Primordial God

Chapter 1328: two roads

With this endless power surging, Li Mushen's strength has once again broken through!

Li Mushen didn't expect that with the star tree in this sea of ​​fire, I don't know how many years it has been bred, so that it contains such terrifying and amazing power!

The power of stars contained in this magma is simply equivalent to the power of stars contained in half a tree of stars, so vast and amazing!

Finally, when Li Mushen completely devoured the power of the stars contained in the sea of ​​​​fire, the breakthrough of Li Mushen's strength has achieved an incomparably huge progress!

In Li Mushen's heart, he bought an absolute shock, his strength is simply beyond words to describe!

The strength that Li Mushen now contains has undergone earth-shaking changes!

All of this is beyond Li Mushen's expectations. It is everything that Li Mushen did not expect to happen, and now such a change has taken place, in fact, for Li Mushen, of course, the help is huge!

The golden light in Li Mushen's eyes was bright. Although he was seriously injured in the self-exposure of the immortal fire phoenix, the injuries on his body were also slowly recovering at this time, and finally the injuries on his body also It's back to normal!

Li Mushen's breath became incomparably powerful, and he slowly stood up from the ground.

After Li Mushen stood up, the power surged, and the terrifying aura of power radiated out, disturbing the whole world, as if the whole world would be shattered directly, and the entire ground was completely crushed!

At this moment, the earth also shattered directly, and the mountains in the distance also collapsed directly, as if there was almost no power in this world that could resist Li Mushen!

As for the soul-devouring crocodile outside the volcano, he watched this scene in horror, unable to describe his mood in words.

However, the Soul Devourering Crocodile doesn't know what the situation of Li Mushen is in the volcano at this time, and whether Li Mushen died in the volcano. unknown!

The soul-devouring crocodile's heart is full of worry. Although he is not dead now, he can feel the power in his body, and the threat to him has become stronger and stronger!

Once the power of Li Mushen in his body breaks out into his body, I am afraid that Li Mushen will not have the ability to resist at all!

Once this happens, this soul-devouring crocodile will surely die!

And while the spirit-devouring crocodile was anxiously waiting, Li Mushen finally arrived.

I saw Li Mushen's eyes flickering with indefinite light, Li Mushen came slowly, and walked out slowly outside, the Soul Devouring Crocodile stared at Li Mushen with wide eyes.

He didn't expect that Li Mushen actually came out of this volcano alive, and that Li Mushen didn't suffer any injuries on his body, which shocked Li Mushen!

This made that soul-devouring crocodile, almost unable to say a word at this time!

And since Li Mushen came out of the volcano alive, the soul-devouring crocodile's heart was filled with an unbelievable thought, could it be the master in this volcano? That undead phoenix had already died in the hands of Li Mushen, and was it obliterated by Li Mushen?

The soul-devouring crocodile doesn't know what the situation is, but the heart of the soul-devouring crocodile is full of worry. He is very worried that this will happen in the end, but for the soul-devouring crocodile, there is nothing that can be done. Refute an idea in his heart!

Because the Soul Devouring Crocodile is also clear, at this time, he may have already guessed it by all means!

"Master, you are out." The voice of the swallowing crocodile couldn't help but tremble, and he respectfully said to Li Mushen.

Li Mushen nodded slightly in response, and the Soul Devouring Heavenly Crocodile said to the Soul Devouring Heavenly Crocodile: "Yes, I came out."

"Master, how is the owner of this volcano, the undead phoenix, now?" The Soul Devouring Crocodile thought for a while, or spoke out the doubts in his heart.

Li Mushen looked at the Soul Devouring Heavenly Crocodile, and the Soul Devouring Heavenly Crocodile didn't dare to speak, and lowered his head stubbornly.

Li Mushen said: "How do you think the current situation of the undead phoenix?"

So I can clearly feel that from when Li Mushen entered the volcano to when Li Mushen came back from the volcano, I feel the biggest change between the two!

It seems that the strength of Li Mushen and the previous strength of Li Mushen have also undergone huge changes at this time. Generally, all of this is unbelievable for Li Mushen!

Li Mushen said to the Soul Devouring Crocodile, "He has already died in my hands."

Li Mushen's words seemed to be light and light, as for the Soul Devouring Heavenly Crocodile listening to Li Mushen's words, the pupils in his eyes shrank suddenly, full of disbelief.

