Primordial God

Chapter 1265: traitor

And all this is done by the Lord of the Devil Star who worships the Devil Star. Since the Lord of the Devil Star has become the ruler of the Devil Star, he has slaughtered everything on the Devil Star, just to make his own strength more powerful. Powerful, selfish and violent, completely disregarding the life and death of others, disregarding the interests of others!

Therefore, in just a few thousand years, hundreds of thousands of star powerhouses have been continuously devoured and refined by the Heavenly Demon Star Lord, and thus died. On this demon star, there are probably no more 10,000 star powerhouses!

Even if the Heavenly Demon Star Lord is overthrown, the entire Heavenly Demon Star has already been severely damaged, and it will take some years before it can return to its former peak and prosperous state!

Mo Lingyue shook her head, stopped thinking about these bad news, and put this matter behind her head. No matter what the final outcome would be, what Li Mushen wants to do first is to take control of this world!

And this is what Li Mushen wants to do in this world!

Other than that, nothing else!

Li Mushen and Mo Lingyue walked through this barren world. Of course, those star powerhouses did not follow Mo Lingyue and Li Mushen. They were all scattered in this world, and they went to find the seeds of the demon star!

These star powerhouses who have left the small world do not care about their own lives, because they all know that once they leave the small world and go to the outside world, few people will be able to return alive!

But for the development of the entire small world, they have no other way but to do this!

They are walking in the outside world, and they are looking for the demon star seeds in this world. After finding those demon star seeds, it is extremely helpful for them!

On the other side, Li Mushen followed Mo Lingyue, walking through this world, and was also looking for the seeds of Tianmoxing, and Molingyue on the side said to Li Mushen: "It usually falls from the tree of stars. The fallen Devil Star seeds will fall in various places of the Devil Star. Generally, it is not easy to find the Devil Star seeds, but if we are careful, we can actually find the Devil Star seeds. It's not a difficult thing."

It can be said to be barren on this demon star, and even on this demon star, there is any movement, it seems extremely calm, and I don't know what kind of existence there will be in this demon star!

However, when the Demon Spirit Moon walks through the Demon Star, it does not dare to have any careless expressions. Naturally, it is also very solemn. It is absolutely impossible to provoke everything in this world. For them, there is also a great danger!

There are all the demon guards of the demon star everywhere in the sky. Once the demon guards of the demon star are provoked, they will surely die in it. This is not a good thing!

Especially those demon guards of the demon star masters, their strength is of course extremely powerful, also amazing, and difficult to resist. Once they provoke the demon guards of the demon star masters, they will be attacked by those demon star masters. If the minions and demon guards find out, I am afraid that it is not so easy to escape!

At least by that time, I am afraid that it is almost impossible to escape!

Mo Lingyue and Li Mushen, they all walk through this world carefully, not to provoke everything in this world, they seem extremely cautious, and they have not encountered those Heavenly Demon Star Masters for the time being during their travels. Minions Demon Guard.

Not only have I not met the demon guards of the demon star masters, but also the seeds of those demon stars have not been found. For the time being, it seems that it is not so easy to find the seeds of those demon stars!

, Even Mo Lingyue frowned, he said in a deep voice: "Why have you traveled through this Demon Star for so long, but still haven't found any of those Demon Star seeds."

Mo Lingyue frowned, and there was a huge gap from what happened in the past.

You must know that when the last time the Demon Moon came to this demon star, the seed of the demon star was easily found on the demon star.

But today, although it is not so easy to find the seeds of the demon star, it seems that it is almost impossible to find the seeds of the demon star that day!

After walking through the Demon Star for so long, I still haven't gotten any news of the Demon Star Seed!

This is not good news for them!

Mo Lingyue's face was a little ugly, she said to Li Mushen in a deep voice: "I don't know why, I didn't find the traces of those celestial stars for a long time this time, and in the past I could find several seeds of the celestial stars here. ."

Now Mo Lingyue and Li Mushen are at the top of a volcano. At the top of this volcano, Mo Lingyue said to Li Mushen.

