Primordial God

Chapter 1327: Ruthless obliteration

"The me now, you thought it would be so easy to deal with." There was an arc at the corner of Li Mushen's mouth, and he said lightly to the undead Huofeng.

After speaking, the power in Li Mushen's body exploded, his hands slowly contracted, and his legs moved slowly.

With the loud bang, the flame chains that trapped Li Mushen were almost freed by Li Mushen in an instant!

All of this is unexpected, and I am afraid that no one would have expected such a result in the end.

The eyes of Li Mushen were flickering, and the heart of the undead fire phoenix also became more solemn at this time, so that he would never dare to be careless!

The undead phoenix at this time surged out with the power in his body!

In an instant, the undead phoenix shot!

With the immortal fire phoenix shot, the violent force immediately destroyed everything in this world, and bombarded Li Mushen's body in an instant.

And Li Mushen used the indestructible magic of Eternal King Kong. Even if the powerful force of the undead phoenix bombarded his body, in fact, for Li Mushen, it had almost no serious impact on him!

Li Mushen's eyes were extremely deep, he stretched out his hand, and when the undead phoenix attacked him, he firmly grasped the undead phoenix's legs!

In this way, the undead fire phoenix would not be able to break free from Li Mushen's hands!

Firmly grasp, almost unshakable!

Ferocious flames spewed out of the undead phoenix's mouth!

The fierce flames burned the sky and burned away like Li Mushen!

However, Li Mushen still didn't see the flame in his eyes, raised his hand and pointed, and easily chopped the burning flame directly to pieces!

After Li Mushen completed all this, he also looked at the undead phoenix.

The undead fire phoenix kept making angry roars, roars, and roars!

But unfortunately, what he has done is still useless, unable to resist Li Mushen!

But for the time being, Li Mushen couldn't find any other way to solve the problem at hand!

Finally, following Li Mushen's deep gaze, he directly jumped up and landed on the body of this undead phoenix!

When Li Mushen fell on the body of this undead phoenix, no matter how the undead phoenix broke free, he could not break Li Mushen from the body of the undead phoenix!

Li Mushen stood on the body of the immortal fire phoenix. In the hands of Li Mushen, through the power of the ancient gods and the power of the fire-shaped glyph, a chain was directly transformed in his hand, and that chain was easily It is wrapped around the body of the undead phoenix, no matter how hard the undead phoenix works, it cannot be opened from that chain!

"Let go of me, let me go, you abominable and lowly human race!" The undead phoenix roared angrily, but unfortunately he tried to open the chain, but everything was useless, it all failed.

At the same time, despair inevitably arises in the heart of Undying Huofeng. He feels that under this terrifying flame, he will be completely obliterated by Li Mushen, and he is full of unwillingness!

But for the undead phoenix, he couldn't find any other way to solve the problem in front of him!

At this time, Li Mushen said to Undying Huofeng, "Undying Huofeng, you can get today's fortune and swallow the power of so many stars. In fact, I don't want to kill you like this."

"Let go of me, you hateful human race!"

"Be my mount and take me to find the other two star trees in this desolate ancient cave." Li Mushen said to the undead Huofeng.

"You don't want me to take you there!"

But it is a pity that the immortal fire phoenix rejected Li Mushen directly, and he responded coldly to Li Mushen and said to Li Mushen.

Now it seems that this undead phoenix is ​​absolutely tenacious and does not know what to call it!

Li Mushen's eyes looked extremely deep, and he didn't say anything, but there were golden light bursts in his eyes.

But since this undead phoenix spirit is not stubborn, Li Mushen has no intention of showing any mercy to him.

Li Mushen said lightly to the undead phoenix: "Since the undead phoenix doesn't want to kill yourself, then you can blame me."

After speaking, a burst of power surged out.

Li Mushen shot directly, his power is extremely powerful, when it falls on the body of the undead phoenix, this is almost unbearable for the undead phoenix!

That chain tightly imprisoned the undead phoenix, so that the undead phoenix had no other way to break free and escape!

"Heaven has a way, you don't go, **** has no door, you have to go."

Li Mushen's eyes were cold, and he wanted to take the life of this undead phoenix directly!

And at this moment, it was useless for the undead fire phoenix to break free, and the heart of the undead fire phoenix was filled with infinite panic.

Immortal Huofeng didn't want to die, so Immortal Huofeng hurriedly smoked a car with Li Mushen Li Mushen, forgiving what he said just now.

"I listen to you, I listen to you, I will be your mount!" Undying Huofeng said to Li Mushen quickly, especially under the threat of death, Undying Huofeng has no other way to go.

