Primordial God

Chapter 1267: Devil Moon Heavy Wound

Under the attack of those few demon guards, Li Mushen didn't need to worry at all. If they wanted to cause damage to Li Mushen, they had to deal with the tigers that the flames beside Li Mushen turned into. Injury, and only in this way, all this has a chance to work, otherwise, there is no other way.

Of course, for those few demon guards, they also did not take it to heart. Although they felt the horror of the fire-shaped glyph, they were still the same. They were full of their own strength. confidence, there is absolutely no need to worry about anything, to be afraid of anything!

The flaming tiger roared again and again, roared again and again, and quickly attacked those demon guards!

As for those demon guards, at this moment, a powerful and terrifying attack broke out. The scene that happened was extremely shocking and shocking. Those demon guards attacked together. , Between the two, the power of the stars of the demon guards rioted together in an instant!

And in the power of the rioting stars, he immediately attacked the giant tigers that the ancient gods had transformed into.

And when the two sides collided, absolutely terrifying, absolutely powerful, absolutely amazing combat power broke out in an instant!

What Li Mushen didn't expect was that in the riotous stars, almost in an instant, Li Mushen's flaming tigers died directly. Now this scene is completely beyond Li Mushen's expectations. , What Li Mushen didn't expect at all, in his eyes, he seemed extremely surprised, extremely shocked, and what happened was so surprising, completely unexpected!

Since the power of the Primordial Divine Rune could not resist the attacks of those few Demon Guards, how could it surprise Li Mushen!

At the same time, the attacks of the demon guards did not stop there, and the attacks of the demon guards became more powerful, more terrifying, and even more astonishing!

The power of the stars was so powerful that it shredded the flaming tigers. After the shredding flaming tigers, the damage to the flaming tigers was incomparable to them!

Almost in an instant, the attack of the flaming tiger suffered a devastating blow!

After the demon guard broke the attack of the flaming tiger, what happened next was extremely surprising!

The terrifying power is rolling, and the power of the stars is absolutely unimaginable. This is Li Mushen. The first time he saw such a powerful power of stars, it has far exceeded his imagination. This is something he can't resist, your Li Mushen, you can't have any carelessness!

With the power of the fire-shaped glyphs in the hands of Li Mushen, a fierce flaming sword was condensed in his hand, and the terrifying and fierce flaming sword, of course, seemed extremely powerful!

However, Li Mushen didn't know the power of this flaming sword, and could this flaming sword have any harmful effects on them?

The attacks of those demon guards are obviously extremely powerful, almost unstoppable by them, at least for now, that is the case!

The Demon Guard's attack is astonishingly powerful and unimaginable. For them, it is temporarily beyond their ability to withstand and resist!

Li Mushen uses powerful swordsmanship, and the powerful swordsmanship is constantly galloping. Of course, the power contained in the swordsmanship is extremely terrifying, extremely amazing!

Those demon guards were obviously shocked by Li Mushen's strength. They did not expect that Li Mushen's strength was far beyond their imagination, much stronger than they imagined!

Even make them unable to resist at all!

And for those magic guards, of course they have no way, and they can't find any way to solve the problem in front of them!

Those demon guards looked extremely ferocious, full of sneers and looked at Li Mushen, their eyes were also extremely cold, full of absolute indifference, but also full of absolute killing, and as for these demon guards, can they resist? Resisting Li Mushen's attack, it seems that they want to resist Li Mushen's attack, as if it is not a difficult task!

Especially the armor they are wearing contains extremely powerful defensive power. Even if Li Mushen's attack, on their bodies, did not cause too much damage or influence to them at all!

Especially the defensive armor they were wearing contained a great defensive power, and under this great defensive power, they would never cause the slightest bit of damage to Li Mushen. hurt!

This can't help but make their faces look a bit ugly, and at the same time, it can't make their eyes look a bit cold!

