Primordial God

Chapter 1333: Fighting the Demon Star Lord (2)

That is to defeat the opponent's Heavenly Demon Star Lord. If he can defeat Li Mushen, he will completely stabilize his own territory, stabilize himself, and come from the dominance of the entire Heavenly Demon Star!

As for Li Mushen, if Li Mushen defeats the Heavenly Demon Star Lord, Li Mushen will become the master of the entire world!

The entire Heavenly Demon Star will be ruled by it, and he will overthrow the Heavenly Demon Star Lord and become the most powerful being in the entire Heavenly Demon Star!

And once this is the case, Li Mushen must have enough power to defeat the entire Heavenly Demon Star and be able to leave from this Heavenly Demon Star!

This is why Li Mushen is a powerful purpose, why he makes his own strength stronger, this is what Li Mushen has to do, and he hopes that he can grow up!

Letting himself leave the Demon Star as soon as possible, this is Li Mushen's plan in his heart, and what he hopes to do is also the direction he has been striving for!

But now it seems that this Li Mushen is about to be realized, as long as he can add the demon star in front of him, and kill it here!

Push away the big mountain that blocks this mountain in front of him, then it can go to find the next path!

Both of them are for the purpose of their own hearts, so Li Mushen is still the star master of Tianmo. They are absolutely amazing and have completely exploded their strengths. Everything is terrifying and unbearable!

The power is endlessly surging, galloping between the whole world, and the violent power is almost destroying the sky and destroying the earth. , that power is still surging, and the power that is still surging and surging is still so powerful, and it is still so terrifying, all of them can't bear it, so that all of them can't resist. , I am afraid that only Li Mushen and Tianmo Star Master can be evenly matched between the two, otherwise who else will be their opponents, this is of course impossible!

The violent power is really destroying the sky and destroying the earth. Everything in this world is destroyed. I am afraid that no one can resist this, and no one can bear it!

Li Mushen, the flaming long sword in his hand attacked Star Master Tianmo, and for Star Master Tianmo, his hammer also hit Li Mushen heavily. For you, Li Mushen, his pain is Unbearable!

After completing all this, it is also the result that none of them can imagine, the unimaginable thing!

In the eyes of the Heavenly Demon Star Lord, the golden light shone brightly!

Its power is absolutely amazing, absolutely powerful!

The power is domineering. His power is extremely powerful. When the star hammer bombarded his body, he only felt a sharp pain in his chest, as if it was destroyed!

Fortunately, although this force is powerful, Li Mushen can still bear it, but although Li Mushen can bear it, he still feels extremely difficult!

Of course, the attack of the Heavenly Demon Star Lord was extremely painful to him. Similarly, Li Mushen's attack on him also made him feel extremely painful. It was almost unbearable for the Heavenly Demon Star Lord to be on the body of the Heavenly Demon Star Master. The flaming long sword directly cut through his body. After cutting through his body, blood immediately flowed out!

When the blood flowed out, it suddenly turned into a fierce flame, and it burned in an instant!

The burning flame was surging, fortunately, the Heavenly Demon Star Master's means were extremely powerful. Although the flame on his body was extremely ferocious, he could easily deal with it!

The violent power is rolling and rushing, and it is completely galloping between the whole world. This is all unbelievable and unbelievable. I am afraid that no one has thought of it, and it will end like this!

Star Lord Tianmo's mood is even more serious than before, because Star Lord Tianmo also knows that Li Mushen's strength is many times stronger than he imagined. It will definitely be wiped out by Li Mushen in the hands of Li Mushen!

The power is surging, and the power is surging. The powerful power is enough to shock everyone and is unbearable for everyone. In an instant, this terrifying power will burst out!

In the entire void, there are countless sword qi shuttles between heaven and earth, each terrifying sword qi directly pierces the whole world, the power of stars contained in it, one can imagine how terrifying it is. Everything is unbearable and one can imagine how powerful Li Mushen is!

Of course, it is not only the power of Li Mushen, but also the Heavenly Demon Star Lord, and the power of the Heavenly Demon Star Lord bombarded Li Mushen's body, and the impact on Li Mushen was extremely huge!

