Primordial God

Chapter 1281: Prepare

Li Mushen said to Mo Lingyue: "After all, that star tree is the most precious wealth on Tianmo Xing, I'm afraid it is not so easy to get the star tree on Tianmo Xing."

Mo Lingyue agreed with Li Mushen's words, she nodded and said to Li Mushen: "Li Mushen, you are right, the tree of stars is located in the depths of the Tianmo ruins, and in the depths of the Tianmo ruins, if I guessed correctly, The Heavenly Demon Star Master is also in it, and he is relying on the star tree to cultivate every time, constantly filling the power of the stars in his body, and constantly improving his strength."

Mo Lingyue paused for a while, and then said to Li Mushen: "Not only that, but there are also countless demon guards on that demon star. These demon guards are the minions of the demon star master, especially when they absorb a lot of After the power of the stars, it is not so easy to deal with. Although you have now condensed dozens of demon stars in your body, the power of the stars absorbed in your body is too rare. If you face those demon guards, they The siege will actually be in danger.”

Mo Lingyue was still very worried about Li Mushen, and he said to Li Mushen, "Li Mushen is actually very talented. If you do it now, in fact, the best way is to take a step by step and develop in an orderly and slow manner. ."

Mo Lingyue hopes that Li Mushen can improve his strength in the safest way. Presumably, after a hundred years, Li Mushen's strength will be enough to deal with the Tianmo star master of Tianmoxing!

But Li Mushen didn't agree with the idea of ​​Mo Lingyue, and he also didn't plan to stay on this demon star for a long time. He hoped that one day he would be able to leave this place first and be able to defeat the demon star master of the demon star. Become the Heavenly Demon Star Lord, break the space barrier, leave this Heavenly Demon Star, and return to the world of Immortals and Gods.

This is the idea of ​​Li Mushen, and it is also the plan of Li Mushen, and it is what Li Mushen hopes to do!

Therefore, Li Mushen directly told Mo Lingyue her thoughts. As for Mo Lingyue, after learning about Li Mushen's thoughts, her mood became more complicated, and she gave Li Mushen a deep look.

"Li Mushen, so you have such a plan." Mo Lingyue said.

Li Mushen nodded in response to Mo Lingyue. Said to Mo Lingyue: "Yes, I have such a plan. And the opportunities I have to wait here have become less and less. I must hurry up and leave here is the best way, and the best result is me. It is impossible to stay too much on this demon star."

Mo Lingyue thought for a while, and she said to Li Mushen: "Since it is like what you said, you hope to become stronger as soon as possible, to defeat the Heavenly Demon Star Lord as soon as possible. If the most self-improving method is to break this barrier of heaven and earth, then you must go to the tree of stars. Absorb more power of stars from uncle."

"Mo Lingyue, do you know how to lead the Heavenly Demon Star Lord away from that star tree, so that I can take advantage of it." Li Mushen said to Mo Lingyue.

"Have you really made a decision?" Mo Lingyue asked Li Mushen again.

Li Mushen nodded heavily. From his expression, it was indeed like this. Li Mushen did not lie in the slightest, nor did he deceive Mo Lingyue in the slightest.

Therefore, Mo Lingyue sighed in her heart, and said to Li Mushen: "Okay! Li Mushen, since you have made a decision, of course I choose to support you and find a way to follow the tree for your Heavenly Demon Star Lord. Take it away from the tree of stars, so that you have the opportunity to absorb the power of the stars from the tree of stars."

Hearing what Mo Lingyue said, Li Mushen opened his mouth with joy and said to Mo Lingyue: "Mo Lingyue, then I'll leave it all to you."

"All of this is for Tianmoxing." Mo Lingyue looked at Li Mushen deeply, and he said to Li Mushen: "Now all the stars above Tianmoxing, they are all living in the oppression and exploitation of Tianmoxingzhu. , living in dire straits every day, being able to find a way to overthrow the rule of the Heavenly Demon Star Lord on the Heavenly Demon Star, and also allow everyone to be rescued from the dire strife sooner!"

"I know, I will try my best to help you." Li Mushen said to Mo Lingyue.

A smile appeared on Mo Lingyue's face, and he said to Li Mushen: "Since you are ready, Li Mushen, then you should wait for me for a few days. I will make a detailed plan in the next few days. It's time to act!"

Li Mushen nodded.

Li Mushen finally thanked Mo Lingyue, and did not continue to stay at the residence of Mo Lingyue, and returned to his own mountain.

After Li Mushen returned to his own mountain, Li Mushen began to practice again, to make his strength constantly stronger, to make his strength more terrifying and amazing!

