Primordial God

Chapter 1266: Mighty Guard

"When you bullied me in the small world, I still remember that today I am going to kill you here, to let you know how serious the price of provoking me is!"

Facing what Situ Meteor said, Mo Lingyue next to him was full of absolute anger, she angrily gnashed her teeth at Situ Meteor: "Why are you doing such a thing here? If they join forces, they will destroy the entire Heavenly Demon Star!"

Situ Meteor heard what Mo Lingyue said. At this moment, Situ Meteor was full of anger. He gritted his teeth and said angrily, and his eyes were full of madness: "Why does this happen? It's all your fault, It's all your fault for letting me do such a thing!"

"Because of me?" Mo Lingyue was also very angry, she said coldly to Situ Meteor: "Situ Meteor, you traitor, the whole small world will not let you go!"

"Small world won't let me go?" Situ Meteor smiled coldly.

"I don't know if the small world can still exist at that time. Do you think it is possible?" Situ Meteor sneered and said to him, obviously he didn't care about the small world. He didn't intend to betray the small world, but he didn't expect Li Mushen to actually If you did such a thing to him, then all this, you can't force him to do it!

To Situ Meteor, he doesn't care, he doesn't care about everything in the small world, even if it is the death of the small world!

There is only one thing Situ Meteor has to do, and that is to kill Li Mushen here, let Li Mushen pay the trouble he should pay, and let Li Mushen pay the price he should pay!

This **** Li Mushen, since he wants to kill himself, then Situ Meteor will naturally not show any mercy towards him, and pay the due price to let him know what kind of trouble he will have after provoking him?

Since Li Mushen provokes him, then no matter what, he will make Li Mushen pay the price he deserves, knowing what a heavy price he will pay after provoking himself, let him know the consequences of provoking him, and what will it look like of!

Today, he wants to make Li Mushen suffer a thousand cuts!

Let Li Mushen know what a huge price he will bear after provoking him!

Li Mushen narrowed his eyes slightly, it seems that he should not let this guy go. He knew that he should have killed this kid just now, and let this kid know what the consequences of provoking him look like.

Then Situ Meteor looked at the demon guards who were present and said to those demon guards with great respect: "Sir, please kill them here!"

As for those demon guards, they did not answer Situ Meteor's words, but looked at Li Mushen and Mo Lingyue who were present. Their eyes were of course full of absolute killing and coldness.

Even many demon guards licked their scarlet mouths, looking at Li Mushen's eyes full of absolute greed!

Mo Lingyue's expression was extremely solemn, and she said to Li Mushen in a deep voice: "Be careful, don't be careless, these demon guards...they have condensed two demon stars in their bodies!"

"The existence of two Heavenly Demon Stars?" Li Mushen narrowed his eyes slightly.

"The more stars condensed in the body, the stronger the strength in their body will be!"

Li Mushen's eyes were full of absolute interest. He didn't expect that such a thing would happen in the course of his cultivation. It was also very different from his previous cultivation, which made his eyes seem extremely curious!

Of course, those demon guards have already surrounded Mo Lingyue and Li Mushen. Both of them are completely surrounded by this place. After they are surrounded by this place, whether it is Mo Lingyue or Li Mushen, it can be said that they cannot leave here!

Those demon guards erupted with absolutely powerful power from their bodies, and the powerful power that erupted from their bodies was of course extremely shocking. As for whether they could withstand it, what was inside Li Mushen's body? The power that bursts out is also unrealistic!

Li Mushen and Mo Lingyue, the two of them faced the attacks of these demon guards, of course, they must not have any carelessness, and the two of them also seemed extremely cautious!

The power aura that erupted from the bodies of Li Mushen and Mo Lingyue was extremely powerful, and the power aura that erupted was equally astonishing!

But those demon guards didn't take Li Mushen to heart at all!

For those Demon Guards, their strength is so powerful that they will not put Li Mushen and Demon Lingyue in their eyes at all!

In the hearts of the demon guards, monstrous power surged, but for them, their hearts were filled with absolute killing intent!

