Primordial God

Chapter 1250: come

Of course they couldn't imagine it!

Today, the entire Primordial Teleportation Array is almost recovering!

With the recovery of the Primordial Teleportation Array, the power emerging from it is almost astonishing, and it also seems to be a bottomless pit, which can never be satisfied.

It was as if the power in those demon gods had to be completely devoured and completely refined.

What happened, while frightening, made the bodies of those demon gods tremble.

Seeing the trembling bodies of those demon gods, Li Mushen's eyes were full of surprise.

Of course, he also discovered that everything would happen.

However, their trembling bodies were not because of the fear.

On the contrary, the feeling to Li Mushen is that these demon gods are frightened and scared, but it is the excitement of these demon gods!

That's right, these demon gods made their bodies tremble because of their excitement.

It's like, they're doing a great thing!

And this great thing they did, of course, filled their hearts with admiration, even at the cost of their lives!


A scream suddenly came from among those demon gods.

I saw that the demon god's eyes were full of determination, and then he exploded his body directly.

After the body exploded, the surging and endless power rioted, galloping between the heavens and the earth, and suddenly blood splattered.

The blood of the devil shone with bright light, as if it contained endless magic power.

Immediately, the blood of the devil splattered on the ancient teleportation formation.

With the blood of the devil splattered on the ancient teleportation array.

Immediately, it was swallowed up by the ancient teleportation array, all of which happened in an instant, and the speed was extremely fast.

If it wasn't for Li Mushen's awareness, he wouldn't even be able to see clearly.

And especially after this ancient teleportation formation swallowed the blood of the demon god, the power contained in this ancient teleportation formation also became stronger.

At this moment, the countless ancient veins on this ancient teleportation array also seem to have come alive at this moment, running, full of ancient and desolate atmosphere!

All of this is shocking enough!

Again, all of this is unimaginable!

As the first Demon God blew himself up, the other Demon Gods seemed to have received orders, or were summoned, and let out a determined roar.

Without any hesitation, they burst their bodies one after another!

One after another, the bodies of the demon gods exploded, and they suddenly turned into countless blood and emerged, stirring the Quartet!

All this is unbelievable.

Countless blood surged in the whole world, the sky was full of blood, accompanied by a strong smell of blood.

What happened is shocking enough!

At the same time, people can't say a word!

All of this is **** and shocking! !

If the gods in the gods world saw such a scene, I don't know what kind of expressions they would show!

But all in all, even those gods saw this scene, and their hearts were filled with the shock of breaking the embankment!

It will also make their gods unable to speak a word!

In their eyes, what these demon gods have done is simply crazy!

At the same time, in order to open this ancient teleportation formation among these thousands of demon gods, it is also a huge loss to this demon domain!

Of course, all this does not know what the devil thinks.

But no matter what, these demon gods are not stupid. Since they have done all this, I am afraid they have their own plans in their hearts!

This makes people must not have any careless!

The blood curtain in front of you can be said to be entirely made of blood, which is the blood of thousands of demon gods!

All these blood are stirred in this blood curtain, and this scene is really shocking.

The entire Primordial Teleportation Array is recovering!

Under the power of the blood of these demon gods, he slowly recovered and slowly woke up!

How all this is shocking.

In this immemorial teleportation formation, with the immemorial teleportation formation, the power in those demon gods was completely devoured, and the blood of those demon gods was completely integrated into that immemorial teleportation formation!

At this moment, the sky and the earth change color, and the sun and the moon have no light!

The whole world is gloomy, accompanied by thunder and lightning!

The roar, the explosion, the thunder snake dancing, shuttled through the entire sky, the scene in front of me looks like the scene of the end of the world, which is absolutely shocking!

In this scene, Li Mushen was still standing there, and his expression did not change in the slightest. Of course, he was indifferent to the deaths of thousands of demon gods. After all, it had nothing to do with him!

There is only one thing he cares about, then it is whether this ancient teleportation formation is successfully opened!

After the blood of thousands of demon gods was completely devoured by the ancient teleportation formation, the ancient teleportation formation was like the resurrection of the demon gods in the world, exuding a power that shocked all things in time and made them palpitate!

At this moment, I saw from this ancient teleportation formation, a blood-red beam of light from the sky!

Not in Cloud Nine!

