Primordial God

Chapter 1314: High spirits

The incomparably violent power of the stars surged between the whole world, which made people feel absolutely shocking, and then there was a huge minion, fiercely shooting at Li Mushen and Mo Lingyue?

When this huge claw hits the bodies of Li Mushen and Mo Lingyue, for Li Mushen and Mo Lingyue, their final result must be in the giant claw!

All of this is unimaginable and leaves people speechless!

When a huge minion came to shoot, Li Mushen and Mo Lingyue quickly avoided to the side!

The power contained in that giant claw is absolutely terrifying. When it was photographed, it almost shocked the entire earth!

Several cracks were split open directly in the earth. It is conceivable how powerful the power contained in this giant claw is, which makes people never dare to be careless!

Of course, this didn't stop there, and soon, from that giant claw, power surged out again, fell fiercely, and continued to pat Li Mushen and Mo Lingyue heavily!

Without any hesitation, the two evaded again!

However, this giant claw has a suppressing effect, and the speed of wanting to avoid it is not as fast as they imagined, especially the power of the magic moon is not as strong as Li Mushen, so when the giant claw shoots When she came, even if she wanted to avoid it, she seemed powerless!

With a loud noise, the giant claw slammed onto Mo Lingyue's body!

Mo Lingyue snorted and was shot and flew out and fell to the ground!

For Mo Lingyue, he only felt a sharp pain in his body, and Mo Lingyue's face became extremely pale at this moment, and he could hardly say a word!

When Li Mushen saw this scene, his brows wrinkled. When that giant claw attacked Mo Lingyue again, Li Mushen shot again!

There was power in the hands of Li Mushen, and when the power in his hands was separated, it landed on Mo Lingyue's body again!

Mo Lingyue was directly blasted out, and the injuries suffered on Mo Lingyue's body this time became even more serious.

Even Mo Lingyue's mouth vomited blood, and her breath became extremely weak!

I'm afraid this is something that no one thought of, and such a huge change has taken place all of a sudden!

This Demon Moon is so powerful, it has far exceeded their imagination!

Just came to this barren ancient cave, Mo Lingyue has been severely damaged, whether it is Mo Lingyue himself or Li Mushen, they did not expect it!

The power is still surging, and it is still becoming stronger!

Seeing that the giant claw was about to obliterate the Demon Moon, Li Mushen dared not have any hesitation and he would take action!

Li Mushen was very fast, and he appeared in front of Mo Lingyue!

Li Mushen's body stood upright, as sharp as an unsheathed sword, and the body of Li Mushen also exuded an incomparably powerful and terrifying aura!

When the giant claw came, he used the power in his body and stretched out his hand to block the falling giant claw!

When Li Mushen blocked the giant claw that fell, he only felt that his whole body sank, and the monstrous power rushed forward like a river bursting through the embankment. Li Mushen felt great pressure, and even let Li Mushen feel great pressure. It's almost unbearable!

Li Mushen kept retreating backwards. Under this force, he took dozens of steps back before he stopped his retreating figure.

But fortunately, Li Mushen also blocked the giant claw that fell!

Of course all this is only temporary!

Because after the next giant claw that fell, a second one fell to Li Mushen fiercely, and the power contained in the second giant claw was stronger than the first giant claw. The power that belongs to him is even more powerful and terrifying, which is unimaginable by Li Mushen!

The power is surging and piercing the sky, as if it can destroy everything in the world. The pair of cold buildings exposed in the darkness seems to be mocking and sneering.

When the second giant claw rushed in fiercely towards Li Mushen, Li Mushen could no longer resist, and was blasted out, and his body was immediately severely injured!

For Li Mushen, now he can hardly say a word, this is something that no one can expect to predict!

Li Mushen also groaned. When the two giant claws clapped, Li Mushen was unable to resist. He was blasted back out, and also fell to the ground.

However, although Li Mushen fell to the ground, he was not seriously injured on Li Mushen's body.

Those pair of icy long eyes looked at Li Mushen and Mo Lingyue coldly, along with a slight tremor on the ground, it slowly revealed its own figure.

