Primordial God

Chapter 1274: powerless

Li Mushen stopped.

Mo Lingyue frowned, watched Li Mushen stop, and said to Li Mushen, "What's wrong?"

I saw that Li Mushen's face was a little ugly. He didn't speak, but just stood there. At the same time, in Li Mushen's body, your breath is almost the whole world!

When the powerful strength of Li Mushen's body radiated out, Mo Lingyue's face suddenly changed, and he quickly said to Li Mushen: "Li Mushen, you can't do this!"

Because once a powerful killing intent is released from the body of Li Mushen, it will almost shock the entire world, and once the entire world is shocked, it will shock everyone!

Especially in the ruins of the demons, those demon guards will definitely find her and Mo Lingyue's traces!

It's not good news, but it's useless to say that now!

Li Mushen's face is very ugly, but he can't resist the incomparably powerful aura of power released in his body, especially the ten stars in his body, which are constantly absorbing , the power of the stars between the whole world!

And as Li Mushen continues to absorb the power of the stars between the heavens and the earth, it is also extremely shocking!

At the same time, on Mo Lingyue's face, suddenly, her face became extremely pale at this moment. For her at this time, she couldn't say a word, because they clearly represented all this. What does it mean to be clear!

Once Li Mushen absorbs from this world, even the slightest star power can be detected by others, and once detected by others, his final result is death!

Mo Lingyue wants to stop Li Mushen, but how can she stop Li Mushen?

He wants to stop Li Mushen, which is almost impossible. The incomparably powerful breath of life rising from Li Mushen's body attracts the power of the stars between the whole world. This is absolutely shocking and makes People feel extremely scary!

All of a sudden, as Li Mushen absorbed the power of the stars in the whole world, but they were aware of it!

Let them perceive this scene and the changes that have taken place. For these demon guards, their eyes are of course full of absolute anger. In their eyes, it looks extremely angry. Obviously, they are not like this. , let Li Mushen go!

Soon, those demon guards noticed the 10% of the power between heaven and earth absorbed, and quickly refused to come here, that is, they said to them in a deep voice: "Leave from here now."

Of course, Mo Lingyue didn't want to leave just like this, especially after abandoning Li Mushen and leaving alone!

Therefore, Mo Lingyue said to Li Mushen, "I won't leave alone like this!"

"If you don't leave again, when the demon guards come here, even if you want to escape at that time, it won't be so easy!"

"Then what should I do now?" Mo Lingyue's face was extremely pale, and he didn't want to abandon Li Mushen like this!

Because Li Mushen has huge potential, once Li Mushen is abandoned, even the entire Heavenly Demon Star will no longer have any hope, and will no longer be able to do anything. The Mushen has been abandoned, and Li Mushen must be allowed to leave here!

But now, everything seems to have no way, and everything seems to have no results!

If I don't let myself leave this place again, no matter if Li Mushen responds to this distress, it also includes that he will also be in distress here because of it!

Li Mushen stood on the spot, but unfortunately he couldn't make any movement at all, even he couldn't move his footsteps at all!

This is not good news for Li Mushen, and he also has no way to do anything, so I just hope that Li Mushen can leave!

At the same time, those demon guards have already come to Li Mushen. The aura on them is extremely powerful, and it is also extremely shocking and terrifying. It is absolutely shocking and indescribable. Come on!

"You don't have to worry about me, they won't let you go first!" Li Mushen said to him again in a deep voice: "If you don't run away at the moment, Mo Lingyue, you won't have a chance or a way to do it later. Ran away!"

Li Mushen took a deep look at Mo Lingyue, and then she said to Mo Lingyue: "You don't have to worry about me leaving, I can escape from here!"

"If you stay here, you can only drag me down and let me have no heart to deal with those demon guards."

Li Mushen's words made Mo Lingyue take a deep breath, and then Mo Lingyue took a deep look at Li Mushen and said to Li Mushen, "Be careful."

Afterwards, Li Mushen stopped any longer, turned around and fled into the distance.

It seems that Mo Lingyue also knows that if he stays with Li Mushen again, it will directly affect Li Mushen, and even drag Li Mushen's hind legs, making Li Mushen unable to answer!

