Primordial God

Chapter 1316: run away

Today's Li Mushen, he can only completely rely on his own strength!

Therefore, all that Li Mushen wants to do is to defeat these ancient demon creatures!

After defeating these immemorial demon creatures, completely devour the power in these immemorial demon creatures, completely refine the power in their bodies, and possess them!

Only in this way can Li Mushen's own strength become stronger!

Only in this way will Li Mushen have enough strength to deal with the Heavenly Demon Star Lord on that day's Demon Star!

Until that time, perhaps Li Mushen will have a chance to defeat the Heavenly Demon Star Lord!

Therefore, in the eyes of Li Mushen, it is an absolute will to fight!

The rising fighting spirit is surging!

Like the rough sea in the endless sea, there are huge waves!

The waves are surging, earth-shaking!

It seems that at this moment, even the entire ground is shaking with it!

Power is surging.

Suddenly, Li Mushen made his move.

He shouted angrily, only to see countless terrifying auras of power suddenly erupted from Li Mushen's body!

The aura of terrifying power that burst out changed into sharp swords like steel knives in an instant!

These are the terrifying tentacles that were transformed by the power in the vortex of stars!

The power contained in those terrifying tentacles is shocking!

Everything, but also people can not say a word!

I'm afraid, no one expected the final result would be like this!

For those ancient demon creatures, when they burst out with such terrifying power in Li Mushen's body, their expressions also became extremely dignified!

This makes those ancient demon creatures never dare to be careless about Li Mushen's strength, and they must be careful!

Otherwise, these ancient demon creatures will probably end up in a gutter and capsize!

hoo hoo hoo! ! !

These ancient demon creatures made a roaring sound, and the roaring sound almost resounded in the whole world, as if it shattered people's ears!

Li Mushen's expression is indifferent, his eyes are very deep!

He controlled those **** tentacles to attack those ancient demon creatures!

Almost in an instant, those **** tentacles shuttled out!

shhhhhhhh! ! !

The void is directly pierced!

Those **** tentacles were directly wound around the bodies of those ancient demon creatures.

When the blood-colored tentacles wrapped around the body of the ancient demon creature, it burst out with absolutely terrifying power in an instant!

At this moment, the face of the ancient demon creature became absolutely pale!

The body of the ancient demon creature was directly pierced!

The blood-colored tentacles completely penetrated the bodies of those ancient demon creatures, endlessly absorbing the power of the stars in those ancient demon creatures!

hoo hoo hoo! ! !

Those ancient demon creatures were absorbed by Li Mushen with the power of the stars in their bodies, and they made a roar of horror and anger!

But unfortunately, their roars have no effect on Li Mushen!

Li Mushen still seemed calm, the tentacles that his power of the stars turned into pierced into the bodies of those ancient demon creatures, how could it be that those ancient demon creatures could break free if they wanted to break free!

On the bodies of those ancient demon creatures, they have suffered great damage!

Especially after the power of the stars in the body has been absorbed by Li Mushen, it has a great influence on those ancient demon creatures!

Today, those ancient demon creatures can't say a word!

Moreover, on the bodies of these ancient demon creatures, the breath has also become extremely weak!

The bodies of these ancient demons are so weak that it is difficult to describe everything in words!

Li Mushen is constantly devouring the power of the stars in these ancient demon creatures through the blood-colored tentacles!

As the power of the stars devoured by Li Mushen becomes more and more, the aura on Li Mushen's body also becomes stronger and stronger!

His power has also become more and more shocking!

This is probably not expected by anyone!

In the eyes of Li Mushen, the light is bright!

This is an increase in strength!

Even though Li Mushen's body is seriously injured now, he is recovering quickly at the moment!

Soon, Li Mushen's physical injuries completely recovered!

Those ancient demon creatures want to escape at this time!

They were terrified!

Looking at Li Mushen is like looking at a demon!

They never imagined that in this world, someone could devour the power of the stars in their bodies!

If Li Mushen completely devoured and absorbed the power of the stars in their bodies, for these ancient demon creatures, the result waiting for them would be death!

All this will not be beyond anyone's expectations!

Everything will be the result!

A sneer appeared in Li Mushen's eyes, he sensed the intentions of these ancient demon creatures, and said, "Is it too late to escape now?"

Those ancient demon creatures were terrified and wanted to beg Li Mushen for mercy.

Li Mushen ignored it.

