Primordial God

Chapter 1216: two outcomes

At this time, I saw that in this demon domain, suddenly above the sky, thunder flashed in the flashing thunder, and there was a flame burning roaringly. When the flame was burning fiercely, in an instant, There was heavy rain dripping down from the sky!

Of course, this heavy rain is also transformed by the power of an ancient divine rune. In this heavy rain, the power contained in it is equally astonishing!

It seems that these ancestors of the demon gods hope to use a terrifying heavy rain to extinguish the burning flames!

The heavy rain fell, but it was a pity for them that when their heavy rain fell on the terrifying flame, it had no effect!

And under that flame, the faces of these demon **** ancestors also felt extremely ugly!

Because it hurts them so much!

If it continues, it will not benefit them in the slightest!

Unexpectedly, the power of this ancient divine rune in the hands of Li Mushen was so terrifying that no matter how they shot it, it would have no effect!

Of course, the raging flames burned the heavy rain that fell on the sky, and several water dragons formed suddenly at this time!

Those water dragons roared, and then directly attacked Li Mushen!

The fire dragon came out, and then the water dragon and the fire dragon collided conveniently!

Whether it is a water dragon or a fire dragon, the power contained between the two sides is extremely powerful, and it is unstoppable and even unbearable for them!

At that time, when the two giant dragons were fighting together, the light that was stirred up was dazzling and shot down the Quartet!

Fortunately, this was the attack of the four demon **** ancestors after all. Under the attack of these four demon **** ancestors, the fire dragon was obviously not as powerful as the water dragon!

Therefore, there was a deal between the water dragon and the fire dragon on both sides, and it didn't take long for the attack of the water dragon to directly defeat the fire dragon and swallow the tiger dragon directly.

Li Mushen stood aside, controlling the fire dragon and didn't put it in his heart for what the fire dragon suffered. This made Li Mushen's eyes a little surprised, and he was obviously surprised by the power of the water dragon.

However, Li Mushen didn't care too much. Although the fire dragon is not the opponent of these water dragons, then Li Mushen once again transformed into a fire dragon. He did not bloom dozens of fire dragons, but there was only one fire dragon above the sky. !

However, this fire dragon is extremely huge, and its body is a hundred feet long, like a giant dragon covering the sky and the sun, it is absolutely terrifying!

Under that huge fire dragon, looking directly at those water dragons, how small those water dragons have become now in front of the fire dragon!

Feeling the terrifying power contained in the fire dragon, those demon **** ancestors snorted coldly and gathered their power together.

Both sides have turned into giant dragons, it seems that this will be another battle of the world!

Those two hundred-zhang giant dragons launched a powerful attack!

The two hundred-zhang giant dragons are fighting together, and the power between the two is terrifying!

When the two giant dragons fought together, an absolutely terrifying battle broke out, destroying almost everything in this world!

Under the battle of the two hundred-zhang giant dragons, the battle continued, and the battle continued to strengthen, the landslides and the earth cracked, destroying all this!

The two giant dragons let out a roar that shook the world.

In that sad dragon roar, destruction is constantly being carried out, destroying everything in this world!

When the two giant dragons were intertwined, the battle that broke out was extremely astonishing, extremely terrifying, and almost unbearable!

Of course, the power contained in the two giant dragons is of course extremely powerful, which is simply shocking!

I'm afraid no one would have thought that these two fire dragons would be so terrifying!

To be so powerful is simply shocking!

And all this is beyond doubt!

By the way, the two giant dragons are lying around, constantly bursting out the most terrifying aura of power, and the power contained in their bodies is of course extremely amazing!

I'm afraid no one would have thought that it would end up like this!

But what happened in the end was, of course, shocking. What was the result? It's also shocking!

They couldn't bear what happened!

The two giant dragons are entwined and circling together!

When the two giant dragons were intertwined, the battle that broke out was absolutely astonishing and absolutely unbearable. After all, for them, I am afraid that no one would have thought that such a result would be in the end!

The two giant dragons are still circling together, and the fire dragon circling together is of course extremely amazing.

Smashing everything in this world, destroying everything in this world!

No one thought that it would end up like this, and when they knew it would end up like this, it was useless!