While Mo Lingyue was making plans, she was recruiting star powerhouses in the small and medium-sized worlds to get rid of Mo Lingyue's plan and everything about Li Mushen.

Mo Lingyue told the star powerhouses in the small world, and said to the star powerhouses in the small world: "This time all our hopes are placed on Li Mushen to overthrow the rule of the Sky Devil Star Lord above the Sky Devil Star, Everything needs the help of Li Mushen, and Li Mushen also has this ability, I believe he can do it!"

"However, Lord Mo Lingyue, the Lord of the Devil Star, is an absolutely powerful existence in the Sky Devil Star, and its strength is unimaginable. It is extremely shocking that we really have the opportunity to be able to take the Devil Star Lord from Is the place where the star tree of Tianmoxing is led away?"

"He will leave." Mo Lingyue said in a deep voice: "The Lord of the Devil Star has always hoped to catch me, and after he catches me, he can become the real Star Lord of the Devil Star on the entire Sky Devil when he sees me appear. When he is in front of him, he will definitely not give up like this!"

Mo Lingyue's words made the faces of the star powerhouses in this small world suddenly change at this moment, and their mood was not good. They quickly said to Mo Lingyue: "Lord Mo Lingyue, you can't do this. Do it! You are the spiritual leader among us now, and you are all dead, so how do we go to see the dead Demon Star Lord!"

Mo Lingyue rejected the words of these star powerhouses and said to them: "I have made a decision, and then I will do things as planned. I have full confidence in you, and I believe you will be able to do it. ."

The star powerhouses present, they looked at Mo Lingyue and sighed, but they didn't know what to say to Mo Lingyue.

"Since the Lord of the Devil Moon Heaven has made a decision, then we can only follow the arrangement of Lord Devil Moon Moon."

These star powerhouses said helplessly.

Next, Mo Lingyue said to them: "You all start to prepare. After 3 days, you will gather on the square of the small world. After the gathering is completed, it is time to go to the ruins of the demon."

After saying this, Mo Lingyue didn't stop there, turned around and left and told Li Mushen the time.

The arrival of Mo Lingyue made Li Mushen open his eyes, and Li Mushen looked at Mo Lingyue and said to Mo Lingyue, "How is it?"

Mo Lingyue said to Li Mushen: "We have already made a plan to gather in the square after 3 days, and then we will go to the ruins of Tianmo. You should prepare first."

Li Mushen nodded in response to Mo Lingyue, "Okay, I will wait on the square in the small world after 3 days."

Mo Lingyue nodded, he took a deep look at Li Mushen, did not stop, turned and left.

Li Mushen crossed his knees at the top of the mountain, watching the back of Mo Lingyue leaving, and finally withdrew his gaze.

In the next three days, Li Mushen did not relax at all. After all, they were going to face the Heavenly Demon Star Lord, the ruler of the entire Heavenly Demon Star!

Therefore, Li Mushen can't have any carelessness, and he must face it carefully!

Three days passed almost in the blink of an eye, and three days came quickly.

Three days later, Li Mushen left his cultivation mountain and successfully reached the square in the small world.

What surprised Li Mushen was that when Li Mushen came to the square of this small world, he saw hundreds of star powerhouses. Obviously, they had been waiting in this square for a long time.

And when Li Mushen came to the square, he immediately attracted the attention of all the star powerhouses present. They almost set their eyes on Li Mushen's body, as if to show Li Mushen. It has to be thoroughly understood!

The Li Mushen in front of him, this seemingly ordinary young man, actually condensed dozens of demon stars in his body?

The young man in front of him is the hope of the entire Heavenly Demon Star, can they get rid of the light?

The young man in front of him was even willing to let Mo Lingyue give his life for it, to win away the Lord of the Heavenly Demons above the Heavenly Demons, so that Li Mushen had the opportunity to absorb the power of the stars from the uncle!

Facing the gazes of these star powerhouses present, Li Mushen's gaze seemed extremely indifferent, of course there was no change in his expression, and he seemed calm and profound.

Mo Lingyue saw Li Mushen, came to his heart, breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Mo Lingyue smiled beautifully, even fascinated.

He said to Li Mushen, "You are here."

Li Mushen nodded, but his eyes were puzzled, and he asked Mo Lingyue to say to Mo Lingyue: "Why do so many star powerhouses come from the small world."

After all, Li Mushen also has some grasp of the demon star in front of him, and also has some understanding of everything on the demon star, that is, he deeply knows, deeply understands!