Primordial God

Chapter 1330: sudden change

She had never seen such a powerful primordial demon creature, actually in the hands of Li Mushen, became the mount of Li Mushen.

Li Mushen didn't expect this, so it was inevitable that there was some shock in his eyes!

Mo Lingyue said: "This soul-devouring crocodile, how could he be your mount?"

Because, Mo Lingyue can deeply feel the power of the Soul Devouring Crocodile. Even in a small world, almost all star powerhouses can be the opponents of this Soul Devouring Crocodile, but obviously, this Soul Devouring Crocodile The swallowing crocodile was actually recovered by Li Mushen.

It seems that he is still convinced by this Demon Spirit Moon, how did Demon Spirit Moon never think of it!

Li Mushen was indifferent, "You have been in a coma for seven days."

Li Mushen's words made Mo Lingyue's face suddenly change. Mo Lingyue's eyes widened. She looked at Li Mushen and dared not believe: "Li Mushen, what did you say?"

"How could I sleep for seven days, haven't I been with you all the time?"

Li Mushen smiled and said, "Because, when I said you were not paying attention, I knocked you out."

Li Mushen's words shocked Mo Lingyue's face, "Really!?"

"it is true."

Li Mushen's words are not false!

Mo Lingyue said: "Then what have you been doing these seven days?"

Fortunately, Mo Lingyue breathed a sigh of relief that there was no injury on Li Mushen's body, and he was safe and sound.

At the same time, Mo Lingyue was also very curious in her heart.

Curious about what Li Mushen did during these seven days?

In this regard, Li Mushen, of course, has a little bit of concealment.

Tell Mo Lingyue everything that happened to him in the past few days.

As for that Demon Spirit Moon, after learning what Li Mushen had done in the past seven days, his eyes widened and he was stunned, looking unbelievable!

"How is that possible?! You actually went to the depths of the barren ancient cave."

"The three star trees in the depths of the barren ancient caves, the power of the stars contained in them, have been swallowed by you?"

No matter what, Mo Lingyue couldn't believe it.

This Li Mushen, how did his strength suddenly become so powerful.

Li Mushen nodded, "Now, I have devoured the tree of stars in the entire desolate ancient cave. I think I have enough strength to deal with the Heavenly Demon Star Lord on that day's Demon Star."


Demon Moon was shocked.

"Of course it's true."

"Now, in this barren ancient cave, we don't need to stay any longer, and it's time to leave here." Li Mushen said.

The Soul Devouring Crocodile on the side hurriedly opened his mouth and asked, "Master, what about me?"

Li Mushen glanced at the soul-devouring crocodile and said, "If you want, you can also follow me away."

"If you don't want to, then continue to stay in this barren ancient cave, and I will release you."

The Soul Devouring Crocodile nodded quickly, "Yes, yes. Master, I'm already your mount, and I must follow you well."

The Soul Devouring Crocodile knew that this might be a huge opportunity for him!

Once he becomes the Heavenly Demon Star Lord of the entire Heavenly Demon Star and defeats the current Heavenly Demon Star Lord, then the entire Heavenly Demon Star is under the rule of Li Mushen.

Li Mushen will become the ruler of the entire Heavenly Demon Star.

And as Li Mushen's mount, his status has naturally risen, so he doesn't need to stay here all the time!

This is the plan in the mind of the Soul Devouring Crocodile.

Of course, Li Mushen didn't know about the plan in the mind of this soul-devouring crocodile, and even if he did, Li Mushen wouldn't care at this time.

Next, Li Mushen and Mo Lingyue boarded the body of the Soul Devouring Crocodile.

After boarding the body of the Soul Devouring Crocodile, he left without any stop and left.

Although the Soul Devouring Crocodile is huge, its speed is extremely fast. As the ground shakes, it is as fast as lightning.

Soon, the Soul Devouring Crocodile took Li Mushen and Mo Lingyue away from this barren ancient cave mountain.

In a blink of an eye, he left the barren ancient cave.

Along the way, Mo Lingyue has not recovered for a long time!

Because she never expected such a result to happen!

She never imagined that Li Mushen was so powerful, even far beyond his imagination!

It was so easy to break through the barren ancient cave.

Slaughtered the three strongest primordial demon creatures in the desolate ancient cave!

Moreover, it occupied the tree of stars in the hands of these three great ancient demon creatures.

Captured the power of the stars contained in the tree of stars.

As a result, the body of Li Mushen has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Mo Lingyue's heart is unimaginable.

In the entire barren ancient cave, Li Mushen fully absorbed the power of the stars contained in the four star trees.

Now, can he defeat the Heavenly Demon Star Lord of the Demon Star that day?

Involuntarily, in Mo Lingyue's heart, there is already expectation!

She waited so long, but she didn't expect this day to come so soon, suddenly.

