Primordial God

Chapter 1332: Fighting the Demon Star Lord (1)

In the eyes of Tianmo Star Lord, there is a raging anger burning.

He said coldly: "Then I have to see, this guy Li Mushen, how much ability does he have to deal with me?"

In the eyes of Tianmo Star Lord, there was a cold killing intent galloping in his eyes, rolling in the air, obviously he did not take Li Mushen in his eyes.

However, Star Lord Tianmo was still very worried.

He was 100,000 worried about how much the strength of Li Mushen had improved. .

After all, before that, Li Mushen had a lot of means to compete with him.

So now, to that Li Mushen, how powerful is his means?

All of this makes Heavenly Demon Star Master never have any carelessness!

The Soul Devouring Crocodile opened his mouth coldly and said to Star Lord Tianmo, "I advise you to let me go now, otherwise, my Master will not let you go!"

"I tell you, my master is the master of the entire Heavenly Demon Star!"

Star Lord Tianmo did not respond to the Soul Devouring Crocodile.

He just gave him a cold look and said, "It seems that you are seeking your own death."

The Soul Devouring Crocodile's heart sank, especially when he saw the coldness in the eyes of the Heavenly Demon Star Lord.

Filled with fear.

He didn't dare to say anything to this soul-devouring crocodile.

The Star Lord Tianmo spoke coldly and said solemnly, "I don't care who I am, but no one should provoke me, and once someone who recruits me, I will let him know what the consequences of harassing me will be. of!"

After finishing speaking, the body of the Heavenly Demon Star Lord.

The violent power erupted in an instant, and the power of the stars in his hand rioted.

The hand that grabbed the Soul Devouring Crocodile was suddenly shrinking!

The Soul Devouring Crocodile only felt that at this moment, the whole body suddenly became extremely painful!

Of course, the Soul Devouring Crocodile couldn't find any other solution.

The soul-devouring crocodile's heart was full of terror.

He spoke angrily and shouted to the Lord of the Demon Star: "You... what are you doing to me?!"

"What did you say I would do to you?" Star Lord Tianmo said lightly.

Without any hesitation, in an instant, he asked for the name of this soul-devouring crocodile!

A loud bang.

The body of the Soul Devouring Crocodile suddenly exploded with thunder!

Even this soul-devouring crocodile didn't have time to let out a scream!

He has completely lost his life in the hands of the Heavenly Demon Star Lord!

The blood fog that fills the sky, even covers the sky!

And this is all the price to pay for provoking the Heavenly Demon Star Lord!

All of this is unbearable for them!

After completing all this, the star Lord Tianmo's eyes were cold and stern.

In the eyes, there is a cold light!

His eyes looked towards the small world.

He opened his mouth, and his voice was strong and powerful, almost resounding throughout the small world.

"Li Mushen, get out of here!"

In the small world, Li Mushen's eyes were cold.

Of course, he also heard the voice of the Heavenly Demon Star Lord.

Beside, Mo Lingyue looked at Li Mushen.

"It's the voice of the Heavenly Demon Star Lord."

Li Mushen nodded, "I didn't expect the Demon Star Master to come here in person that day."

"Next, what should I do?" Mo Lingyue was a little worried.

Li Mushen said lightly: "Just right, I also want to fight against the Demon Star Lord, and see how powerful the Demon Star Lord is?"

"Be careful." Mo Lingyue said to Li Mushen.

Li Mushen nodded.

Without any hesitation, he went out of the small world.

After such a long time, the Soul Devouring Crocodile has not come back, but Li Mushen's heart is very clear.

It is very likely that the Devouring Heavenly Crocodile has already died in the hands of the Demon Star Lord that day.

After leaving the small world, very soon, Li Mushen facilitated the meeting with the Demon Star Lord that day.

The Sky Demon Star Lord stood in the void, carrying the sky on his back, looking like he was the only one who respected himself.

Li Mushen looked at him.

"Li Mushen, I heard that you entered the barren ancient cave." The Lord of the Demon Star said coldly.

"Yes, I entered the barren ancient cave." Li Mushen nodded.

"How many Star Trees did you get in it?" Tianmo Xingzhu asked coldly.

Li Mushen smiled indifferently, "Do you think I got a few star trees?"

In fact, there is no need for the Heavenly Demon Star Master to think about it. The Heavenly Demon Star Master is also very clear in his heart. I am afraid that Li Mushen, the tree of stars, has already obtained it. Since then, the power aura emanating from Li Mushen's body is so powerful!

This made the Heavenly Demon Star Master never dare to be careless, and seemed extremely cautious!

Li Mushen faced the Heavenly Demon Star Lord indifferently. Compared with his indifference, the Heavenly Demon Star Lord's mood seemed a little dignified!

The Heavenly Demon Star Lord snorted coldly, "Don't think that you have absorbed the power of the stars contained in a few star trees, then you are my opponent! If there are such easy things in the world, then isn't everyone? Can you become the master of the Demon Star, the Lord of the Demon Star above the Demon Star?"