Those demon guards didn't show any mercy and attacked them directly. The powerful force, like a tide, surged in their bodies. Of course, all the powerful forces were extremely powerful and unbearable. !

Situ Meteor sneered, he stopped talking, but stepped back and handed the battlefield to those demon guards!

The power that erupted from those demon guards became more powerful and more terrifying!

, followed by the powerful power that erupted from the bodies of those demon guards, terrifyingly terrifying! The power that erupted from the bodies of those demon guards is of course terrifying, shocking, and even unbearable. !

Those demon guards shot them instantly, and as those demons shot for them, the power in the body surged!

Of course, all the demon guards used were the power of the stars, so that the power of the stars they used rioted in the hands of these demon guards, and in one hand they held a chain transformed by the power of the stars, and in their other hands. In one hand, either the big sword transformed by the power of the stars, or the long sword transformed by the power of the stars, or a long spear and other strange weapons!

However, the power contained in the weapons in their hands is of course extremely powerful!

Soon they will shoot directly!

Those demon guards directly attacked Li Mushen and Demon Lingyue, and the powerful force was like an overwhelming force in an instant, sweeping in!

As for the Demon Moon God Li Mu who was present, whether they could resist the powerful force that erupted from the Demon Guard's body, obviously it wasn't that easy!

Mo Lingyue's expression was extremely solemn. In her hand, of course, it was a purple-red long sword evolved by the power of the stars!

And the purple-red long sword evolved in his hand, the sword energy released in it is also extremely amazing!

Mo Lingyue held the purple-red long sword tightly, and in a sudden instant, he attacked the demon guards directly!

Amazing sword qi shuttles through the void, and every sword qi appears dark red!

The power contained in it is extremely terrifying!

However, the terrifying sword energy attacked their bodies, but it did not cause any kind of damage to the bodies of those demon guards!

Because the armor on the Demon Guards and their bodies is completely formed by the power of the stars!

The power of the stars formed by the gathering is indestructible, at least for now, it is almost impossible to break through the defense of his body!

The purple-red long sword attacked their bodies, but all this was useless, at least for now, they couldn't do anything to these demon guards, but under someone's attack, a The sword knocked the Demon Moon back!

This sword slashed on Mo Lingyue's body, causing Mo Lingyue to let out a groan, and then blood flowed out of her body!

There is already a scar on his body, and blood is rolling out from the scar!

In her body, the injuries she suffered were absolutely extremely serious, and there was also blood flowing on her body!

The injuries she suffered on Mo Lingyue's body were, of course, extremely severe. She couldn't bear it. She didn't expect that it was only the first attack of the Mowei that he suffered such serious injuries. It made that Demon Moon's expression extremely solemn, and his face naturally looked unusually ugly!

At the same time, there were also demon guards who attacked Li Mushen. The power of the stars rioted out, galloping between the whole heaven and earth. The rioting power of the stars was like an overwhelmed sea, like a huge wave, rushing endlessly, as if It can destroy everything in the world!

And Li Mushen was attacked by several demon guards. For him, the injuries he suffered were of course extremely powerful, terrifying, and astonishing. This was unbearable for people, making them unable to bear at all. Bear, the horrific damage in it!

Facing the attacks of several demon guards, Li Mushen was also beaten and retreated!

No matter what, Li Mushen's face looked a bit ugly. Obviously, about all this, Li Mushen didn't expect the final result to become like this!

Li Mushen still far underestimated the power of these demon guards!

The powerful power is surging in Li Mushen's body, and what Li Mushen uses is the power of the ancient gods!

Li Mushen raised his hand, and suddenly a fierce flame raged into the sky, completely burning between the whole world, as if everything in this world was completely burned clean!

The fire was raging, and the huge tiger transformed by the instantly terrifying Primordial Divine Rune burned in Li Mushen's body and regarded it as Li Mushen to resist all dangers and difficulties!

In this case, at least for now, the big tigers can't do anything to the demon guards at all, and they can't cause any damage to the demon guards, so that Li Mushen doesn't need to worry about anything!

With these fierce tigers turned into flames, Li Mushen's body is surrounded by the dangers and difficulties that Li Mushen will encounter when guarding the surroundings!