It really is true, even if the most powerful undead phoenix in the entire desolate ancient cave still died in the hands of Li Mushen, then in this desolate ancient cave, even the remaining two powerful ancient demon creatures, they How could it be Li Mushen's opponent!

At this time, the soul-devouring crocodile was full of fear. For him, he must not provoke Li Mushen, because once he provokes Li Mushen, the consequences will be unbearable for him!

Therefore, for the Soul Devouring Crocodile, what he has to do now is actually very simple, that is, honestly and obediently obey Li Mushen what he asks him to do, then he will do what he does, and don't try to provoke Li Mushen in the slightest. !

Once he provokes Li Mushen's words, I am afraid it is what he cannot bear, and it is all that he cannot resist!

The Devouring Alligator couldn't find any other solution.

So now it seems that this soul-devouring crocodile is very respectful to Li Mushen. What Li Mushen wants him to do now, I am afraid what this soul-devouring crocodile will do, and he will never dare to slack off!

"Let's go, now take me to find where the remaining two primordial demon creatures with the tree of stars are."

The Soul Devouring Crocodile didn't dare to hesitate, he nodded quickly and walked through it with Li Mushen.

As for the gleaming light in the eyes of the Soul Devouring Crocodile, which was extremely bright, he took Li Mushen all the way and walked through the entire desolate ancient cave.

As the ground shakes along the way, the rows of star trees fall directly and endlessly. After all the star trees are completely broken, everything will be destroyed!

Li Mushen's eyes flickered with indefinite light!

Soon he came to a valley, and in this valley, Li Mushen once again saw an ancient demon creature. As for the immemorial demon creature seen here, it was Li Mushen who came here. Purpose!

In the eyes of Li Mushen, there is a dazzling light!

When Li Mushen and the Soul Devouring Crocodile came here, they immediately alarmed that one, the ancient demon creatures here!

For that primordial demon creature here, his heart is absolutely angry!

There are still people who dare to break into its territory, it is simply courting death!

In his eyes, full of absolute anger, he looked at Li Mushen and the two soul-devouring crocodiles with cold eyes.

As for Li Mushen, he looked at the primordial demon creature very indifferently.

As for the soul-devouring crocodile, there was some fear in the eyes of the soul-devouring crocodile. After all, the soul-devouring crocodile deeply knew the power of Li Mushen!

The Soul Devouring Swallowing Crocodile faced the ancient demon creature in front of him, but he had no chance of winning, but he took a deep breath. After all, Li Mushen was going to Li Mushen with him, but even the most powerful undead fire in the desolate ancient caves Feng can handle it!

Then it shouldn't be difficult to deal with this ancient demon creature in front of you!

The eyes of the primordial demon creatures flickered with indefinite light!

In this regard, Li Mushen's eyes are still indifferent!

Even the immortal Huofeng is not the opponent of Li Mushen. After killing you, I will go to your territory and get that ancient demon creature that is a tree of stars. Although he is powerful, How could it be seen by Li Mushen, your gaze seemed indifferent, he glanced at that primordial demon creature, then shook his head slightly and withdrew his gaze.

Li Mushen opened his mouth and said to the ancient demon creature: "There are two decisions in front of you now, and two paths for you to choose."

"The first way is to hand over the tree of stars you own, and I will spare your life."

"The second way is not to hand over the tree of stars you own, I will kill you completely again."

"After killing you, I will go to your territory and get that star tree."

For that primordial demon creature, Li Mushen's words were simply arrogant, and it made people feel absolutely angry, and the same was true for that primordial devil creature!

The heart of the ancient demon was full of absolute anger. He had never seen such an arrogant person in this desolate ancient cave. At this time, the ancient demon snorted coldly and said to Li Mushen: "Let me take a look. What the **** do you have to kill me?"

"Ling is not stubborn, I don't know what to do." After Li Mushen shook his head and said a word, his power instantly surged, destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

The powerful force bombarded the body of the ancient demon creature, when the powerful force bombarded the ancient demon creature in the past!

The eyes of the ancient demon creatures are wide, and the brave nephew is fine. He has never seen such a terrifying power. At this time, he was frightened, and he didn't say a word, his expression was pale!

At this time, the ancient demon creatures knew that Li Mushen did have the strength to obliterate it.

And that terrifying power is of course not something that the ancient demon creature can resist, so this ancient demon creature hurriedly fled into the distance.

But it is a pity that the ancient demon creatures want to escape from the attack of Li Mushen, which is almost impossible!