Primordial God

Chapter 1223: God Emperor Longevity

Finally, at a certain moment, on the body of the God King of Longevity, there is no longer any chance to bear it. The look in his eyes slowly disappeared, and as the look in her eyes completely dissipated, it also meant that the God of Longevity had already disappeared. Completely died in the hands of Li Mushen, and has been completely obliterated by Li Mushen!

After the Longevity God King was obliterated by Li Mushen, even his soul naturally did not stay at all, and was also obliterated by Li Mushen, completely obliterated by Li Mushen!

After Li Mushen completed this, his expression still seemed very indifferent!

He didn't even look at the corpse of the Immortal God King in front of him, he turned around and left.

After he went to Li Mushen, the body of the God of Longevity finally turned completely cold, and there was no trace of life in his body!

This has proved that the God King of Longevity has completely died, and she has completely died in the hands of Li Mushen!

And after the long-lived God King died in the hands of Li Mushen, Li Mushen didn't stop at all, he left here, and the whole person suddenly disappeared in this desert.

And just when Li Mushen just left this desert not long ago, along with the shattering of the void, a middle-aged man walked out of the shattered void.

This middle-aged man has a sturdy and tall stature, and two huge golden steel rings are tied to his left and right hands.

In those two golden steel circles, it seems to contain endless power!

The middle-aged man looked at the corpse in front of him, looked at the corpse of the God King Longevity, he could not say a word, only his mood was extremely cold, his Li Mushen was shaking, and his body was shaking !

His teeth rattled, "Who and who did all this?"

With these words from his mouth, the void also collapsed, and the earth was covered with countless cracks, and countless sands poured in from those cracks!

The middle-aged man who appeared in this big desert now is the father of the God King of Longevity!

Of course, he was full of absolute anger towards his father, the God Emperor Changsheng, and he was naturally extremely resentful for what had happened. He didn't expect his daughter, the God King Changsheng, to die, but he knew that his daughter was because of the death of his daughter. How did he die!

In any case, he will definitely trouble Li Mushen and make Li Mushen pay the price he deserves, and then Li Mushen will pay for what he has done to let him know what the consequences of provoking him to killing his daughter will look like, but this The Emperor of Longevity has no idea how powerful Li Mushen really is, and once he provokes Li Mushen, what kind of result will be unbelievable. In any case, to Longevity God As far as the emperor is concerned, it is almost impossible for him to defeat Li Mushen!

But God Emperor Longevity doesn't know this. All he has to do now is to find Li Mushen and then kill Li Mushen. This is the only thing he has to do now. In addition, there is nothing else. any!

So the God Emperor Longevity went completely crazy. He kept searching in the whole world of gods. In that world of gods, he was looking for the trace of Li Mushen. In his search, he quickly found out where Li Mushen was. Local Li Mushen? He was thinking of a way to leave this world of gods. For Li Mushen, he had no idea that the emperor of longevity would find him. Of course, even if he found him, he was not afraid at all. After all, he didn't put the matter aside on the heart!

For the God Emperor Longevity, he was extremely frightened and frightened in his heart, because he had absolutely no idea how powerful Li Mushen was, nor how terrifying the power contained in Li Mushen's body. When he found Li Mushen, it was the beginning of his nightmare!

At that time, God Emperor Longevity would follow in the footsteps of his daughter and die at the hands of Li Mushen, which is also no accident!

In a group of mountains, he found Li Mushen, and his eyes were full of anger after a long cycle. He looked at Li Mushen coldly. Naturally, his eyes were burning with anger, as if he wanted to completely burn everything in this world. Just as clean!

Li Mushen looked at the immortal emperor who appeared in front of him, and he said, "Who are you?"

Hearing what Li Mushen said, the Emperor Longevity smiled coldly, and then said in a deep voice, "Who do you think I am?"

"I don't know who you are." Li Mushen said lightly: "Although I don't know who you are, I can feel the raging killing intent that you have raised against me in your body. Obviously you have a grudge against me. Today you To stop me, I am afraid that you want to kill me."

Although the power contained in the body of the Emperor Longevity is extremely powerful and terrifying, Li Mushen did not take it to heart, and his expression still seemed extremely indifferent!