Not long after Mo Lingyue escaped, the demon guards in the ruins of the demon had already come here!

After those demon guards came here, they looked at Li Mushen standing there coldly!

They looked at Li Mushen in their eyes, of course, it was extremely cold, full of killing intent, and asked Li Mushen coldly, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

In this regard, Li Mushen did not respond to them, but closed his eyes and allowed the ten stars that have evolved in his body, but absorbed and refined the power of the stars between the heaven and the earth, so as to continuously transform the energy in his body. The power becomes even stronger!

After all, for Li Mushen, the power of the stars he absorbed at this time is too much!

And the power of the stars absorbed is more and more, which also makes Li Mushen's face become extremely ugly, and even Li Mushen can't stand up!

For Li Mushen, the pain he has endured is also enormous!

Of course, for Li Mushen, it also seems helpless!

In the eyes of Li Mushen, there is a flickering cold killing intent, as long as he completely absorbs the power of the stars in this world, he will take action on these warriors present!

This time he's going to do it all!

As for the current Li Mushen, everything seems useless, and he can't find any way to solve it!

Those demon guards looked at Li Mushen with cold eyes, and the power of the stars that erupted from their bodies was of course extremely powerful and shocking!

And under the power of the terrifying stars, they were directly suppressed to the ground, and now it can be said that even the ability to stand up is gone!

Everything seems extremely shocking, but also seems helpless!

However, Li Mushen didn't care at all about this, and he didn't care about what happened, and didn't care about everything that happened!

The terrifying aura of power that Li Mushen exudes on their bodies, under the coercion, seems extremely calm and calm, calmly facing the terrifying aura of coercion exuding from their bodies!

Those demon guards looked at Li Mushen coldly and questioned Li Mushen, "Who are you?"

Li Mushen still did not respond to the demon guard, Li Mushen's expression still seemed indifferent, at this moment, all the power of the stars was like a whale swallowing, completely integrated into Li Mushen's body!

At this time, there was a heartbeat in Li Mushen's body!

Bang bang bang! ! !

Every heart beat is extremely dazzling, loud and powerful!

This is absolutely stunning!

Of course, they also couldn't understand why such terrifying power emerged in Li Mushen's body, and the breath absorbed so much the power of the stars between heaven and earth, even far beyond their imagination!

This is simply shocking to them. They are thinking that even if he is the boss of the entire Heavenly Demon Star, can he do all this?

In this demon star, everyone was shocked. Those demon guards could no longer watch Li Mushen absorb the power of the stars in the ruins of the demon!

After all, the more the power of the stars absorbed by Li Mushen in the ruins of the demons, the greater the loss to the entire ruins of the demons!

"Stop it for me, kid!" These demon guards said angrily to Li Mushen.

Li Mushen did not respond to them, but for the ten stars in his body at this moment, only one heart can be completely filled with the power of stars!

At this time, Li Mushen felt as if he had transformed into an ancient giant beast!

He felt the power of his punch, and he could smash the entire void and smash the entire sky!

Li Mushen whispered in his heart: "I didn't expect that the first star in my body would be filled with the power of stars, and it already contains such a powerful and terrifying power, then wait until I fill all the stars in my body with stars. Power, then how powerful can I attack?"

Li Mushen's eyes are flickering with volatile light, but what is known is that although Li Mushen intends to do this, it is a pity that those demon guards will not do what Li Mushen wants!

Those Demon Guards can't helplessly see Li Mushen's power of the stars swallowing the entire heaven and earth!

Those demon guards suddenly took action on Li Mushen, and they burst out with their most powerful strength!

They want to stop Li Mushen!

And Li Mushen came along with those demon guards attacking him, but he couldn't make any movement!

It's not that Li Mushen doesn't intend to make the slightest movement, but that Li Mushen now has endless power of stars flowing into his body, so that Li Mushen can't move at all!

At this time, Li Mushen's legs seemed to have a weight of 100,000 catties. Even if Li Mushen wanted to move his pace, he seemed powerless!