Two giant dragons, you devour me, I devour you, the power contained between the two fire dragons is amazing and terrifying!

Even unbearable!

The two giant dragons are constantly roaring and roaring, and they are waiting for the final result of the two giant dragons, which is to devour each other, and no one is the opponent!

In other words, in the end, the two giant dragons were both injured, and neither one affected the other!

The power contained in the bodies of those two fire dragons is extremely powerful, unimaginable!

And the power contained in the fire dragon's body is of course extremely astonishing. When the two giant dragons fought together and circled each other, in the end, the water dragon and the fire dragon completely disappeared, and both sides died in it!

When the two fire dragons completely died in the hands of Li Mushen, can all the final results solve the problem?

When the two giant dragons were dead, those demon **** ancestors looked at Li Mushen coldly!

The demon **** ancestor looked at Li Mushen, his eyes were still cold, his expression was extremely indifferent, and what happened was obviously full of their expectations!

Now for these giant dragons, they have spent a lot of money to know how to deal with it, to deal with Li Mushen, but unfortunately it turned into such a result in the end!

Naturally, their hearts are full of unwillingness, but there is nothing to do!

Who is Li Mushen? Why there is such a terrifying power in his body, they don't know, and they don't know!

But for these demon **** ancestors, it is by no means easy for them to deal with Li Mushen, and it is even impossible to achieve!

The three parties are still fighting, and of course the battle between them has not stopped!

The demon **** ancestor was still attacking Li Mushen. Under the attack of the demon **** ancestor, Li Mushen calmly dealt with it, his expression still seemed extremely calm, his expression still did not change, and he was not affected in any way!

Finally, at a certain moment, in the bodies of those demon **** ancestors, the strength between them is of course even stronger, and the strength is even more amazing!

When the powerful power contained in the bodies of those demon **** ancestors is also unbearable for them!

But Li Mushen has the indestructible power of the Eternal King Kong. Under this magical power of the eternal King Kong, who will be his opponent?

In terms of unstoppable, no one will be his opponent!

But this does not mean that it is his opponent, but it shows one thing, that is, these demon gods will not cause any harm to Li Mushen!

Under the immortality of King Kong, these demon **** ancestors have also seen the powerful and terrifying aspects of Li Mushen!

The strength contained in Li Mushen is really too powerful and amazing!

In particular, its defensive power is also extremely amazing, because no one can, and almost no one will be his opponent!

The powerful force is rolling in the gallop, and when their powerful force is galloping, the two sides once again launched an absolutely tragic battle attack!

But it is a pity that in this battle, those demon **** ancestors still don't account for the slightest benefit!

On the contrary, what makes the ancestors of the demon gods feel helpless is that it seems that they can't hurt Li Mushen unscathed!

And Li Mushen was unscathed, which naturally made the hearts of the demon **** ancestors even more uneasy, more frightened, and even more afraid, because they all knew what it meant that Li Mushen was unscathed in this attack!

If even their several demon **** ancestors were not opponents of Li Mushen, and could not cause any damage to Li Mushen, or cause any impact on Li Mushen, then in the entire demon world of demon gods, all demon gods would not be the same. Li Mushen's opponent.

Li Mushen calmly dealt with the offensive launched by the ancestors of the demon gods. His expression remained indifferent, and he said, "Now I don't have time to continue talking nonsense with you here."

After speaking, Li Mushen started.

At the moment when Li Mushen started, he directly took out the Heavenly Plate of Suppression of Eternal Gods and Demons. It must be known that in this Heavenly Plate of Suppression of Eternal Gods and Demons, there is an endless amount of repressive force!

After all, the power to suppress the ancient gods and demons is so powerful that they can't imagine it!

When Li Mushen used the Tianpan to suppress the ancient gods and demons.

The Heavenly Plate of Suppression of Eternal Gods and Demons was directly ejected by Li Mushen, suspended in mid-air, suspended between the entire heaven and earth.

When the ancestors of the demon gods felt the power of suppressing all things contained in the heavenly plate of the gods and demons of the ages, in their hearts, since they were full of shock, it was unbelievable and unimaginable!

Waiting for these demon **** ancestors, their final result is either to escape from here, or to suppress them directly in this suppression of the ancient gods and demons, and there are only these two outcomes!