This is a huge primordial demon creature. Above the body of this primal demon creature, it is only seven or eight feet high. It is like a hill, with a magnificent style. On his back, a silver waterfall is pulled out. Next, this time, there are countless sharp and slender thorns on his body, on his back!

The whole body is covered with Lingling's armor, and the spirit of the thick defense is not so easy to break!

Everything seems so spirited, so unbelievable!

Looking back, the ancient demon creature looked so powerful. When he appeared in front of Li Mushen and Mo Lingyue, his eyes were condescending, and he looked at Li Mushen and Mo Lingyue coldly. Also with contempt!

Especially this primordial demon creature, whose eyes are as big as grinding discs, the power contained in it is naturally absolutely terrifying, making it hard to resist!

All this is absolutely shocking, almost speechless!

Under the glyph of life, although Li Mushen suffered some injuries on her body, the injuries she suffered on her body soon recovered. After the injury recovered, Li Mushen also stood up again.

He poured the power of this life glyph into Mo Lingyue's body, and also healed the wounds on her body for Mo Lingyue, and soon completely healed all the injuries it suffered for Mo Lingyue, It's back to its original shape!

Mo Lingyue's face returned to ruddy, she stood up and looked at this ancient demon creature with a solemn expression.

"This is the primordial demon creatures. They absorb the power of the stars here, and even the Heavenly Demon Star Lord dare not provoke them easily. Li Mushen, you must be careful and don't be careless."

Mo Lingyue's expression was very solemn, he opened his mouth and said to Li Mushen, and his words were full of worries about Li Mushen!

However, Li Mushen said to Mo Lingyue indifferently: "Take care of yourself, don't worry about my safety, I have no problem."

That's right, Li Mushen has full confidence in his own strength. Although he is now on the verge of defeat under the attack of those ancient demons, this is nothing to Li Mushen!

Li Mushen's attack is still getting stronger and stronger, and the power it contains is also getting stronger and stronger!

All this is unstoppable and unbearable!

He and the ancient demon creatures played against each other, and Li Mushen constantly used the methods of cultivation techniques. He first used the magic of the immortal King Kong to improve his defense master!

After raising his own defense power, although the ancient demon creatures are powerful, they can't see how serious injuries they can cause to Li Mushen's body!

On the contrary, under the attack of Li Mushen, the primordial demon creature seemed a little helpless, because he could not find a way to deal with Li Mushen, and he did not do anything to Li Mushen. The fight is losing ground!

All of this made it easier for Li Mushen to deal with it, and his body would not be seriously injured because of this!

And in the vortex of stars in Li Mushen's body, from that vortex of stars, there is a surging power rushing!

In this way, you will become more powerful! At the same time, in Li Mushen's body, blood-colored tentacles also appeared!

These **** tentacles were as sharp as steel knives, piercing directly into the body of the ancient demon creature!

As these tentacles like steel knives pierced into the bodies of the ancient demons, they were constantly devouring the power of the stars in Li Mushen's body!

Constantly absorbing and refining the power of the stars in the body of the ancient demons, in order to make Li Mushen's own strength stronger!

Li Mushen's eyes were extremely hot, he could feel how powerful the power of the stars contained in the body of this ancient demon creature was, it was absolutely shocking to her!

Even this made Li Mushen's eyes so full of emotion that he couldn't say a word!

Under this powerful power, Li Mushen's strength has been greatly improved!

And in the body of Li Mushen, the power of the stars he masters is also constantly improving and becoming stronger!

As the power of the stars in Li Mushen's body becomes stronger and more terrifying, the power that Li Mushen can exert becomes even more amazing!

All of this is shocking. The demon next to him can clearly feel that the power of Li Mushen is undergoing earth-shaking changes, but the power of the ancient demons is also undergoing earth-shaking changes, but the two The strength gap between them has gradually narrowed!

The more the power of the stars devoured in Li Mushen's body, the weaker the power it can have and can burst out for the primordial demon creatures. The ancient demon creatures were easily defeated in the hands of Li Mushen, and those tentacles that were blood-colored like steel knives and sharp blades also stretched back, bringing with them the power of powerful stars, pouring into Li Mushen's body, and Li Mushen's strength has been improved once again!

Li Mushen's eyes were even more radiant and radiant!