In the barren ancient cave, the immortal Huofeng thought that he was absolutely powerful and unstoppable, but he would never have thought that he found Li Mushen here!

And the powerful Li Mushen is not something he can contend against at all, and then hurriedly begging for mercy from Li Mushen, and temporarily saving his name, this is the safest!

After he is safe, the immortal Huofeng is looking for Li Mushen to settle the account!

And this is what Li Mushen planned in his heart!

But Li Mushen doesn't care, what plans are in the heart of this undead phoenix now, since he has made a decision, he will practice it.

Therefore, when the undead fire phoenix begged for mercy, Li Mushen responded indifferently, and the undead fire phoenix said to the undead fire phoenix: "Unfortunately, it is too late for you to say this now."

Li Mushen made another move. This time, the star vortex in his body erupted completely. The power of the stars contained in it almost destroyed the sky and the earth. The undead Huofeng only felt that half of his own foot had stepped into it at this time. I went to the Palace of the King of Hell, but for the undead phoenix, there was no other way to save his life!

The undead fire phoenix let out an angry roar, and he roared at Li Mushen at the intersection of despair: "Okay, you **** human race ant, you want to force me, since you want to kill me, then I will never let you go !"

Said that there is also a terrifying flame on the body of the undead fire phoenix, burning the sky and measuring the earth fiercely. For the undead fire phoenix, his body is rapidly expanding and growing rapidly. The power emanating from Feng's body made even Li Mushen feel extremely heartbroken!

Let Li Mushen feel absolutely shocked!

Li Mushen frowned, and he secretly said in his heart: "Damn, this undead Huofeng wants to explode?"

If the undead Huofeng knew, the power that erupted in it was almost unbearable and unbearable by Li Mushen!

Therefore, without any hesitation, Li Mushen let go of the undead Huofeng and turned around and fled backwards, but how could the undead Huofeng let Li Mushen escape!

He let out a crazy laugh, and the power to destroy the sky and the earth erupted from the body of the undead phoenix in an instant!

With the outbreak of this kind of power, it suddenly rushed out like a torrent of dykes, surging between the whole world, destroying the sky and destroying the earth, and being extremely overbearing!

As for Li Mushen, he wanted to escape, avoiding a terrifying force, but for the current Li Mushen, even if he wanted to escape, he seemed powerless!

That's right, Li Mushen was also hit by this terrifying force!

When this terrifying force bombarded Li Mushen's body, Li Mushen only felt that the flesh and blood of the whole body were about to collapse, and the bones were about to shatter!

Li Mushen groaned, the whole person fell to the ground, his face was pale, and he didn't even have the courage to stand up!

And in the body of Li Mushen, the terrifying flame was burning, this is the violent power contained in the undead phoenix!

Li Mushen's whole body, flesh and blood, was burning under this terrifying flame, and Li Mushen couldn't find any other way to solve it!

Li Mushen can only endure it silently, the terrifying power is constantly being used at the same time, the power of the stars in the body is combined with the power of the withering pattern of life, and he is recovering from the serious injury he suffered on his body!

Fortunately, although the power of Undying Huofeng's self-exposure is terrifying, it did not directly kill Li Mushen, which also made Li Mushen take a sigh of relief!

The entire volcano has now become embarrassed, and the entire volcano has almost turned into ruins!

Among the ruins, the smoke and dust billowed, filling the sky and covering the sky, endless.

From that volcano, there is also lava surging!

As for the magma gushing out of the volcano, it rushed out from the volcano, spreading the entire barren ancient cave.

This magma contains the same terrifying power. Wherever it passes, it swallows all the flowers, plants and trees one by one.

Finally, from that volcano, endless magma spread on Li Mushen's body, covering Li Mushen's whole body. At this time, the fire-shaped carvings in Li Mushen's body suddenly burst into an amazing light!

The sudden change made Li Mushen have no idea!

The endless stream of flames poured into Li Mushen's body, constantly pushing Li Mushen's strength to the peak!

Continue to make Li Mushen's strength even stronger!

No matter how this is absolutely shocking, it is impossible to say a word!

From the magma of the volcano, the power contained in it was completely integrated into the body of Li Mushen. With the terrifying and endless power, it was integrated into the body of Li Mushen. The improvement of Li Mushen's strength became even more extraordinary. The size is unimaginable and absolutely shocking!

I'm afraid this is the result that no one expected!

The power is endlessly rushing, and the power it contains has become stronger and more amazing. As these powers continue to pour into Li Mushen's body, the improvement of Li Mushen is huge!

Li Mushen's strength is still making huge breakthroughs, and Li Mushen's strength is still getting the biggest improvement.