He didn't take this God Emperor Longevity to heart, but God Emperor Longevity took Li Mushen firmly in his heart. His eyes were full of absolute slaughter, and he wished he could directly kill Li Mushen here!

On the contrary, it was Li Mushen, but his expression seemed to calm himself.

Without any hesitation, the Emperor of Longevity directly burst out his most powerful and terrifying power. With the power he burst out, it rolled and swept through the sky, filling the whole world. In this instant, In this group of mountains, countless mountain peaks have collapsed, countless mountain peaks have been destroyed, vanished into ashes, turned into pieces, turned into ruins!

The terrifying power that erupted in the Emperor Longevity was extremely astonishing, even unbearable!

However, under the terrifying power erupted by the God Emperor Longevity, Li Mushen stood indifferently, unmoved at all, and did not take the power that erupted from their bodies to heart at all. He seemed so calm and his expression seemed It's so bland!

And although he is so, but this is called the emperor of longevity, his face has become even more angry!

He didn't want to see Li Mushen's expression like this. He was naturally very angry with Li Mushen's expression. Why wasn't he afraid of himself? Why don't you feel any fear about this? Is he not afraid? His attack, is he powerful?

The Emperor of Longevity, I can't understand why Li Mushen is like this, and the Emperor of Longevity is very angry with Li Mushen!

He growled and said angrily, "I'm going to kill you!"

Turned into the most terrifying and amazing power in this world!

And when God Emperor Longevity sent out this terrifying and amazing power to attack Li Mushen, Li Mushen's expression still seemed extremely calm, his eyes still seemed extremely indifferent, and there was not even the slightest change in his expression. !

As for Li Mushen, in the heart of this long-lived **** emperor, he must give Li Mushen a living, and dig out Li Mushen's cramps. He doesn't know the price of provoking himself, what does it look like? The heaviest price is that he will not show mercy to Li Mushen, all he has to do is be ruthless!

It's just that for the Emperor of Longevity, although he broke out his most powerful and terrifying attack, it seems that his attack has no effect, and it can't even cause any damage to Li Mushen or cause any damage to Li Mushen. The influence of her, Li Mushen still endured it very calmly, the powerful aura of power emanating from her body!

, Li Mushen opened his mouth and said to the new ancestor of the demon god: "Your strength is very strong, but your strength is far from enough to kill me."

"That's because you're too arrogant. You don't even know how powerful you are in my body. No matter who you are, you can't resist my power. You will all die in my hands, and you will be killed by me. here!"

After finishing speaking, the God Emperor of Longevity made another move!

And the God Emperor of Longevity who shot again, of course, his strength is also powerful, almost irresistible!

It can be said that the power of this God Emperor of Longevity is as powerful as that of the Devil Emperor, and he possesses the terrifying power of the Devil Emperor!

His strength is really terrifying, it is simply irresistible!

When he fought against Li Mushen, he found that even though his strength was extremely powerful, it had no effect on Li Mushen, and it was estimated that it would not have any impact. He was easily killed by Li Mushen. Therefore, everything seems useless, seems helpless!

Heaven and earth are collapsing, everything is destroying one mountain after another, it just falls down like this, and it turns into ruins like this!

When all the heavens and the earth collapsed because of this, the God Emperor Longevity suddenly charged towards Li Mushen!

When the immortal emperor rushed towards Li Mushen, Li Mushen's expression still seemed extremely indifferent, and even this Li Mushen did not retreat a bit, and still stood there indifferently, and his expression was extremely calm.

When the God Emperor of Longevity rushed in front of him, Li Mushen was already dodging sideways. His speed was very fast, and he easily avoided the attack of the God of Longevity against him.

In the void, Li Mushen left an afterimage, and the Emperor Longevity just smashed the afterimage of Li Mushen, and at the same time, he shot the distant mountain with a palm, and it collapsed directly!

It is conceivable how powerful and terrifying the power wielded by this God Emperor of Longevity is that no one can resist it so easily!

Of course, the power within the God Emperor Longevity is still getting stronger, and the power is still becoming more amazing. With the terrifying and amazing power that the God Emperor Longevity erupted, he kept rushing towards Li Mushen. Although he knew that Li Mushen's speed was very fast, he didn't stop there. It was smashed, and at the same time, the whole world was also blasted into a huge hole!