Primordial God

Chapter 1186: Fight against the Demon Emperor

Without any hesitation, the Demon Emperor raised his hand and pinched the thunderhead, turning it into a **** fog!

After Tatian Lei Shou was transformed into a blood fog that filled the sky, the soul of Lei Shou Tatian appeared at once!

Of course, it is impossible for the soul of Tian Lei Shou to escape. The Devil Emperor immediately grabbed Tian Lei Shou's soul, and after capturing the soul of Tian Lei Shou, the final result is naturally difficult. As soon as he escaped to his death, in an instant, the devil emperor directly crushed the soul of Lei Shou Treading the Sky, and immediately dissipated in the whole world!

And this time, with the soul of Lei Shou Tatian Lei Shou being completely crushed, it can be said that even if it is Li Mushen, it is impossible to revive Lei Shou Tian Lei Shou, which is absolutely terrifying. things, but there is no way!

Li Mushen stepped back thousands of miles. When he saw this scene, his eyes were naturally full of anger, and he was also full of absolute anger at what happened!

He didn't expect the final result to become what it is now. Li Mushen's heart is naturally full of anger, but unfortunately there is no way to solve it. Li Mushen just stared at the person coldly. Devil Emperor, Shen Sheng said to the Devil Emperor, "You killed my Thunderhead!"

To this, the Demon Emperor nodded and responded: "Yes, I killed it. You killed my daughter, you should have known that there would be such a result!"

Li Mushen didn't speak, he just looked at the Demon Emperor with his icy eyes.

In the body of Li Mushen, a more powerful power slowly radiated. For the demon emperor in front of him, Li Mushen naturally showed no mercy, only in his body, and it was absolutely terrifying, amazing power, powerful The power of his body is like a rolling torrent, the power is permeating out, the absolute power is amazing, it makes people feel extremely horrified!

In this regard, with the powerful power emanating from Li Mushen's body, the expression on the Demon Emperor's face did not change in the slightest.

At the same time, in a fierce moment, both the Demon Emperor and the Li Mushen both shot, and the aura of power emanating from the bodies of the two was also extremely powerful and amazing. It was terrifying, absolutely shocking.

Li Mushen and the demon emperor fought together, and the violent power surged in an instant, as if it had destroyed everything in the world, and the power contained was naturally absolutely terrifying and powerful, no matter whether it was Li Mushen Or the two Devil Emperors are fighting, and they are fighting with each other, no one is the opponent, at least for the time being, no one can defeat him!

It can even be said that the physical strength of the two is absolutely powerful and absolutely terrifying, as if they have destroyed everything in the world. Between you and me, the battle is endless. In terms of, still no one's opponent!

Obviously, to the Devil Emperor, he has far underestimated the power of Li Mushen. Li Mushen is more powerful and amazing than he imagined. The power in his body is absolutely terrifying!

The powerful force in Li Mushen's body is endless and amazing, which is absolutely shocking. I am afraid that no one would have thought that this Li Mushen's strength is actually more powerful than he imagined. It is absolutely shocking. How, unimaginable!

, Although the Devil Emperor is very powerful, Li Mushen's strength is naturally not weaker and more astonishing. This is absolutely shocking, absolutely unimaginable, and I'm afraid they didn't think of it. This is the result!

The battle between Li Mushen and the Demon Emperor is still going on. For him, he doesn't care what the final result will look like, but he only cares about one thing, then the final winner will be who is it!

The battle between Li Mushen and the Demon Emperor is still going on. Of course, in the battle between these two people, I don't know who is stronger and who is weaker, and who will win in the end.

But at least from the current point of view, who can't do anything? Even the Demon Emperor did not expect that Li Mushen's strength was so powerful, which was far beyond his imagination. A devil emperor felt extremely angry, this **** Li Mushen, why is his strength so powerful?

This has far exceeded his expectations, and it also filled him with unwillingness. Of course, now the Devil Emperor can't deal with Li Mushen, and he has no effect. Although he is unwilling in his heart, there is no way!