The bombardment of every force of the Heavenly Demon Star Master was beyond the reach of Li Mushen!

Let him be unbearable, I am afraid that no one would have expected such a result!

The blood is rushing, and it is shocking!

With that violent power surging!

On Li Mushen's body, he was constantly attacked by hammers. When those hammers attacked Li Mushen's body, the impact on Li Mushen was almost unbearable for Li Mushen and almost made Li Mushen feel pain, but Li Mushen Can't find any other solution to this problem either!

The bones on the body seemed to be completely shattered under the bombardment of the hammer!

For Li Mushen, what he has endured is absolute pain that is unimaginably expensive and absolutely unbearable. Apart from this, there is no other solution that can be found. It is conceivable that the strength contained in this Heavenly Demon Star Master is. How terrifying!

Whether it is Li Mushen or Tianmo Star Lord, they don't dare to be careless towards each other, they all appear to be absolutely cautious!

But obviously in the battle between the two sides, the Heavenly Demon Star Lord has the upper hand. It seems that although Li Mushen has absorbed the power of stars contained in several star trees, it is still incomparable!

As the power is galloping and venting everything between the whole world, many powers are powerful, and it is conceivable that the damage that can be caused in the entire barren ancient cave is unimaginable!

The earth shakes, the earth is completely shattered, and with the shattered earth, everything is unimaginable!

One mountain after another collapsed, and one river after another broke!

The power is still monstrous and completely destroying the sky and the earth, the violent power is fragmenting everything, so that everything in this world is completely destroyed!

When the endless power surges through the whole world, whether it is the Heavenly Demon Star Lord or Li Mushen, although their power can destroy everything, but in fact the damage to them is also extremely huge, making people feel Unbearable!

I am afraid that this battle, which will be won and lost, will cause the entire sky to collapse, and at the same time, the entire sky will be destroyed!

The power of terror is still running endlessly. This power is so terrifying and shocking!

How shocking and unbearable the violent power is, who would have thought that such a terrifying power would emerge, such a violent power would emerge, everything is terrifying!

One mountain after another was completely slumbered by the violent force, and one mountain after another all collapsed! This is what broke out in it, extremely terrifying, amazing power, all of which are also shocking enough, and terrifying enough!

The ground shook and the mountains were destroyed, and the power was still surging. With a violent shout from the Lord of Heavenly Demon Star, it was immediately crushed on his body.

That star heavy hammer is something he can't bear, it's all that Li Mushen can't bear...

Li Mushen was directly blasted out and smashed into a mountain!

After he smashed into that mountain, the mountain was collapsed at any time!

The entire mountain was completely collapsed under this terrifying force!

Turned into ruins!

But the next moment, after smashing into the ruins, Li Mushen rushed out of the ruins again, and the whole body of Li Mushen was burning with absolutely terrifying light of stars!

And the light of this burning terrifying star is extremely dazzling and dazzling, comparable to the next day in the sky!

At this moment, I can clearly feel that the power contained in Li Mushen's body is stronger than the power contained in the body before, and it is even more terrifying and amazing!

All this is unimaginable and unbearable!

In the hands of Li Mushen, the flaming sword did not appear, instead, his hands burned with crimson brilliance!

That's right, the current Li Mushen uses his arms as his own weapons to attack the Heavenly Demon Star Lord!

The Lord of Heavenly Demon Star looked at Li Mushen coldly. When Li Mushen attacked him, he took action and quickly made a handprint with both hands. He mobilized the power in the entire Heavenly Demon Star!

After all, the Lord of Heavenly Demon Star at this time is the master of the entire Heavenly Demon Star, and even if the entire Heavenly Demon Star is under his control, it can be regarded as a matter of course!

When Tianmoxing took the initiative to use the power in the entire Tianmoxing, the sky was terrifying, and the earth shook. , there is also power surging!

The countless stone pillars rushed out of the ground, forming one barrier after another, blocking the entire sky!

The countless stone pillars almost formed a terrifying formation, binding the entire sky!

The great formation formed by the stone pillars soon surrounded Li Mushen directly in it!