Facing the words of the Heavenly Demon Star Master, Li Mushen did not refute, but directly used his actual actions to prove all this.

In Li Mushen's body, with the endless surging of power, endless rushing, powerful force surging in Li Mushen's body, the vortex of stars in Li Mushen's body is rapidly turning, the power of the stars is endless poured out of it.

Suddenly, an aura that shook the world rushed out of Li Mushen's body, completely permeating the world!

All of this is shocking enough and unbelievable enough!

As Li Mushen burst out with such a powerful and amazing aura, Star Lord Tianmo was unwilling to do so, and Star Lord Tianmo also burst out with such a powerful and terrifying aura of power!

When the two sides erupted with such amazing power, everything was shocking enough!

I'm afraid no one would have thought that such amazing power would erupt in Li Mushen's body!

Li Mushen did not hesitate, he shot directly!

A flaming long sword appeared in his hand, he used the sword magic disintegration sword technique, and with the power of the sword, he fiercely attacked the Heavenly Demon Star Lord!

Under his powerful attack, everything also seemed extremely spiritual!

The sword qi he cut out was simply across the world!

That energy that traverses the heavens and the earth seems to directly divide the whole world into two halves. Generally, one can imagine the power contained in it, and how powerful it is!

All in all, it is unimaginable, and it is impossible for people to bear it so easily!

The powerful power is still surging in Li Mushen's body, and when Li Mushen and Tianmo Star Lord fought against each other, they both burst out with absolutely amazing power!

Star Lord Tianmo easily avoided the sword qi that Li Mushen turned to him, and the sword fell on the side of the mountain, when his sword qi slashed on the side of the mountain. !

That mountain suddenly collapsed and was completely shattered!

All this is shocking enough, not unbelievable enough, no one expected that the strength contained in Li Mushen would become so powerful in the end!

Of course, even the Heavenly Demon Star Lord did not expect that the power contained in the fight between the Heavenly Demon Star Lord and Li Mushen was also so amazing and so powerful!

A hammer appeared in the hands of the Heavenly Demon Star Lord.

The hammer is completely formed by the power of the stars!

He fought against Li Mushen's flaming long sword with a hammer. The two collided, and the power surged, and suddenly an amazing force erupted. Li Mushen and Tianmo Star Lord fought together, and the powerful force almost destroyed. Everything in this world!

Now the strength of the two is probably the most powerful two sides on the entire Tianmo star!

As for the final result, whether Li Mushen is strong or Tianmo Star Master is strong, it depends on who is the most powerful!

From the small world, Mo Lingyue and the star powerhouses in the small world appeared, watching this scene, watching Li Mushen fight against the Tianmo star master!

Mo Lingyue watched from the side, she was very worried about the safety of Li Mushen, and worried that Li Mushen was not the opponent of Tianmo Star Lord!

However, in the process of watching Mo Lingyue, he also saw that in the fight, Li Mushen and Tianmo Star Lord were evenly matched, and neither was an opponent. At least for the time being, it seemed that Li Mushen could not defeat Mo Lingyue. In the same way, the Devil Spirit Moon was unable to defeat Li Mushen for the time being!

Fortunately, this scene made Mo Lingyue's heart breathe a sigh of relief, and it was not so worried.

As for Mo Lingyue, he is actually extremely worried about what the final result of Li Mushen will be now. Whether this kind of Li Mushen can defeat the Heavenly Demon Star Master is actually unknown!

The battle between Li Mushen and the Heavenly Demon Star Master, the endless power of stars shot out from the bodies of the two people, and two terrifying beams of light shot straight into the sky, as if they shot directly from this one Heavenly Demon Star. go out!

Li Mushen directly used his most powerful means to fight against the Heavenly Demon Star Master, but for the Heavenly Demon Star Master, he also did not have any carelessness, and also burst out with all his strength, especially when the Heavenly Demon Star Master learned After Li Mushen completely devoured the power of the stars contained in the tree of stars in the desolate ancient cave, this also made the Heavenly Demon Star Master not be careless!

The two sides are fighting, and the violent power is like a great wave, rushing to all directions, destroying everything in this world!

It can be said that all of this is unstoppable and unbearable, and this is what they cannot successfully accomplish!

Terrifying power and over almost destruction!

Destroying everything in this world, everything in this world is destroyed!

Everything was being destroyed. In order not to destroy that small world because of the aftermath of the battle, Li Mushen kept fighting with the Heavenly Demon Star Lord, and soon he fought with the Heavenly Demon Star Lord from outside the small world, directly to the Heavenly Demon Star. middle!

Among the Heavenly Demon Stars, the strength of the Heavenly Demon Star Lord is still slowly and powerfully improving, and at the same time, Li Mushen's strength is also improving, because when the two sides just started to erupt, to be honest, neither of them directly defeated themselves the most. The strength exploded!

Now for Star Lord Tianmo and Li Mushen, what they have to do is very simple!