Immediately afterwards, the earth shook, turned the world upside down, and the loud noises continued, and everything seemed to be turned into an apocalyptic scene.

All of this is absolutely shocking!

Li Mushen looked up, and there was an indefinite light in his eyes.

Li Mushen didn't say anything, but was silently feeling the power of this ancient teleportation formation!

He can feel the power emanating from this ancient teleportation formation is absolutely shocking, absolutely unimaginable!

If this force is completely swallowed and refined, Li Mushen will definitely be greatly improved!

Of course, on the other side, it is also of great help to Li Mushen!

For example, in this ancient teleportation formation, can Li Mushen rely on the power of this ancient teleportation formation to truly leave this world of gods and go to the pseudo-immortal world that he wants to reach, or the land of immortals and gods?

An absolutely terrifying and absolutely powerful force emerged from this immemorial teleportation formation. The one that went straight into the sky, in the blood-red beam of light, but the time of the rush, seemed to be connected to the outside world.

At this moment, Li Mushen felt a very familiar power. That's right, this power is the power of the stars mastered by the extraterritorial demons!

In front of Li Mushen, countless ancient portals quickly emerged, hundreds of thousands, as if these portals lead to various worlds, not only to the extraterritorial worlds, but also to the false Immortal world, and the world of gods, or the continent of the gods!

This can't help but make Li Mushen's eyes flicker with bright and dim light, looking at these ancient portals that appear in front of him, and now these ancient portals are all open, and I don't know which portal leads to where, this can't help but let Li The Faun frowned, not knowing which ancient portal to choose to enter it!

But all in all, in this world of gods, Li Mushen also intends to leave, no matter which ancient portal he chooses, Li Mushen intends to give it a try.

At the same time, not only was there a huge turmoil in this world of gods, but also in other worlds, there was also a huge shock, and the huge power seemed to alarm everything in this world!

In the Jiuzhongtian of the pseudo-immortal world, including the world of immortals and gods, an incomparably huge portal has emerged!

With the landslides and the earth cracking, the seas withered and the rocks rotten, the huge portal is full of weirdness, evil, and mystery. It is suspended above the sky of the major worlds, making everyone look at this incomparably huge portal. Facing the portal inexplicably, of course he didn't know what it was, but he could also feel the power that shocked them from the portal!

And the gods of the great power in the world of gods, when they saw hundreds of thousands of portals floating in the sky, the dusty memories seemed to wake up at this moment. , At this moment, the expressions of all the gods also changed suddenly, full of disbelief, "Who is it? Who opened the extraterritorial demon door?!"

This is absolutely shocking, and it also makes the hearts of the gods full of fear for this extraterritorial demon gate, and the misty **** cave master in the misty **** cave, when he saw this scene. At that time, his expression changed suddenly, but all of this was done by Li Mushen.

"What exactly did Li Mushen do in the demon domain?"

The Miaomiao Tianshen Cave Master gritted his teeth and said, he ordered the gods in the Miaomiao Tianshen Cave to follow the Miao Miao Tianshen Cave to leave the Miao Miao Tianshen Cave and head to the demon domain to stop Li Mushen!

He originally told Li Mushen that he just hoped that Li Mushen could leave here and go to other worlds through the teleportation array in the demon domain.

He never thought that Li Mushen would open the extraterrestrial demon gate through that teleportation array. Once those extraterritorial demon gods are put in, it will not only cause a huge blow to the world of gods, but also to the whole world. !

What a terrifying existence is the extraterritorial demon god. Once millions of years ago, the extraterritorial demon **** already ruled the entire world, oppressing the human race and suppressing it, so that they could not have any chance to resist, and Today, those extraterritorial demon gods who have been expelled, are they going to make a comeback?

No matter what, they couldn't let this happen, so it also filled the heart of the misty **** cave master with extreme fear!

The misty **** cave master brought those gods to the demon domain. When he came to the demon domain, he could feel the shocking power, which even made them unable to speak a word. , their hearts are also full of absolute fear, which fills their hearts with absolute uneasiness, and they are unable to say a word, looking up at him!

Looking at the ancient portals floating in the sky, everyone is absolutely terrified. Who would have thought that they would see such a scene!

Their hearts were shocked, and they couldn't say a word in their hearts. Everyone's heart was absolutely terrified!

The misty **** cave master looked at this scene, and his face was even more ugly!