Soon, the battle between the Demon Emperor and Li Mushen was still going on, and an admiration happened, which shocked and horrified everyone, that is, at this moment, the power in Li Mushen's body suddenly changed. It was extremely powerful, which has far exceeded the strength he had before, and the violent power suddenly erupted like a huge wave, and Li Mushen fell with a punch. It was astonishing, that Demon Emperor was blasted out directly by his punch, blood was flowing, and the casualties were extremely heavy!

After the Devil Emperor was blown away by a punch, his complexion was naturally very permeable. The Devil Emperor's complexion suddenly became extremely pale, and there was almost no blood!

Obviously, when the Devil Emperor encountered Li Mushen's punch, he was directly injured so badly that it was almost unbearable for the Devil Emperor. It seems that he still underestimated the power of Li Mushen!

And the injuries on the Devil Emperor's body are even more serious!

This is simply appalling!

You must know that the Devil Emperor is the most powerful existence in this monster. If he is not an opponent, who can defeat him!

It can be said that the strength of Li Mushen is absolutely terrifying, it is unimaginable, I am afraid no one has thought of it!

Of course, about the strength of Li Mushen, of course, people dare not have any carelessness. For example, the devil emperor, he did not expect Li Mushen to contain such a powerful strength. This is absolutely unbelievable. Any rash action, at least it looks like this now!

Regarding his own strength, Li Mushen has completely exploded it, the horror is amazing, the power is amazing, as if he has the power to destroy everything in the world, and the breath on Li Mushen's body has also become stronger. Under the attack of Li Mushen, the devil emperor was beaten and retreated, and he had no ability to resist. As for whether this devil emperor would die in the hands of Li Mushen, it is impossible to know. , Li Mushen finally found the soul of Tian Lei Shou, but he did not know that such a thing happened after he resurrected Tian Lei Shou, which naturally made him extremely angry, he decided to let the devil pay what he deserved. The price, and what kind of price this devil will pay, that is his life, otherwise Li Mushen will be very angry, very unhappy, and very unhappy!

Now that such a change has taken place, there is no way to do anything, this is really helpless, it makes people feel helpless!

As for that demon emperor, under the power of Li Mushen, his face was already extremely ugly. He was a dignified demon emperor, and in the hands of Li Mushen, he was not an opponent of Li Mushen!

Therefore, he must do his best to take action, and only in this way can he restore its majesty!

"You **** human race, **** ants, I'm going to kill you!" The Devil Emperor's face had become absolutely hideous at this moment. In the raging anger, of course, there is also a monstrous flame, as if it can burn everything in the world.

Now in the eyes of the Devil Emperor, they are burning like two torches, as if they can burn everything in the world. During that burning, the Devil Emperor feels the anger contained in his heart more and more. The attack has become more powerful, more terrifying, and more and more like destroying everything in this world.

As soon as he raised his hand, the whole person disappeared in place in an instant. When he appeared again, he had already appeared in front of Li Mushen. He raised his right hand and grabbed Li Mushen's throat directly, dying. Grabbing Li Mushen's throat, he almost couldn't breathe!

Although Li Mushen couldn't breathe, his expression didn't change, as if all this could not kill him at all!

Seeing Li Mushen's expression so indifferent and indifferent, without any influence, also made the devil emperor feel extremely angry, she gritted her teeth, hit her own teeth, and made a rattling sound!

He was even more angry with Li Mushen's current performance, but he couldn't say anything? Unless Li Mushen is obliterated and his resentment is dispelled!

"If you are not afraid, then I will kill you, see if you are afraid!"

He held Li Mushen's throat tightly, and as he clenched Li Mushen's throat, Li Mushen had difficulty breathing, as if he couldn't say a word!

Kacha Kacha, and at the throat of Li Mushen, as if it had been directly crushed by the devil emperor, and even made him unable to say a word, this is not good news!

It seems that anger has filled that Demon Emperor with endless power!

However, in the next moment, Li Mushen suddenly broke free from the hands of that demon emperor!

The Demon Emperor's eyes widened, and it seemed unbelievable that Li Mushen suddenly broke free from his hands, he didn't expect it at all!

He didn't understand why Li Mushen suddenly broke free from his hands!