Primordial God

Chapter 1315: battle

For Li Mushen, the help to Li Mushen is too huge, and everything is completely unexpected. I am afraid that no one knows what the final result will be!

In the eyes of Li Mushen, there is light flashing, and with the dazzling light flashing in Li Mushen's eyes, the power emanating from Li Mushen's body becomes so amazing, all of which are absorbed. The power in the body of the ancient demon has grown stronger!

After completing all this, Li Mushen said to Mo Lingyue: "It is indeed full of endless power of stars, which can continuously make the power in my body stronger, and then I will absorb more ancient demons. The power of the stars in the soul!"

Mo Lingyue said to Li Mushen: "Although the power of the stars contained in the body of the ancient demons is powerful, it can never be compared to those trees of stars. If you really want to strengthen yourself and resist the Lord of Heavenly Demons, If you become the Lord of the Heavenly Demons in the entire Heavenly Demon Star, because the power of the stars in the body of the ancient demons is far from being able to meet the needs of your body, you need to get a tree of stars, or even more trees of stars!"

After a pause, Mo Lingyue said to Li Mushen: "And a tree of stars or even more trees of stars, the power of stars contained in it is extremely powerful and vast, and it should be enough to make you strong enough to be able to To the point of contending with the Heavenly Demon Star Lord!"

Li Mushen nodded, and she said to Mo Lingyue: "I understand everything you said, then I will put the search for the tree of stars in the first place. As for those ancient demon creatures, if I have a chance, I will put these ancient demons The living beings lie on the plane, and if there is no chance, I will not force it."

"It's a good way to do this." Mo Lingyue was satisfied with Li Mushen and nodded.

Next, Mo Lingyue and Li Mushen walked through this barren ancient cave, constantly looking for the traces of the star tree in this barren ancient cave. Obviously, the star tree is hidden in this barren ancient cave. Incomparably deep, it is not an easy thing to find those trees of stars!

On the contrary, in this barren ancient cave, there are more and more immemorial demons and creatures encountered, and those immemorial demons that I have seen have become more and more powerful, not even Li Mushen and Mo Lingyue. can resist!

On the bodies of Li Mushen and the ancient demon creatures, the injuries they suffered on their bodies became more and more!

Fortunately, Li Mushen has the existence of the Glyph of Life in the hands. Although he and Mo Lingyue were severely injured by the attacks of those ancient demon creatures, the injuries she suffered on her body soon disappeared. recovered!

After the injury on his body was fully recovered, Li Mushen fought back against those ancient demons. The power contained in Li Mushen was strong enough, and she also possessed enough strength to fight back against those ancient demons!

Therefore, Li Mushen's strength has been greatly improved and a huge breakthrough has been obtained. All of this has not exceeded Li Mushen's expectations. Everything is under the control of Li Mushen!

And in Li Mushen's body, the power is still endlessly surging and rushing endlessly. In this way, Li Mushen's strength is being improved every moment, and because Li Mushen is here on Li Mushen The primordial demon creatures became more and more, so the strength that Li Mushen could control also became stronger and stronger!

All of this was actually expected by Li Mushen!

Since the dozens of stars in Li Mushen's body have evolved into the current vortex of stars, as long as he has enough strength and enough power, Li Mushen can continue to grow his strength, and now what he lacks is this opportunity. !

Now it seems that he has found this one that can continuously absorb the power of the stars. Once Li Mushen completely absorbs the power of the stars, it will be extremely helpful for Li Mushen to improve his strength!

It will not be long before Li Mushen's strength will undergo earth-shaking changes, and Li Mushen's cultivation will have a huge breakthrough!

This is what no one expected, and what you want is the result that no one can imagine!

Li Mushen is facing those powerful ancient demon creatures, because although they have absolutely powerful strength, Li Mushen does not take this to heart, because Li Mushen also has enough strength!

The powerful strength still possessed by Li Mushen shocked almost everyone. It was something that no one thought of, and a result that no one could predict.

Finally, at a certain moment, the power of the stars absorbed by Li Mushen has reached its peak, and he has once again made a huge leap!

But for those ancient demon creatures in this barren ancient cave, what the ancient demon creatures did to Li Mushen, are they absolutely angry!

All this done by Li Mushen, especially in the desolate ancient caves, the harm to those ancient demon creatures made them even more angry in their hearts!

