Primordial God

Chapter 1207: slaughter demon

Looking at the man at the helm, Li Mushen said to the misty **** cave master again: "This is a huge opportunity, and this opportunity is naturally in your hands, if you want to seize this opportunity, then you must take good care of it. cherish the present."

For the helm of the entire Tianshen Temple, the Miao Miao Tianshen cave master, he knows the power of Li Mushen, and also knows that Li Mushen is powerful. If he can help Li Mushen, he will definitely get the biggest gain, but Miao Miao Tianshen. What the cave owner is worried about is that he can't help Li Mushen at all, and help Li Mushen to find the God King of Longevity!

And once this is the case, what kind of result will the Misty Heavenly God Cave experience?

The misty **** cave master was afraid of fear in his heart, which made him hesitate and dare not make a decision.

But it seems that for the Miaomiao Tianshen cave master, in fact, he has no choice at all, that is to say, the Miaomiao Tianshen cave master must agree with Li Mushen and promise to find where the God of Longevity is!

At the end, the Miaomiao Tianshen Cave Master agreed, Li Mushen requested, but the Miao Miao Tianshen Cave Master stated his conditions, that is, the Miao Miao Tianshen Cave could help Li Mushen to find the God of Longevity, but Li Mushen The price to pay is to kill five hundred demon gods!

The misty **** cave master needs more than 500 demon corpses!

As long as Li Mushen can help him obtain the corpses of five hundred demon gods, then the Misty Heavenly God Cave will help Li Mushen find the God King of Longevity!

If for those ordinary warriors, no one has such strength, but after all, it is Li Mushen, Li Mushen's strength is of course extremely powerful!

But it is a pity that if they can't do it, the cost to them is extremely huge, and even the entire Misty Heavenly God Cave can't bear it. Kill 500 Demon Gods!

He said that the demon gods in the demon domain would be so angry when they learned about the plan of the misty **** cave master!

The misty **** cave master looked at Li Mushen, and said to Li Mushen: "Five hundred demon gods exchanged for the traces of the God King of Longevity, what do you think? If you agree, then I will also promise you to help you find the God of Longevity. !"

He paused for a while, and said, "If you don't agree, you can't blame me, and you can't blame me, and you can't come to trouble me in Misty God Cave!"

Then the Piaomiao Tianshen cave master all looked at Li Mushen with stern eyes. Of course, his heart was uneasy, because after all, the misty Tianshen cave master was worried that Li Mushen would agree to his request, and because of Li Mushen's powerful strength, he And don't act according to what the misty **** cave master said!

But everything has to be practiced!

After all, Misty Heavenly God Cave is one of the most powerful forces in the entire world of gods!

The misty **** cave master looked at Li Mushen, of course the warriors in the misty **** cave, they also looked at Li Mushen with unease, and in the end all this did not exceed their expectations!

I saw Li Mushen nodded.

When they saw Li Mushen nodding, the warrior gods in the misty heavenly cave, their hearts were not relieved, and they were also full of fear!

After all, they are still worried that Li Mushen will trouble them, and who knows what the final result will be like!

If the entire Misty Heavenly God Cave can't find where the long-lived God King is, the price that the Misty Heavenly God Cave will bear is simply not what the entire Misty Heavenly God Cave can bear!

If it really turns into something like that, the entire Heavenly God Movement will probably be destroyed because of this!

Destroyed in the hands of Li Mushen!

Of course, this is something that no one wants to see, nor does it want it to be true.

Li Mushen said to the misty **** cave master in the misty **** cave: "Five hundred demon gods, I will bring their bodies in three days, but after three days I want to see where the traces of the **** king of longevity are."

The misty **** cave master nodded, "No problem, as long as you can bring 500 unfamiliar corpses within three days, then I will definitely be able to tell you the trace of the God King of Longevity you need after three days!? "


Li Mushen nodded, and he did not stop in this misty heavenly cave. Turn around and leave, of course, the place he left is naturally the place of the demon's territory!

That's right, this Misty Heavenly God Cave actually took out five hundred demon gods as a condition, so Li Mushen naturally brought five hundred demon gods to his eyes!

Once again, Li Mushen went to the demon territory. When Li Mushen went to the demon territory, he didn't know what kind of price it would cause to the demon territory, and what kind of results would it cause to the demon territory!