In this regard, Li Mushen's expression did not change in the slightest. He said to Mo Lingyue: "There is no need to worry about this matter. If you want to find the seed of Tianmoxing, you will always find it."

"Then let's go to the next place first."

Li Mushen said to her.

Then Mo Lingyue took Li Mushen to the next place to look for the seeds of Tianmoxing.

However, it was extremely surprising that in the next place, Mo Lingyue still did not find the seeds of Tianmoxing.

This is an extremely barren cliff canyon. As for this cliff, there is no movement at all, which is completely unexpected!

When Mo Lingyue brought Li Mushen to this cliff, there was no movement.

What happened was far beyond Li Mushen's expectations. Li Mushen never guessed what the result was.

Mo Lingyue's face has become a little ugly, especially because the successive failures let Mo Lingyue know that this matter is not as easy as he imagined.

As for what happened here?

For Mo Lingyue, she didn't know, and the only thing she knew was that it was probably more difficult than he imagined!

Mo Lingyue's face is extremely ugly, gloomy and uncertain, and his expression naturally looks extremely ugly!

"It's impossible for such a thing to happen. In the past, you could see dozens of Heavenly Demon Star seeds here, but today, none of the Heavenly Demon Star's seeds have been found!"

At this moment, Li Mushen seemed to have noticed something in this valley, and his expression became extremely solemn, and he said to Mo Lingyue in a deep voice: "Be careful someone is coming!"

"Where is the person?" Mo Lingyue frowned, not understanding what he said.

Suddenly there was a sneer of Jie Jie, and then in this valley, countless tall men in armor appeared!

Of course, on their faces, everyone's faces are extremely ugly and terrifying. Except for the head, all other bodies are wrapped in armor, and you can't see anything in this armor.

And in this armor, it also contains the incomparably turbulent and powerful power of the stars!

When Mo Lingyue saw these men in armor, her expression suddenly changed at this moment, and fear inevitably rose in her heart: "It's the demon guards of the demon star master, they are here!"

For Mo Lingyue, my heart is full of disbelief, and I can't imagine why those minions and demon guards would appear here!

In her heart, she is naturally full of absolute ugliness!

Also seems helpless!

In fact, for Mo Lingyue, what he couldn't understand the most was why the demon guards of the demon star master came here all of a sudden? Everything seems unknown!

But seeing Li Mushen's eyes flickering with indefinite light, he said, "Why was it discovered? Actually, we have to ask Situ Meteor."

"Ask Situ Meteor?" Mo Lingyue's face was a bit ugly.

, but saw a sneer after another from the group of armored demon soldiers, and then Situ Meteor walked out of it.

This is absolutely shocking and unbelievable. I am afraid that no one would have thought that Situ Meteor would actually collude with the demon guards of the Heavenly Demon Star Master.

Situ Meteor looked proud, he slowly walked out of it, with a sneer on his face, he said to Mo Lingyue: "Molingyue, hehe, I didn't expect it, look at what is in my hand? "

After he finished speaking, Situ Meteor opened his hand, and in the palm of his hand, there were one after another of the Heavenly Demon Star Seeds.

Each celestial star seed is only the size of a thumb, shining with colorful dazzling light. At the same time, from this celestial star seed, it continuously absorbs the power between heaven and earth. The colorful light became more dazzling.

"Situ Meteor, you traitor!" Mo Lingyue said through gritted teeth.

"I'm a traitor, so what?" Situ Meteor said coldly, his eyes filled with an absolute sneer, an absolute sneer.

As for Li Mushen on the side, his eyes were always calm and fell into the hands of Situ Meteor.

He looked at the demon star seed shining with colorful light in Situ Meteor's hand.

As for Situ Meteor, of course he saw Li Mushen's eyes looking at him, he saw Li Mushen's eyes full of absolute killing intent, he would never let Li Mushen go like this.

"Li Mushen, do you want this demon star seed in my hand?" Situ Meteor gritted his teeth.

Li Mushen nodded.

"Take out all the Heavenly Demon Stars in your hands." Li Mushen said to Situ Meteor.

Situ Meteor smiled coldly, with absolute anger in his eyes.