Primordial God

Chapter 1206: Tenjin-dong

His body is trembling, and at this moment there is so much fear in his heart, but of course there is nothing to do with him!

That **** is constantly retreating, but for that god, there is no solution that can be found. Of course, he is extremely afraid of Li Mushen and keeps retreating, but in Li Mushen In front of him, how could he retreat? Almost in an instant, he was directly caught by Li Mushen.

That deity was trembling all over, and he begged for mercy from Li Mushen, hoping that Li Mushen would spare his life!

But Li Mushen didn't say anything about this, he just sneered, and power emerged from his body, and the power that Li Mushen burst out was of course extremely amazing!

That **** was simply unable to resist under the power of Li Mushen, and was easily obliterated by Li Mushen in the blink of an eye!

Of course, after Li Mushen wiped out that god, he didn't show any mercy to look at the other gods in the Tongtian Tower again!

Li Mushen's eyes can be said to be so cold, and it also makes those warriors feel so afraid and fearful in their hearts, they keep stepping back, looking at Li Mushen in fear!

But they don't have any way to solve this!

Between their expressions, they are naturally frightened!

After all, even Li Mushen is so powerful, let alone them. You must know that Li Mushen can break into the demon domain alone, and slaughter, kill, and slaughter and kill the demon domain. After winning thousands of demon gods, and successfully survived, one can imagine that Li Mushen is powerful and they can resist!

Especially when they saw Li Mushen's eyes, they were extremely indifferent, and they looked towards Li Mushen, full of incomparable killing, and they didn't know what he was thinking. All in all, they were absolutely afraid of Li Mushen, absolutely not. Dare to provoke him!

Those gods were frightened in their hearts, they turned around and wanted to escape, how could Li Mushen let them escape!

Li Mushen's expression was indifferent. He just raised his hand, and the flame was burning in his hand. The flame was burning and burning in the entire Tongtian Tower. It can be said that no one can leave this burning Tongtian Tower. This is absolutely It's terrifying, but of course there is no way to solve it!

In the hearts of these gods, there is no accident, their hearts are full of fear, full of fear, they are afraid that Li Mushen will shoot them, and they are afraid that Li Mushen will kill him like the devil, but they have no way!

Of course, Li Mushen did not directly kill them like this, but looked at these demon gods, looked at these gods, and said coldly to these gods: "Now I ask you, do you want to die or live? "

When these gods heard Li Mushen's words, they nodded and said hurriedly: "Think about it, Lord, Lord, forgive me!"

Li Mushen's expression was already extremely indifferent, and he still said coldly, "It's too late to spare my life now."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a raging flame burning on Li Mushen's body. Of course, the power contained in the flame was something they couldn't resist. After all, the power contained in these flames was of course terrifying, even the devil couldn't. Resist, let alone them!

If they provoke Li Mushen, the final result will be death, but for them, there is no way to solve Li Mushen!

After all, Li Mushen's strength is right there. His strength is so powerful and amazing that no one dares to underestimate him!

Not only that, his strength is still absolutely powerful, absolutely terrifying, absolutely amazing, I am afraid no one would have thought that Li Mushen's strength would be so powerful, so terrifying, who would be his opponent?

I'm afraid there is no one!

You must know that the Yin Yang Temple is the same as their six major forces, and no one can deal with Li Mushen, so how can they deal with Li Mushen?

All in all, they can't find a solution, even if Li Mushen wants to kill them, they are still useless!

Li Mushen's expression was indifferent, and he shot directly. Facing these disciples of the Tongtian Tower, he was even more merciless and decisive!

Today is definitely a huge disaster for the Babel Tower!

In this disaster, almost no one in the Tongtian Tower could resist the attack of Li Mushen, and one after another died tragically in the hands of Li Mushen, losing their lives!

In the end, almost all the warriors in the entire Tongtian Tower died, and there was no one alive. Of course, this seems to be extremely frightening. No one thought that those demon gods were hurt just now, and now they have become What a regrettable and helpless thing this is!

After destroying the entire Tongtian Tower, Li Mushen left. Of course, he was also alarmed about this matter. The entire gods world was still immersed in the destruction of Li Mushen's demon gods, but he never expected that in the next , and something like this happened!