He soon came to the demon's territory. In the demon's territory, the demon gods were on guard against this matter early on, guarding against all the difficulties and dangers. Therefore, when Li Mushen came here, he was instantly caught by those demon gods. They noticed!

Of course, when the demon gods noticed this, their hearts were also extremely angry!

They didn't expect that Li Mushen came to their demon territory again. What did he want to do when he came to the demon territory this time?

Although the hearts of those demon gods are full of unease, there is no way, there is no problem or method that can solve this matter!

For those demon gods, their hearts are fearful!

After all, every time Li Mushen came to the demon realm, he did not have any peace of mind, nor was he friendly at all, and directly attacked the demon gods in the demon realm!

And under the action of Li Mushen, there is no one in the demon domain that can resist!

So waiting for these devil gods, their final result is death, there is no way to do all this!

That's why when they learned that Li Mushen had come to the Demon God's territory again, they felt so uneasy and so afraid!

This time Li Mushen came to the Demon God's territory, what did he want to do?

All in all, the hearts of these devil gods are fearful, because they are afraid that Li Mushen has come to the devil god's territory and once again shot at them, to kill them!

If Li Mushen really does that, obviously there is no way to solve the problems and methods for those demon gods. Li Mushen is powerful, and everyone knows it best!

Almost unstoppable!

If someone can resist him, the last time Li Mushen came to the devil's territory, he had already dealt with Li Mushen, how could you easily let Li Mushen leave!

Especially when Li Mushen came to this demon territory again this time, how could he be Li Mushen's opponent?

Everyone is terrified!

In the hearts of those demon gods, they were afraid, they were afraid, they saw Li Mushen again and came to their demon domain, and even many demon gods had already escaped here, in order not to provoke Li Mushen, and attract unnecessary people In order to prevent death in the hands of Li Mushen!

Of course, this is only a part of the demon gods who chose to escape, but not all the demon gods left and fled. After all, they also knew in their hearts that this was not an easy task for Li Mushen, and Li Mushen could not attack all their demon gods. kill!

What will be the final result of those demon gods? It is also extremely frightening, after all, no one of them knows what will happen in this!

If these demon gods knew that the purpose of Li Mushen's visit to the demon domain this time was to kill five hundred demon gods, they would have no idea how fearful they would be in their hearts. At that time, how would they solve the problem in front of them? this question?

All in all, I am afraid that at that time, their hearts will be extremely frightened, and they can't wait to escape from the demon domain immediately, but unfortunately, they do not know now that Li Mushen came to the demon domain. what to do?

In this demonic domain, those demons are secretly watching all this, looking at Li Mushen, what exactly he wants to do!

Soon Li Mushen was in this demon territory and started his action!

Under his actions, those demon gods felt extremely fearful and uneasy in their hearts. Li Mushen actually shot them directly. No matter where the demon gods were hiding, they were more easily wiped out by Li Mushen, and once they were wiped out by Li Mushen After that, the result of waiting for those demon gods is death!

In the hands of Li Mushen, more and more demon gods died one after another, and as more and more demon gods died, the hearts of those demon gods were also filled with invisible fear, fear in their hearts , Incomparably frightened, their whole body trembled, they were wondering what Li Mushen was going to do? How many demon gods did he have to kill in this demon domain before he was willing to give up? !

All in all, for these demon gods, their hearts are absolutely uneasy, absolutely fearful, and even a demon emperor took action. This time the second demon emperor took action, and the demon emperor who took action is of course full of anger!

The strength that the Demon Emperor burst out is extremely powerful, the powerful force is rolling, and the powerful force destroys everything in this world!

The power contained in this Devil Emperor is naturally extremely powerful, and the amazing power is rolling with the power of the Devil Emperor, destroying everything in this world!

Under the power of the Devil Emperor, Li Mushen began to deal with it, which seemed a little difficult, but in the following days, it seemed very easy. At least for now, Li Mushen still can't deal with this Devil Emperor for the time being!

The Demon Emperor gritted his teeth and his face was extremely ugly. To the Demon Emperor, he could not say a word. Why did the **** Li Mushen do such a thing in the demon domain? Naturally, they felt extremely angry in their hearts. , and couldn't find any solution to this!

For the Demon Emperor, they had no way to do anything. It made them feel extremely ugly, and the expressions of the Demon Gods also looked ugly. As for those Demon Gods, their hearts were just absolute fear!