of Li Mushen, Elder Meng Long saw this scene, his brows furrowed, and he was full of worries about Li Mushen. Obviously, he did not expect such a thing to happen in the end!

Under the siege of the three elders of the Immortal Mansion, it can be said that Li Mushen did not move at all. It is not an easy thing to escape!

"Damn it! How did you escape?" The elders of the Supreme Immortal Mansion asked Li Mushen coldly!

Of course, these elders of the Supreme Immortal Mansion will not just let Li Mushen go, they want to catch Li Mushen! Arrested and brought to justice, imprisoned in the dungeon, cannot let Li Mushen escape again!

Surrounded by the three elders of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, Li Mushen was not easy to escape, and at the same time, he couldn't be caught by the three elders of the Immortal Immortal Mansion just like that. , Once this is the case, then he will not be able to save his elder Meng Long!

However, these three Supreme Immortal Mansion elders are extremely powerful. It is not an easy task to break out of the hands of the three Supreme Immortal Mansion Elders, and it may even be impossible!

Li Mushen's face was a bit ugly. He was trying his best, trying to escape from it, but under the powerful attack of the three Supreme Immortal Mansion elders, everything seemed so difficult. Obviously, this is not an accident. an easy thing to do!

Soon, Li Mushen was suppressed by the three powerful elders of the Immortal Mansion!

The three elders of the Supreme Immortal Mansion suppressed him, almost making him unable to move at all!

In this way, Li Mushen was imprisoned again, and was directly imprisoned in the dungeon of the Supreme Immortal Mansion by the elder of the Supreme Immortal Mansion!

After being imprisoned in the dungeon, Li Mushen wanted to break free from it, of course, it was not easy, or even impossible!

As for Elder Meng Long, he has been imprisoned in the dungeon. Seeing Li Mushen like this, he has no way to save Li Mushen and let Li Mushen escape again. In the end, of course, he only sighed in his heart. !

Although he knew that the return of Li Mushen, everything was for him, but of course his heart was full of regrets.

And this time Li Mushen was imprisoned in the dungeon again, and it is impossible to escape from the dungeon!

Then Li Mushen should do the same with him and be locked in the dungeon of the Immortal Mansion?

Of course, this is also extremely unbelievable, unwilling!

Once again, Li Mushen was imprisoned in the dungeon of the Supreme Immortal Mansion. After being imprisoned in the dungeon, after the dungeon where Li Mushen was imprisoned, his eyes turned to Elder Meng Long.

Elder Meng Long sighed, at this time he didn't know what to do. Now it seems that it is not an easy task to send Li Mushen out of this dungeon again, and it is even impossible to do it. arrive!

And the three elders of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, Li Mushen, snorted coldly after being locked in the dungeon again. They did not stay in this dungeon, but left the dungeon and went to Taishang. The mountains outside the Immortal Mansion fought that demon!

After all, in this battle, it has become more and more intense. Obviously, this matter cannot be solved so easily.

And what happened today is extremely serious. This incident has never happened before. No one thought that there would be a monster attacking in the Immortal Mansion. I am afraid that in this world of gods, this is absolutely considered. It is a shocking existence!

Could it be that Elder Meng Long, the Demon King, has such a noble status in front of these demons? It's worth making the demon clan pay such a high price!

No matter what the final result will be, they have to figure out the identity of this elder Meng Long, let them know what is the reason for this, and let the demon be willing to pay such a huge price!

This battle can be said to be extremely fierce. Whether it is the demon clan or the disciples of the Immortal Mansion, countless people lost their lives in this battle!

Even those gods and demon gods in the battlefield of gods are also constantly being obliterated and tragically killed!

This time the price, which is unprecedented, is terrifying!

But unfortunately they can't figure out what is the reason for this.

The demonic energy is monstrous, rolling in the air, covering the sky and the sun. Originally, it was dark under this demonic energy during the day, as if it was night that was impossible to see directly!

And in this dark night, there are corpses all over the ground, blood flowing into rivers!

There are the corpses of the demon clan, and there are also the corpses of the disciples of the Immortal Mansion!

In this battle, of course, those who died the most were the disciples of the Immortal Mansion!

I am afraid that no one thought that the final result would turn out to be like this!

There is a steady stream of monsters invading, and although the disciples of the Supreme Immortal Mansion are powerful, their strength is not as strong as the monster family. Compared with the monster family, there is still a big gap between the two!

This is also the reason, so in the battle, the price paid is of course extremely heavy. The disciples who died in the Immortal Mansion were at least twice as many as the demons died!

Obviously, in this battle, it is not the monsters who came from afar, but the disciples of the Immortal Mansion!

The wind and rain are about to come and flowers are full!

The entire Immortal Mansion is even more like a formidable enemy!

Do not have any intentions!

And the powerful helmsmen in the Immortal Palace of the Supreme Being discovered the current predicament of the Immortal Palace of the Supreme Being, and they did not dare to be careless. !

As for the powerful gods in the **** realm of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, of course, they were also called back!

This time they are not planning to continue the battle, but plan to open the defense formation of Taishang Immortal Mansion to resist the invasion of demons, otherwise it will be too expensive for Taishang Immortal Mansion. , the heavy casualties are unbearable for the Immortal Mansion!

Whether it was the disciples of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, or the gods of the Immortal Immortal Mansion, they all hurried back and returned to the Immortal Immortal Mansion, which was shocking...

As for the disciples of the Supreme Immortal Mansion, as well as the powerful gods of the Immortal Immortal Mansion who fought against the devil, their hearts are naturally full of doubts!

Of course, in the end, there is no way to do it, because this is what the helmsman of the Immortal Mansion said, and they can't say anything, and what they need to do now is to wait in the territory of Immortal Immortal Mansion!

As for the demon gods who led the demons, they all retreated when they saw the disciples of the Immortal Mansion. Naturally, they were full of coldness!