Primordial God

Chapter 1335: Fighting the Demon Star Lord (4)

In his heart, he was worried about the safety of Li Mushen!

But other than that, there is no other way!

If he rushes to help Li Mushen, the final result will be death!

Li Mushen's eyes were full of helplessness, and he couldn't find a solution!

"Haha, since you don't want to call you, just die!" In the attack of the Heavenly Demon Star Lord.

Star Lord Tianmo was completely angry. At this time, Li Mushen was trapped in this stone pillar. There were countless meteorites falling from the sky, and those meteorites seemed to be stars outside the realm, hitting Li Mushen's body. Of course, Li Mushen couldn't resist!

Therefore, on the body of Li Mushen, the injuries he suffered were extremely serious. It was not until now that Li Mushen knew that although he was absorbing the power of the stars contained in several star trees, this did not mean that Li Mushen The Faun is the opponent of the Heavenly Demon Star Lord!

If it wasn't for now, I would have already been on an equal footing with Star Lord Tianmo. Although he couldn't defeat Star Lord Tianmo, he wouldn't be able to do any damage to him at all!

It was only at this time that Li Mushen knew that he was not only fighting against the Lord of Heavenly Demon Star, but also against the entire Heavenly Demon Star!

That's right, Li Mushen at this time is the enemy of the entire Tianmoxing!

The power of the Lord of Heavenly Demon is to be able to control the entire Heavenly Demon Star to fight against him, how can Li Mushen resist!

During the battle, Li Mushen was bombarded again and again, and because of this, the injuries he suffered on Li Mushen's body became more and more serious!

Li Mushen's face is extremely ugly, especially in the power of the stars used by the Heavenly Demon Star Lord, Li Mushen seems to be unable to move, the power of the stars between the whole world!

And the impact of this on Li Mushen is that Li Mushen is simply unable to mobilize the power of the stars between the entire heaven and earth, but will have a great impact on Li Mushen, so that Li Mushen can mobilize the entire heaven and earth. The power of the stars has also become weaker and weaker!

If this goes on, Li Mushen can only completely consume the power of the stars contained in his body!

And once the power of the stars in one's body is completely consumed, then it is not the opponent of Li Mushen at all, then the final result of oneself will also be the destruction of dead zombies!

As for the Devil Moon in the small world, there are those, the strong stars, when they saw what Li Mushen encountered, their eyes were full of despair. They didn't expect Li Mushen to end up like this, but right For them, they couldn't find a way to save Li Mushen for the time being. They could only see Li Mushen being bombarded again and again!

Today's Heavenly Demon Star Lord not only uses the power in his body, but also uses the power of the entire Heavenly Demon Star. When the Heavenly Demon Star Lord uses the power contained in the entire Heavenly Demon Star for his own use, it can burst out. The strength is almost unstoppable, and no one can defeat him!

As for the final result of this, it is impossible for Li Mushen to win!

Mo Lingyue watched this scene with gritted teeth, because he knew that if he continued to sit still like this, Li Mushen would die because of it!

Mo Lingyue took action, and he hurriedly asked Li Mushen to save Li Mushen. Those who formed the strong saw Mo Lingyue's intention and hurriedly stopped Mo Lingyue.

"Mo Lingyue, you can't go there, then you are not your opponent at all!"

"If you pass, not only will Li Mushen die in the hands of the Heavenly Demon Star Lord, but you will also die in the hands of the Heavenly Demon Star Lord!"

Those star powerhouses advised Mo Lingyue and worried about Mo Lingyue.

On the contrary, it was Mo Lingyue. He responded coldly with no expression on his face, and these star powerhouses said, "I can't just sit there and wait to die, if I just stare at Li Mushen like this, he will not be able to survive at all. If I go to help Li Mushen, he still has a chance!"

Mo Lingyue's words made the faces of these star powerhouses change suddenly, full of disbelief. They seemed to know what Mo Lingyue wanted to do, and they were determined to become powerhouses. They hurriedly stopped Li Mushen and said to Mo Lingyue: " Devil Moon is absolutely impossible, you absolutely cannot do this!"

"If you do this, your soul is bound to fly away, and who will be able to save you at that time?"

"Even if I die, we can't just watch Li Mushen die like this." Mo Lingyue clenched his fists and said to these star powerhouses in a deep voice: "You also know in your heart that now Li Mushen is dead." It is the hope in the entire Heavenly Demon Star, if Li Mushen is defeated in the hands of the Heavenly Demon Star Lord, then the entire Heavenly Demon Star will have no hope at all!"

"And once you wait for the entire Demon Star like this, the final result is bound to be destroyed. No one can save this Demon Star in the past. Would you like to see such a thing?"