Naturally, this is absolutely frightening and panicking!

It seems that this Li Mushen is not only a villain in the entire world of gods, but also those villains in the demon realm. Almost no one dares to provoke him, and once he provokes its consequences, it is death!

Everyone does the same!

This is absolutely terrifying, panicking, and helpless!

For those demons, they are extremely afraid of Li Mushen, and now, the gods of the major forces in the world of gods are also doing the same to Li Mushen!

As soon as this matter came out, everyone in the entire Divine Spirit World was immediately alarmed. The six major forces of the Divine Spirit World were extremely frightened, panicked, fearful, and extremely afraid in their hearts!

All this happened, they were afraid and afraid. The warriors in the gods world were absolutely fearful, especially after learning what happened to the Tongtian Tower.

They don't know what Li Mushen will do next? Who will be shot in this world of gods, in short, in their hearts, the fear of the right!

Next, for those gods, they were extremely afraid in their hearts, but they could not find any way to solve this matter, and in their bodies, with fear and anxiety, they were all guessing, this Li Mushen is now where? Where is he now?

For those warriors in the world of gods, their hearts are full of unease and fear. They don't know where Li Mushen will go in this world of gods. When such a thing happened, they were really worried about where Li Mushen was going next!

In their hearts, there is naturally a lot of fear!

For the powerful forces in the entire world of gods, they quickly hid their traces, hid their mountain gates, and did not let Li Mushen know their traces!

It's just that what Li Mushen will do next is to those warriors in the world of gods, you completely make them full of fear, because next time Li Mushen comes to the misty **** cave!

And this Misty Heavenly God Cave is one of the six major forces in the entire world of gods. It is the same power as Tongtian Tower and the Temple of Yin and Yang. They never thought that the place where Li Mushen would come next would be Misty Heavenly God. The cave, for the warriors in the Misty Heavenly God Cave, they are full of fear and fear!

Of course, they closed the mountain gate tightly, all of this was useless. Facing the closed mountain gate of the Miaomiao Tianshen Cave, Li Mushen raised his hand, and the power in his hand emerged, followed by a palm of his hand, The misty Heavenly God Cave in front of him was directly blasted open and shattered!

Those warriors in the Miaomiao Tianshen Cave, they were full of fear and fear, and hurriedly hid, but the helmsman in the Miaomiao Tianshen Cave had no choice but to see Li Mushen.

When they saw Li Mushen, they didn't expect Li Mushen to be so young, but the aura of power he could feel from Li Mushen's body was strong enough, and their hearts were even more uneasy, especially in this misty Tianshen cave. The person at the helm, knowing the helm of the Yin-Yang Temple and the Tongtian Tower, all they have experienced is what makes the helm of this misty heavenly cave, and a strong unease arises in his heart!

After all, this Li Mushen slaughter is ruthless and decisive, once the words of Li Mushen are provoked, I am afraid that Li Mushen will not let him go, and Li Mushen will not let him go, then he will die in the hands of Li Mushen!

Although he was afraid in his heart, the helm of the Misty Heavenly God Cave still took a deep breath, then looked at Li Mushen and smiled at Li Mushen: "Sir, what's the matter with you? Why did you come to my Misty Heavenly God Cave? Can anything help you?"

"I'm looking for someone." Li Mushen said indifferently, looking at him.

Under the eyes of Li Mushen, the helm of the Miaomiao Tianshen Cave was a little scared in his heart, and then showed a far-fetched smile to Li Mushen, and then said to Li Mushen: "Sir, then who do you want to look for? , we will do our best to help you find her."

"What if you can't find him?" Looking at the misty **** cave master, Li Mushen narrowed his eyes and said to her.

After hearing what Li Mushen said, the face of the misty **** cave master suddenly changed, and there was no blood in his expression, and he couldn't say a word.

He took two steps back, "Sir, we will try our best to help you, why don't we do anything to us?"

Li Mushen nodded indifferently and responded to the Miaomiao Tianshen cave master, and said to the Miaomiao Tianshen cave master: "Indeed, if you can't help me find him, then I will naturally destroy your Miao Miao Tianshen cave, but if you can find the Miao Miao Tianshen cave. If you help me find the God King of Longevity, I will give you a huge opportunity for you to grow."