At this time of the Devil's Moon, I was looking forward to the fight between Li Mushen and the Heavenly Devil Star Lord!

I am looking forward to seeing the day when the Lord of the Demon Star died in the hands of Li Mushen!

All this is what she wants to do!

Mo Lingyue's eyes were deep and excited.

Even, did not care to return to the small world.

The speed of the swallowing crocodile is very fast. After leaving the barren ancient cave, it walks through the entire Demon Star, as fast as lightning. As the earth shakes, it naturally absorbs the attention of the demon guards in those Demon Stars. .

Those demon guards were ordered by the Heavenly Demon Star Lord to come here to find the trace of Li Mushen!

They saw a terrifying beast!

The power emanating from this terrifying beast was so shocking to them!

Even, so that they can't even say a word!

All of this is shocking enough!

Those demon guards stared blankly at the giant beast, and someone said, "What a terrifying power, I didn't expect there would be such a terrifying beast in this demon star."

In You Mowei's eyes, there was an indefinite light flashing, because he guessed where the giant beast came from.

He opened his mouth and said, "In this demon star, there are such powerful beasts, which should have come from the barren ancient cave."

With the words of one demon guard, the eyes of the other demon guards were full of shock!

"It turned out to be from the barren ancient cave. It has been a long time, and no giant beast dares to come out of the barren ancient cave!"

These demon guards all know the horror of the giant beast in the barren ancient cave!

There, there are three terrifying primordial demon creatures sitting in it!

Moreover, in the barren ancient caves, there are still several trees of stars!

These few star trees are what the Heavenly Demon Star Lord hopes to get.

And Star Master Tianmo had also tried, but unfortunately they all failed in the end!

Even, the Heavenly Demon Star Lord, who came back from the barren ancient cave, looks so embarrassed!

Obviously, those Demon Guards knew that their Heavenly Demon Star Master must have suffered a big loss in the desolate ancient cave!

And, since then, their Heavenly Demon Star Lord has never been to the Desolate Ancient Grotto again.

Of course, from the barren ancient caves, no beasts came out of them.

These demon guards did not expect that there are ancient demons coming out of the barren ancient cave today, which is already a big event!

Without any hesitation, these demon guards hurried back to the ruins of the demon star and reported the matter to the star master of the demon star.

As for the other side, Li Mushen has returned to the small world.

In the small world, those star powerhouses looked at this giant beast as tall as a mountain in shock, and could hardly say a word!

The terrifying aura emanating from the body of the Soul Devouring Crocodile, even they were shocked!

The terrifying aura even made them surrender involuntarily!

This is absolutely, mind blowing!

This makes people even more speechless!

In Li Mushen's eyes, there is a dazzling light.

It can be seen that Li Mushen is full of confidence in his current strength.

Although he didn't have Tiandi Mall, he relied on his strength to make himself stronger again!

In himself, Li Mushen is full of absolute confidence!

The Devil Moon has always been immersed in joy.

Li Mushen's eyes flickered with light, and finally the light in his eyes converged.

He opened his mouth and said, "Next, I will leave this small world and fight against the Lord of the Demon Stars."

That's right, Li Mushen can't wait.

He desperately wants to defeat the Heavenly Demon Star Lord, only in this way can he become the Heavenly Demon Star Lord of the entire Heavenly Demon Star!

Only in this way can he leave this Heavenly Demon Star and return to the Immortal God Continent!

This is the goal that Li Mushen has been striving for!

And now, his goal is finally coming true!

"Although the Heavenly Demon Star Lord is powerful, he is the ruler of the entire Heavenly Demon Star, but Li Mushen, although your strength is strong now, you have to be careful and don't have any carelessness."

It seems that Mo Lingyue is still worried that Li Mushen is not the opponent of Mo Xingzhu that day.

"I understand." Li Mushen said solemnly.

"So, when are you going to challenge the Demon Star Lord that day, Master, I'll accompany you!" The Soul Devouring Crocodile beside him spoke to Li Mu.

Li Mushen said lightly, his eyes deep, "rest today, go tomorrow!"

"it is good!"

Especially those warriors living in the small world, when they heard what Li Mushen said, they seemed to see the candlelight of life, and they were full of hope!

And only if Li Mushen can do it, they can achieve it!

In their hearts, they are also looking forward to it!

They expect Li Mushen to go to Tianmoxing to defeat the Lord of Tianmoxing!

From then on, they no longer have to live in this small world, just like ants!

Like a mouse in the dark!

They don't want to go through this kind of life anymore!

Li Mushen's eyes were deep.

But suddenly, the whole ground was shaking violently.

In the whole small world, power is also surging!

This terrifying power is earth-shattering!

Let the warriors in that small world be full of fear.

As if something terrifying had happened.

As for the Demon Spirit Moon, his brows furrowed.