Mo Lingyue's words made those star powerhouses look bad, but they couldn't find a reason to refute it. What Mo Lingyue said really made sense. Today, the entire Tianmoxing is already in ruins. They have been devastated under their rule, if they continue, do they really have any hope?

In this regard, Mo Lingyue did not hesitate any more, it was very fast and went directly to Li Mushen.

"We're here to help you!"

Those star powerhouses can't just sit still like this, and they have also acted to help Li Mushen.

Now, with the help of those powerful stars, Li Mushen's pressure has been greatly reduced.

This piece of Li Mushen has a chance to breathe a sigh of relief. At this time, for those new strongmen, they know that for the sake of the Heavenly Demon Star and for themselves, they have to fight with the Heavenly Demon Star Lord.

Powerful attacks erupted from the bodies of these star powerhouses. As for the star master, he coldly faced the attacks of these star powerhouses against him, with a sneer on his face, and said to these star powerhouses: " If you want to fight against me with your strength, it is really a slap in the face, and you are beyond your own power!"

In the body of the Heavenly Demon Star Lord, the power it contains is of course extremely powerful and terrifying, and these star powerhouses can be easily obliterated directly by raising a hand!

As soon as he reached out and grabbed a star powerhouse, it fell directly into his hand. With the force of his hand, the star became a powerhouse and was directly pinched to death by him!

The screams sounded. After the Lord of Heavenly Demon killed a star powerhouse, he continued to take action. It can be said that with the shot of the Lord of Heavenly Demon, almost no star powerhouse could resist his attack. That's it. One star after another, died tragically in his hands, and no one could stop it!

But these star powerhouses, they are not afraid of death, they attacked Tianmo Star Master again and again, and they did it for the Devil Moon and Li Mushen to cherish a piece of time!

"Don't keep trying, all of this is useless, you have no way to save Li Mushen, all of you are going to die here today!"

A dazzling blazing ray of light burst out in the eyes of the Heavenly Demon Star Master, he spoke coldly, his voice was powerful and powerful, and it almost resounded between the whole world.

"Today, I will completely eradicate the remnants of the entire Heavenly Demon Star, and completely kill all the mice you have been hiding!"

After finishing speaking, the Heavenly Demon Star Lord made his move, and the power in the Heavenly Demon Star Lord's body surged up, monstrous!

The surging powerful force wiped out several star powerhouses who attacked him in an instant, and no one could stop him! Unrivaled!

In this way, as one after another star powerhouse died in the hands of the Heavenly Demon Star Master, the sneer on the face of the Heavenly Demon Star Master became even more serious, and at the same time, the corpses of the star powerhouses he killed in his hands also disappeared. become more and more!

At this time, Mo Lingyue, although he knew that the stars were strong, the final result was probably death, but for Mo Lingyue, she had no other way, and she hurriedly came to the outside of the stone pillar formation.

Li Mushen saw the sudden arrival of Mo Lingyue at a glance, and said quickly, "Molingyue, why did you come here?"

Mo Lingyue responded to Li Mushen in a deep voice, and said to Li Mushen: "Li Mushen, I can't explain so much to you now, and you must defeat the Tianmo Star Lord by yourself!"

When Li Mushen heard Mo Lingyue's words, his brows furrowed, and there was always an ominous premonition in his heart.

I saw that in Mo Lingyue's hand at this time, he quickly listed a handprint, and as the handprint in his hand was pinched out, endless rays of light and ancient runes flickered between heaven and earth!

When those ancient runes flickered between the heavens and the earth, they instantly burned and turned into the most ferocious flames in the world.

At the same time, there is a shocking power, and with the emergence of those ancient runes, it falls into the entire stone pillar formation!

That force passed through the stone pillar formation and rushed directly into Li Mushen's body!

This is a kind of power that Li Mushen has never felt before. When a kind of power is completely integrated into Li Mushen's body, the help to Li Mushen is undoubtedly huge, and it is even unimaginable for Li Mushen. of!

And Li Mushen felt that his whole body was full of endless power, which made him unable to help let out a long howl, the monstrous power surging in Li Mushen's body, and seeing Li Mushen's eyes at this time seemed to be The two groups of divine fires are burning, his body contains endless power, and he seems to be able to vent the endless power contained in his body to Pentium at any time!

Li Mushen let out a long howl after another, and each long howl contained the strongest power, shaking the void of the sky!

As for the other side, the ancient runes issued in the void where the Demon Spirit Moon is located, the power possessed by Li Mushen becomes more and more terrifying, and the power that disappears in the Demon Spirit Moon also changes. Even more, at any time, the power in Mo Lingyue's body will completely disappear and disappear completely. All of this is unimaginable. I am afraid that no one would have expected such a result in the end!