Therefore, what you will face next is not one primordial demon creature, but several primordial devil creatures to surround Li Mushen, so even if you are in absolute predicament!

In this absolute predicament, whether it is Li Mushen or Mo Lingyue, there are worries in their eyes. It seems that solving this problem at hand is no longer as simple as the beginning. The attack launched, I am not as easy to deal with as Li Mushen before!

Under the attack of the few ancient demon creatures, Li Mushen directly presented the attitude of defeat, and was constantly pushed out, but Li Mushen was also injured by those ancient demon creatures on his body!

On Li Mushen's body, only this countless blood flowed out!

There are countless claw marks all over Li Mushen's body, and those claw marks are even deeper. Li Mushen's skin is dripping with blood and looks extremely terrifying!

Of course, for Mo Lingyue, what Mo Lingyue has suffered is stronger than that of Li Mushen, and it is also unpredictable by Li Mushen!

Mo Lingyue's face was already pale, and under this attack, he kept showing the attitude of defeat. If this continued, the final result of this Mo Lingyue would be death!

Mo Lingyue was beaten and retreated, and the aura of power emanating from her extremely pale face has become extremely weak!

Under the attack of the ancient demon creature, Mo Lingyue was finally unable to resist, it let out a muffled groan, and there were scars all over Mo Lingyue's body!

At this time, Mo Lingyue, she didn't even have the ability to stand up!

I have to say that in this barren ancient cave, the strength of those ancient demon creatures has become stronger and stronger.

In the same way, the immemorial demon creatures that Li Mushen and Mo Lingyue encountered were under the siege of those immemorial demon creatures.

Both of them suffered different injuries on their bodies.

Among them, especially Mo Lingyue's body was injured the most!

But for Mo Lingyue, she had no choice but to silently resist this terrifying power.

Mo Lingyue's face was extremely pale, and her breath had become extremely weak!

At this time, it can even be said that Mo Lingyue can't say a word!

But Mo Lingyue gritted her teeth, silently resisting all this, and silently enduring it all.

Because now she can't let Li Mushen help him at all!

After all, on Li Mushen's side, Li Mushen's injuries were also extremely serious!

If you go to Li Mushen for help yourself, I am afraid that it will not be long before Li Mushen will be defeated!

Today, this is an extraordinary period, and such a thing must not be done!

Therefore, Mo Lingyue could only endure all this silently.

You must know that in today's Demon Moon, what she has to deal with is not an ancient demon creature.

But two primordial demon creatures.

When these two ancient demons were powerful, the power of the stars contained in them was not something she could resist at all.

That is to say, if Mo Lingyue persists like this, she will surely die!

No one can save her!

But if not, is there any other way to solve it?

Li Mushen didn't know.

For Li Mushen, there is a dazzling light in his eyes, shining with dazzling brilliance!

With the dazzling brilliance that flickered in Li Mushen's eyes, everything looked extremely flickering, and the fiery eyes were like two blazing suns on the sky.

This is amazing!

This is terrifying!

Li Mushen used his own power, and what he faced was not an ancient demon creature.

Likewise, what he faced was not two primordial demon creatures.

The breath is ferocious, like a torrent that bursts a dike, pouring out in all directions!

Now, in Li Mushen's body, the power that erupts can almost destroy the sky and the earth!

The eyes of those ancient demon creatures were fierce and slaughtered!

With monstrous murderous intent!

For these ancient demon creatures, Li Mushen will surely die today!

Unexpectedly, someone dared to break into the barren ancient cave, it is simply courting death!

The coercion of tyrannical power, the power of terrifying stars.

No matter what it is, when these ancient demons burst out, nothing can be resisted by Li Mushen.

Li Mushen's face has become extremely ugly, and he can't find a way to solve it.

Only which vortex of stars in his body.

From the vortex of stars, a tyrannical force continuously emerged for Li Mushen!

The power of the tyrant, pouring out the eight wastes!



This is all that Li Mushen can do now!

Other than that, there is no other way!

Therefore, Li Mushen couldn't help but miss the Tiandi Mall in his body.

It's just that in his body, Tiandi Mall has long since not known where he went!

Everything is absolutely helpless!

An indescribable thing!

Again, there is no way to find a solution to the problem at hand!