In the **** tentacles, the power increased again.

Finally, the blood-colored tentacles completely absorbed the power of the stars in these ancient demon creatures!

Desperate screams sounded!

In their panic and despair, these ancient demon creatures finally became extremely angry!

Therefore, at this time, they all know that now they have no way out!

There are not many opportunities left for them now, and that is to fight against Li Mushen!

Only in this way will Li Mushen pay the price he deserves!

Damn Li Mushen!

The **** guy!

In the hearts of these ancient demon creatures, they were furious!

Therefore, since Li Mushen does not intend to let them go, then they intend to come to a dead end!

The big deal, we all die together!

These immemorial demon creatures are also resolute in their minds!

I didn't expect to make such a decision!

Even Li Mushen did not guess.

But for Li Mushen, of course he doesn't care about the problem in front of him!

For the current Li Mushen, what he has to do is actually very simple!

At the corner of Li Mushen's mouth, a range appeared!

Immediately afterwards, a sneer appeared on Li Mushen's face.

The power of the fire-shaped glyphs of the ancient gods burns in his hands!

Slowly, the power of the stars surrounds.

Soon a long sword with absolute power was formed in his hand!

The power contained in this flaming long sword is amazing!

is terrifying!

It is unimaginable!

In an instant, absolutely terrifying power erupted from the Rocket Long Sword!

Suddenly, the power is monstrous!

Completely galloping up!

When those ancient demon creatures rushed towards Li Mushen, Li Mushen swept away with a sword!

The power contained in the long sword is astonishing and terrifying, and it is all that they cannot bear!

In the end, those ancient demon creatures died tragically in the hands of Li Mushen, and all of this was without any accident!

After finishing all this, Li Mushen breathed a sigh of relief, and he also spit out a sigh of turbidity!

But suddenly, Li Mushen's face suddenly changed!

Because at this time, he had already thought of the Demon Moon!

With the strength of one person, Mo Lingyue's strength is not strong. If she faces those ancient demon creatures, she can't resist it at all!

I have been concentrating on meeting the enemy, completely ignoring the Demon Moon Moon!

At this time, Li Mushen had the opportunity to pay attention to the magic moon.

Now, the body of this demon has been severely injured, and the whole body is full of claw marks left by the ancient demons. For the ancient demons, it may not be long before they can take this Kill the Demon Moon!

If Li Mushen doesn't take action to save Mo Lingyue, I am afraid she will die in the hands of this Mo Lingyue in a short while.

This is not impossible!

Li Mushen took a deep breath, and there was a terrifying flame burning in his eyes.

At this time, Li Mushen's strength has also been greatly improved!

Suddenly, Li Mushen shot.

He transformed into a flaming sword in his hand!

When he raised his hand, the flaming sword shot out from his hand!

At breakneck speed, almost as fast as lightning!

This is absolutely shocking!

For those two primordial demon creatures, they wanted to avoid it, but at this time they seemed out of touch!

Puff twice!

The bodies of these two ancient demon creatures were directly pierced by this flaming long sword!

The scarlet blood looked dazzling and splashed out!

To those two primordial demon creatures, they let out a scream!

The screams were filled with absolute pain!

Now, these two primordial demon creatures have been unable to say a word!

This is absolutely terrifying for those two ancient demon creatures!

I'm afraid, none of these two ancient demon creatures would have thought that the strength possessed by Li Mushen was so powerful!

It has far exceeded their expectations!

Waiting for them, the final result is death!

All of this seems so shocking!

So speechless!

Li Mushen's eyes were cold and ruthless.

In front of her eyes, countless flaming swords appeared.

The power contained in each flaming sword is shocking enough!

Similarly, for those ancient demon creatures, it also makes their hearts feel terrified!

Those ancient demon creatures, they can't say a word!

In a sudden instant, those flaming long swords suddenly shot out!

The terrifying power that erupted is simply shocking!

It's something no one expected!

Similarly, it is also the result that no one expected!

The void shakes!

Straight through the void!

Those two primordial demon creatures didn't dare to hesitate, they turned around and fled!

However, how could Li Mushen let these ancient demons escape?

shhhhhh! ! !

The long sword pierced through the void and passed by at an extremely fast speed. Almost in the blink of an eye, a terrifying sword formation was formed!

In this sword formation, the two immemorial demons were completely surrounded by them!

As a result, it is almost impossible for the two ancient demon creatures to escape from this sword formation!