Li Mushen was beaten down under their attack, and the injuries on his body became more serious, especially when the long swords transformed by the power of the stars attacked their bodies, causing them to suffer Terribly traumatized!

Blood was rolling down his body!

Of course his face was extremely ugly!

Those demon guards kept pushing back Li Mushen, and the injuries suffered on Li Mushen's body gradually became more serious, and the physical injuries obviously became more amazing!

The long swords transformed by the power of the stars constantly pierced through the flesh of Li Mushen, or after Li Mushen's flesh, the injuries he suffered were absolutely terrifying and absolutely amazing!

The injuries on their bodies are rolling, and it is actually particularly amazing. Situ Meteor next to him sneered and watched this scene. What happened, of course, was full of absolute joy!

A cold laughter kept coming out of his mouth!

"Damn guy, this is what you have encountered today, this is what you have provoked me to endure!" Situ Meteor's face can be said to be full of absolute pride, even the big message that issued The laughter also seemed so fun!

Undoubtedly, as far as Li Mushen is concerned, he is obviously unable to resist the attacks of the demon guards, and Mo Lingyue next to him saw a scene, and she quickly said to Li Mushen: "Li Mushen, you have to be careful of these. Demon guard, the power in their bodies is absolutely powerful, absolutely amazing, it is not an easy task to resist their attacks, you must not be careless!"

Li Mushen nodded, "I know, you should be careful too."

In fact, in the hands of Li Mushen, the injuries he suffered are far less powerful than Mo Lingyue's!

On the contrary, on Mo Lingyue's body, the injuries he suffered were even heavier than that of Li Mushen!

In fact, the difficulties that Li Mushen has encountered now are not so difficult. The difficulties he has encountered can still be easily solved!

No one expected the final result, and all this in the end was especially surprising, and it was also unbelievable!

The demon guard's attacks have not stopped, their attacks are still getting stronger, and their attacks are also becoming more amazing. This is absolutely shocking. I'm afraid no one expected that the final result would be become like this!

On Mo Lingyue's body, the injury he suffered has become more serious!

On her body, there is blood flowing out, in the blood flowing out of her body, but it is enough, it is surprising, and one thing I know now is, I am afraid that the current Even Mo Lingyue couldn't resist, it was a powerful attack!

And under the powerful attack, the injuries he suffered became more serious, and the injuries he suffered were even more astonishing. Along with them, the powerful momentum flowing from their bodies, for him. , All this experienced in the body seems extremely heavy!

His injuries are getting worse and worse!

All this far exceeded her expectations!

Regarding the power of these demon guards, this is the first time that Li Mushen has seen them. These demon guards are not only more powerful than Li Mushen, but even more powerful than those gods in the world of gods and the gods in the world of gods. powerful!

At present, Li Mushen can only fight evenly with these demons, regardless of whether they are superior or inferior. For the time being, Li Mushen cannot kill these demon guards at all, but because the strength of those demon guards is too strong, Let his body get scars again and again!

If it continues like this, I am afraid that his body will not be able to bear it any longer, and I am afraid that he will be severely injured like Mo Lingyue!

Mo Lingyue suddenly let out a groan. She suffered extremely heavy injuries. The attack of the magic guard fell on her body.

The whole person was also greatly hurt because of this!

As for Mo Lingyue's feelings, her heart was full of despair, because Mo Lingyue knew what it meant and what it meant, and he was completely clear in his heart. If it continues like this now, they will definitely die, they will die. In the hands of those, people!

And these demon guards have no mercy at all, but their eyes are full of absolute killing, their eyes are ruthless, cold and indifferent, because in the eyes of these demon guards, whether it is Li Mushen or Mo Lingyue, it is only theirs It's just food, completely take them as the food you want to eat!

At this moment, a demon guard's eyes were full of absolute indifference and absolute coldness. He stabbed into Mo Lingyue's body with a sword. Immediately after being pierced, a smear of blood spurted out!